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Last active February 3, 2017 15:16
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Chinese Radicals

The 214 chinese radicals are shown as tiles. The radical is the black grapheme in the tile center while its simplification, when available, is shown in red. The top left digit denotes the number of the radical while the top right one the stroke counts needed for drawing the grapheme.

The stroke count has been also encoded using the tile color. Two alternated grays have been used in order to group radicals having the same stroke count.

For each radical its corresponding english name and pinyin conversion (within brackets) are placed below the grapheme.

Data have been taken from yellowbridge while pinyin with tones have been converted to toned marks using the Javascript pinyin-converter.

number radical variants simplifiedradical pinyin english strokecount
1 yi1 one 1
2 gun3 line 1
4 丿 乀 (fu2), 乁(yi2) pie3 slash 1
5 乚 (yin3), 乛 yi4 second 1
6 jue2 hook 1
3 zhu3 dot 1
7 er4 two 2
8 tou2 lid 2
9 ren2 man 2
10 er2 legs 2
11 ru4 enter 2
12 ba1 eight 2
13 jiong3 down box 2
14 mi4 over 2
15 bing1 ice 2
16 ji1 table 2
17 qu3 open box 2
18 dao1 knife 2
19 li4 power 2
20 bao1 wrap 2
21 bi3 spoon 2
22 fang1 right open box 2
23 xi3 hiding enclo­sure 2
24 shi2 ten 2
25 bu3 mysti­cism 2
26 jie2 seal 2
27 han4 cliff 2
28 si1 private 2
29 you4 again 2
31 wei2 enclo­sure 3
32 tu3 earth 3
33 shi4 scholar 3
34 zhi3 (top) go 3
35 sui1 (bot­tom) go slowly 3
36 xi1 evening 3
37 da4 big 3
38 nü3 woman 3
39 zi3 child 3
40 mian2 roof 3
41 cun4 inch 3
42 xiao3 small 3
43 wang1 lame 3
44 shi1 corpse 3
45 che4 sprout 3
46 shan1 moun­tain 3
47 巛, 巜 (gui4) chuan1 river 3
48 gong1 work 3
49 ji3 oneself 3
50 jin1 turban 3
51 gan1 dry 3
52 yao1 short thread 3
30 kou3 mouth 3
53 广 guan3 dotted cliff 3
54 yin3 long stride 3
55 gong3 two hands 3
56 yi4 shoot 3
57 gong1 bow 3
58 ji4 snout 3
59 shan1 bristle 3
60 chi4 step 3
61 xin1 heart 4
62 ge1 halberd 4
63 hu4 door 4
64 shou3 hand 4
65 zhi1 branch 4
66 pu1 rap 4
67 wen2 script 4
68 dou3 dipper 4
69 jin1 axe 4
70 fang1 square 4
71 wu2 not 4
72 ri4 sun 4
73 yue1 say 4
74 yue4 moon 4
75 mu4 tree 4
76 qian4 lack 4
77 zhi3 stop 4
79 shu1 weapon 4
80 wu2 do not 4
81 bi3 compare 4
82 mao2 fur 4
83 shi4 clan 4
84 qi4 steam 4
85 shui3 water 4
86 huo3 fire 4
87 zhao3 claw 4
88 fu4 father 4
89 yao2 double x 4
90 pan2, qiang2 half tree trunk 4
91 pian4 slice 4
92 ya2 fang 4
93 niu2 cow 4
94 quan3 dog 4
78 dai3 death 4
95 xuan2 pro­found 5
96 yu4 jade 5
97 gua1 melon 5
98 wa3 tile 5
99 gan1 sweet 5
100 sheng1 life 5
101 yong4 use 5
102 tian2 field 5
103 pi3 bolt of cloth 5
104 chuang2 sick­ness 5
105 bo4 dotted tent 5
106 bai2 white 5
107 pi2 skin 5
108 min3 dish 5
109 mu4 eye 5
110 mao2 spear 5
111 shi3 arrow 5
112 shi2 stone 5
113 shi4 spirit 5
114 rou3 track 5
115 he2 grain 5
116 xue4 cave 5
117 li4 stand 5
133 zhi4 arrive 6
118 zhu2 bamboo 6
121 fou3 jar 6
122 wang3 net 6
123 yang2 sheep 6
124 yu3 feather 6
