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Last active December 22, 2020 21:07
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Virtualmin syncthing install script
our (%in, %config);
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
sub script_syncthing_desc
return "Syncthing";
sub script_syncthing_uses
return ( "syncthing", "apache2-utils" );
sub script_syncthing_longdesc
return "Syncthing is an application that lets you synchronize your files across multiple devices.";
sub script_syncthing_versions
return ( "1.1.4" );
sub script_syncthing_can_upgrade
return 1;
sub script_syncthing_release
return 1;
sub script_syncthing_gpl
return 1;
sub script_syncthing_category
return "Network";
sub script_syncthing_site
return '';
sub script_syncthing_depends
local ($d, $ver) = @_;
local @rv;
my $syncthing = &has_command($config{"syncthing_cmd"} || "syncthing");
$syncthing || push(@rv, "The syncthing package is not installed");
return @rv;
sub script_syncthing_perl_modules
return ("XML::LibXML");
sub script_syncthing_params
local ($d, $ver, $upgrade) = @_;
local $rv;
my $config_dir = "$d->{'home'}/.config/syncthing";
my $config_file = "$config_dir/config.xml";
my $user = $d->{'user'};
my $password = "";
if ( -f $config_file ) {
my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $config_file);
$user = $dom->findnodes('/configuration/gui/user/text()') || $user;
$password = $dom->findnodes('/configuration/gui/password/text()');
if ($upgrade) {
$rv .= &ui_table_row(" ", " ");
$rv .= &ui_table_row("", "<strong>Syncthing authentication</strong>");
$rv .= &ui_table_row("User", $user);
} else {
$rv .= &ui_table_row(" ", " ");
$rv .= &ui_table_row("", "<strong>Syncthing authentication</strong>");
$rv .= &ui_table_row("User", &ui_textbox("user", $user));
$rv .= &ui_table_row("Password", &ui_password("password"));
return $rv;
sub script_syncthing_parse
local ($d, $ver, $in, $upgrade) = @_;
if ($upgrade) {
return $upgrade->{'opts'};
return {
"user" => $in->{'user'} || $d->{'user'},
"password" => $in->{'password'}
sub script_syncthing_check
local ($d, $ver, $opts, $upgrade) = @_;
my $rv;
my $user = $opts->{'user'} || $d->{'user'};
if (! $user || length($user) < 3) {
$rv .= "Please, provide a valid username (minumum of 3 chars)" . "<br/>";
my $password = $opts->{'password'};
if (! $password || length($password) < 6) {
$rv .= "Please, provide a valid password (minimum of 6 chars)" . "<br/>";
return $rv;
sub script_syncthing_files
sub script_syncthing_install
local ($d, $version, $opts, $files, $upgrade, $domuser, $dompass) = @_;
local ($out, $ex);
my $syncthing = &has_command($config{'syncthing_cmd'} || "/usr/bin/syncthing");
my $syncthing_web_path = "/syncthing/";
my $syncthing_ext_url = "http://$d->{'dom'}$syncthing_web_path";
my $config_dir = "$d->{'home'}/.config/syncthing";
my $config_file = "$config_dir/config.xml";
my $out = &run_as_domain_user($d, "$syncthing -generate=$config_dir");
if (! -r $config_file) {
return (0, "Failed to create syncthing configuration files");
my $config_dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $config_file);
my ($el_gui) = $config_dom->findnodes('/configuration/gui');
# setting user
my ($el_user) = $el_gui->findnodes('user');
if (! $el_user) {
$el_user = $config_dom->createElement('user');
$el_user->appendText($opts->{'user'} || $d->{'user'});
# setting password
my ($el_password) = $el_gui->findnodes('password');
if (! $el_password) {
$el_password = $config_dom->createElement('password');