125 lao3 old 6
126 er2 and 6
127 lei3 plow 6
128 er3 ear 6
129 yu4 brush 6
130 rou4 meat 6
131 chen2 minis­ter 6
132 zi4 self 6
120 mi4 silk 6
134 jiu4 mortar 6
135 she2 tongue 6
136 chuan3 oppose 6
137 zhou1 boat 6
138 gen4 stop­ping 6
139 se4 color 6
140 cao3 grass 6
141 hu1 tiger 6
142 chong2 insect 6
143 xue3 blood 6
144 xing2 walk enclo­sure 6
145 yi1 clothes 6
146 ya4 west 6
119 mi3 rice 6
147 jian4 see 7
148 jue2 horn 7
149 yan2 speech 7
150 gu3 valley 7
151 dou4 bean 7
152 shi3 pig 7
153 zhi4 badger 7
154 bei4 shell 7
155 chi4 red 7
156 zou3 run 7
157 zu2 foot 7
158 shen1 body 7
159 che1 cart 7
160 xin1 bitter 7
161 chen2 morning 7
162 chuo4 walk 7
163 阝 (right) yi4 city 7
164 you3 wine 7
165 bian4 distin­guish 7
166 li3 village 7
167 jin1 gold 8
168 chang2 long 8
170 阝 (left) fu4 mound 8
171 dai4 slave 8
172 zhui1 short tailed bird 8
173 yu3 rain 8
174 qing1 blue 8
175 fei1 wrong 8
169 men2 gate 8
182 feng1 wind 9
177 ge2 leather 9
179 jiu3 leek 9
180 yin1 sound 9
181 ye4 leaf 9
176 mian4 face 9
183 fei1 fly 9
184 shi2 eat 9
185 shou3 head 9
186 xiang1 fragrant 9
178 wei2 tanned leather 9
187 ma3 horse 10
188 gu3 bone 10
189 gao1 tall 10
190 biao1 hair 10
191 dou4 fight 10
192 chang4 sacri­ficial wine 10
193 li4 caul­dron 10
194 gui3 ghost 10
195 yu2 fish 11
197 lu3 salt 11
198 鹿 lu4 deer 11
199 mai4 wheat 11
200 ma2 hemp 11
196 niao3 bird 11
201 huang2 yellow 12
202 shu3 millet 12
203 hei1 black 12
204 zhi3 embroi­dery 12
205 min3 frog 13
206 ding3 tripod 13
207 gu3 drum 13
208 shu3 rat 13
209 bi2 nose 14
210 qi2 even 14
211 齿 chi3 tooth 15
212 long2 dragon 16
213 gui1 turtle 16
214 yue4 flute 17
radical_component =
type: Object
required: true
pinyin: () ->
PinyinConverter.convert @value.pinyin
template: '''
<div class="radical">
<div class="numbers">
<div class="number">{{value.number}}</div>
<div class="number">{{value.strokecount}}</div>
<div class="characters">
<div class="character">{{value.radical}}</div>
<div class="character simplified">{{value.simplifiedradical}}</div>
<div class="text">{{value.english}}</div>
<div class="text">({{pinyin}})</div>
radicals_component =
type: Array
required: true
'radical': radical_component
template: '''
<div class="radicals">
<radical v-for="item in value" :value="item" :class="'_'+item.strokecount%2"></radical>
app = new Vue
el: '#app'
data: []
'radicals': radicals_component
mounted: () ->
d3.csv 'data.csv', (data) =>
@data = data.sort (a,b) -> a.number - b.number
body, html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
#app {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
.radicals {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin: 5px;
.radical {
width: 85px;
margin: 1px;
padding: 1px;
.radical:hover {
background: #FFF;
.radical > * {
pointer-events: none;
.radical .numbers {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.radical .number, .radical .strokecount {
font-size: 8px;
.radical .strokecount {
text-align: right;
.radical .characters {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: baseline;
.radical .character {
font-size: 30px;
.radical .simplified {
font-size: 20px;
color: #e41a1c;
.radical .text {
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;
._0 {
background: #e2e2e2;
._1 {
background: #f2f2f2;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Chinese Radicals</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="pinyin_converter.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<div id="app">
<radicals :value="data"></radicals>
<script src="index.js"></script>
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
var app, radical_component, radicals_component;
radical_component = {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
required: true
computed: {
pinyin: function() {
return PinyinConverter.convert(this.value.pinyin);
template: '<div class="radical">\n <div class="numbers">\n <div class="number">{{value.number}}</div>\n <div class="number">{{value.strokecount}}</div>\n </div>\n <div class="characters">\n <div class="character">{{value.radical}}</div>\n <div class="character simplified">{{value.simplifiedradical}}</div>\n </div>\n <div class="text">{{value.english}}</div>\n <div class="text">({{pinyin}})</div>\n</div>'
radicals_component = {
props: {
value: {
type: Array,
required: true
components: {
'radical': radical_component
template: '<div class="radicals">\n <radical v-for="item in value" :value="item" :class="\'_\'+item.strokecount%2"></radical>\n</div>'
app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
data: []
components: {
'radicals': radicals_component
mounted: function() {
return d3.csv('data.csv', (function(_this) {
return function(data) {
return = data.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.number - b.number;
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.2
PinyinConverter by David Chanin and Jen Liu @quizlet 2013
Inspired by
Authors: David Chanin and Jen Liu
Github: chanind
(function() {
var PinyinConverter;
PinyinConverter = {
pinyinRegex: /(shuang|chuang|zhuang|xiang|qiong|shuai|niang|guang|sheng|kuang|shang|jiong|huang|jiang|shuan|xiong|zhang|zheng|zhong|zhuai|zhuan|qiang|chang|liang|chuan|cheng|chong|chuai|hang|peng|chuo|piao|pian|chua|ping|yang|pang|chui|chun|chen|chan|chou|chao|chai|zhun|mang|meng|weng|shai|shei|miao|zhui|mian|yong|ming|wang|zhuo|zhua|shao|yuan|bing|zhen|fang|feng|zhan|zhou|zhao|zhei|zhai|rang|suan|reng|song|seng|dang|deng|dong|xuan|sang|rong|duan|cuan|cong|ceng|cang|diao|ruan|dian|ding|shou|xing|zuan|jiao|zong|zeng|zang|jian|tang|teng|tong|bian|biao|shan|tuan|huan|xian|huai|tiao|tian|hong|xiao|heng|ying|jing|shen|beng|kuan|kuai|nang|neng|nong|juan|kong|nuan|keng|kang|shua|niao|guan|nian|ting|shuo|guai|ning|quan|qiao|shui|gong|geng|gang|qian|bang|lang|leng|long|qing|ling|luan|shun|lian|liao|zhi|lia|liu|qin|lun|lin|luo|lan|lou|qiu|gai|gei|gao|gou|gan|gen|lao|lei|lai|que|gua|guo|nin|gui|niu|nie|gun|qie|qia|jun|kai|kei|kao|kou|kan|ken|qun|nun|nuo|xia|kua|kuo|nen|kui|nan|nou|kun|jue|nao|nei|hai|hei|hao|hou|han|hen|nai|rou|xiu|jin|hua|huo|tie