my $password_hash = substr(`htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" $opts->{'password'}`, 1);
$password_hash =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# update syncthing xml
my $syncthing_int_url = $config_dom->findnodes('/configuration/gui/address/text()');
local $conf = &apache::get_config();
local @ports = ( $d->{'web_port'}, $d->{'ssl'} ? ( $d->{'web_sslport'} ) : ( ) );
foreach my $port (@ports) {
local ($virt, $vconf) = &get_apache_virtual($d->{'dom'}, $port);
next if (!$virt);
local @pp = &apache::find_directive("ProxyPass", $vconf);
local @ppr = &apache::find_directive("ProxyPassReverse", $vconf);
push(@pp, "$syncthing_web_path http://$syncthing_int_url/");
push(@ppr, "$syncthing_web_path http://$syncthing_int_url/");
&apache::save_directive("ProxyPass", \@pp, $vconf, $conf);
&apache::save_directive("ProxyPassReverse", \@ppr, $vconf, $conf);
# Create an init script
my $cmd = &get_syncthing_start_cmd($d, $opts);
my $userd = $d->{'parent'} ? &get_domain($d->{'parent'}) : $d;
if (&foreign_installed("init") && $userd && $userd->{'unix'} && !$upgrade) {
my $name = "syncthing-$d->{'user'}";
my $killcmd = "kill `pgrep -f $syncthing`";
my $opts = { };
if ($init::init_mode eq 'upstart' || $init::init_mode eq 'systemd') {
# Init system will background it
$opts->{'fork'} = 0;
else {
$cmd .= "&";
"Starting syncthing for $d->{'user'}",
&command_as_user($userd->{'user'}, 0, $cmd),
&command_as_user($userd->{'user'}, 0, $killcmd),
# Start the server process
&script_syncthing_start_server($d, $opts);
return (1, "Syncthing is installed for $domuser. Try accessing the adming at"
. " <a href=\"$syncthing_ext_url\">$syncthing_ext_url</a> with the password '$password'");
sub script_syncthing_start_server
local ($d, $opts) = @_;
my $cmd = &get_syncthing_start_cmd($d, $opts);
&run_as_domain_user($d, $cmd, 1);
sub script_syncthing_stop
local ($d, $sinfo) = @_;
my $opts = $sinfo->{'opts'};
if (!$opts->{'port'}) {
return undef;
&script_syncthing_stop_server($d, $opts);
my $name = "syncthing-$d->{'user'}";
if (defined(&init::delete_at_boot)) {
else {
sub script_syncthing_stop_server
local ($d, $opts) = @_;
my $syncthing = &has_command($config{'syncthing_cmd'} || "/usr/bin/syncthing");
my $killcmd = "kill `pgrep -f $syncthing`";
&run_as_domain_user($d, $killcmd);
sub script_syncthing_uninstall
local ($d, $version, $opts) = @_;
local $conf = &apache::get_config();
local @ports = ( $d->{'web_port'}, $d->{'ssl'} ? ( $d->{'web_sslport'} ) : ( ) );
my $syncthing_web_path = "/syncthing/";
foreach my $port (@ports) {
local ($virt, $vconf) = &get_apache_virtual($d->{'dom'}, $port);
next if (!$virt);
local @pp = &apache::find_directive("ProxyPass", $vconf);
local ($pp) = grep { $_ =~ /^\Q$syncthing_web_path\E\s/ } @pp;
if ($pp) {
@pp = grep { $_ ne $pp } @pp;
&apache::save_directive("ProxyPass", \@pp, $vconf, $conf);
local @ppr = &apache::find_directive("ProxyPassReverse", $vconf);
local ($ppr) = grep { $_ =~ /^\Q$syncthing_web_path\E\s/ } @ppr;
if ($ppr) {
@ppr = grep { $_ ne $ppr } @ppr;
&apache::save_directive("ProxyPassReverse", \@ppr, $vconf, $conf);
&script_syncthing_stop($d, { 'opts' => $opts });
return (1, "Syncthing is disabled now");
sub get_syncthing_start_cmd
my ($d, $opts) = @_;
my $syncthing = &has_command($config{'syncthing_cmd'} || "/usr/bin/syncthing");
my $cmd = "$syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0";
return $cmd;
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