|hui|tun|tui|hun|tuo|tan|jiu|zai|zei|zao|zou|zan|zen|eng|tou|tao|tei|tai|zuo|zui|xin|zun|jie|jia|run|diu|cai|cao|cou|can|cen|die|dia|xue|rui|cuo|cui|dun|cun|cin|ruo|rua|dui|sai|sao|sou|san|sen|duo|den|dan|dou|suo|sui|dao|sun|dei|zha|zhe|dai|xun|ang|ong|wai|fen|fan|fou|fei|zhu|wei|wan|min|miu|mie|wen|men|lie|chi|cha|che|man|mou|mao|mei|mai|yao|you|yan|chu|pin|pie|yin|pen|pan|pou|pao|shi|sha|she|pei|pai|yue|bin|bie|yun|nüe|lve|shu|ben|ban|bao|bei|bai|lüe|nve|ren|ran|rao|xie|re|ri|si|su|se|ru|sa|cu|ce|ca|ji|ci|zi|zu|ze|za|hu|he|ha|ju|ku|ke|qi|ka|gu|ge|ga|li|lu|le|qu|la|ni|xi|nu|ne|na|ti|tu|te|ta|xu|di|du|de|bo|lv|ba|ai|ei|ao|ou|an|en|er|da|wu|wa|wo|fu|fo|fa|nv|mi|mu|yi|ya|ye|me|mo|ma|pi|pu|po|yu|pa|bi|nü|bu|lü|e|o|a)r?[1-5]/gi,
vowels: {
'a*': '0',
'e*': '1',
'i*': '2',
'o*': '3',
'u*': '4',
'ü*': '5',
'A*': '6',
'E*': '7',
'I*': '8',
'O*': '9',
'U*': '10',
'Ü*': '11'
pinyin: {
1: ['ā', 'ē', 'ī', 'ō', 'ū', 'ǖ', 'Ā', 'Ē', 'Ī', 'Ō', 'Ū', 'Ǖ'],
2: ['á', 'é', 'í', 'ó', 'ú', 'ǘ', 'Á', 'É', 'Í', 'Ó', 'Ú', 'Ǘ'],
3: ['ǎ', 'ě', 'ǐ', 'ǒ', 'ǔ', 'ǚ', 'Ǎ', 'Ě', 'Ǐ', 'Ǒ', 'Ǔ', 'Ǚ'],
4: ['à', 'è', 'ì', 'ò', 'ù', 'ǜ', 'À', 'È', 'Ì', 'Ò', 'Ù', 'Ǜ'],
5: ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'ü', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Ü']
convert: function(string) {
var j, len, match, matches, replacement;
matches = string.match(this.pinyinRegex);
if (!matches) {
return string;
for (j = 0, len = matches.length; j < len; j++) {
match = matches[j];
replacement = this.getReplacement(match);
string = string.replace(match, replacement);
return string;
getReplacement: function(match) {
var accentMap, accentedVowelChar, base, replacedWord, tone, vowel, vowelChar, vowelNum, word;
accentMap = this.getAccentMap();
tone = match.slice(-1);
word = match.slice(0, -1).replace('v', 'ü').replace('V', 'Ü');
for (base in accentMap) {
vowel = accentMap[base];
if (word.indexOf(base) >= 0) {
vowelChar = vowel.match(/.\*/)[0];
vowelNum = this.vowels[vowelChar];
accentedVowelChar = this.pinyin[tone.toString()][vowelNum];
replacedWord = word.replace(base, vowel).replace(vowelChar, accentedVowelChar);
return replacedWord;
return match;
getAccentMap: function() {
var base, i, j, len, nostars, ref, stars, starsArray;
if (!this.accentMap) {
stars = 'a*i a*o e*i ia* ia*o ie* io* iu* ' + 'A*I A*O E*I IA* IA*O IE* IO* IU* ' + 'o*u ua* ua*i ue* ui* uo* üe* ' + 'O*U UA* UA*I UE* UI* UO* ÜE* ' + 'A* E* I* O* U* Ü* ' + 'a* e* i* o* u* ü*';
nostars = stars.replace(/\*/g, '');
starsArray = stars.split(' ');
this.accentMap = {};
ref = nostars.split(' ');
for (i = j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; i = ++j) {
base = ref[i];
this.accentMap[base] = starsArray[i];
return this.accentMap;
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define(factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
return module.exports = factory();
} else {
return root.PinyinConverter = factory();
})(this, function() {
return PinyinConverter;
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