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Created February 14, 2023 10:07
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%%% Time all the things!
%%% To use this hook, on the command line:
%%% ct_run -suite example_SUITE -pa . -ct_hooks timing_cth
%%% Note `-pa .`: the hook beam file must be in the code path when installing.
%% Mandatory Callbacks
%% Optional Callbacks
%% A timer record, used for timing the execution of a task.
-record(timer, {
last_start = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
duration = 0 :: non_neg_integer()
new_timer(AtTime) ->
#timer{last_start = AtTime}.
pause(#timer{last_start = LastStart, duration = Duration} = Timer, AtTime) ->
Timer#timer{duration = Duration + AtTime - LastStart}.
resume(Timer, AtTime) ->
Timer#timer{last_start = AtTime}.
%% This hook state is threaded through all the callbacks.
%% It collects time statistics for the test run. The following
%% kinds of tasks are all timed separately:
%% - suite init hook
%% - suite end hook
%% - group init hook
%% - group end hook
%% - test case init hook
%% - test case end hook
%% - test case execution
%% For each kind of task, the time is accumulated in the state.
%% If there are multiple suites, groups or test cases, the time
%% is accumulated for them together in each kind.
%% The state is also used to count the number of suites, groups and test cases.
-record(state, {
filename :: string(),
suites = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
groups = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
cases = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
fails = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
skips = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
suite_init_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
suite_end_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
group_init_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
group_end_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
testcase_init_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
testcase_end_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{},
testcase_timer = #timer{} :: #timer{}
%% Return the current time in milliseconds.
get_time() ->
%% Return a unique id for this CTH.
%% Using the filename means the hook can be used with different
%% log files to separate timing data within the same test run.
%% See Installing a CTH for more information.
id(Opts) ->
%% the path is relative to the test run directory
proplists:get_value(filename, Opts, "timing_cth.log").
%% Always called before any other callback function. Use this to initiate
%% any common state.
init(Id, _Opts) ->
{ok, #state{filename = Id}}.
pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = resume(State#state.suite_init_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{suite_init_timer = Timer},
{Config, NewState}.
post_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = pause(State#state.suite_init_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{suite_init_timer = Timer},
{Return, NewState}.
pre_end_per_suite(Suite, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = resume(State#state.suite_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{suite_end_timer = Timer},
{Config, NewState}.
post_end_per_suite(Suite, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = pause(State#state.suite_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{
suite_end_timer = Timer,
suites = State#state.suites + 1
{Return, NewState}.
pre_init_per_group(Suite, Group, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = resume(State#state.group_init_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{group_init_timer = Timer},
{Config, NewState}.
post_init_per_group(Suite, Group, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = pause(State#state.group_init_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{group_init_timer = Timer},
{Return, NewState}.
pre_end_per_group(Suite, Group, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = resume(State#state.group_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{group_end_timer = Timer},
{Config, NewState}.
post_end_per_group(Suite, Group, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = pause(State#state.group_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{
group_end_timer = Timer,
groups = State#state.groups + 1
{Return, NewState}.
pre_init_per_testcase(Suite, TC, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = resume(State#state.testcase_init_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{testcase_init_timer = Timer},
{Config, NewState}.
%% Called after each init_per_testcase (immediately before the test case).
post_init_per_testcase(Suite, TC, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
InitTimer = pause(State#state.testcase_init_timer, Now),
TestCaseTimer = resume(State#state.testcase_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{
testcase_init_timer = InitTimer,
testcase_timer = TestCaseTimer
{Return, NewState}.
%% Called before each end_per_testcase (immediately after the test case).
pre_end_per_testcase(Suite, TC, Config, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
TestCaseTimer = pause(State#state.testcase_timer, Now),
EndTimer = resume(State#state.testcase_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{
testcase_timer = TestCaseTimer,
testcase_end_timer = EndTimer
{Config, NewState}.
post_end_per_testcase(Suite, TC, Config, Return, State) ->
Now = get_time(),
Timer = pause(State#state.testcase_end_timer, Now),
NewState = State#state{
testcase_end_timer = Timer,
cases = State#state.cases + 1
{Return, NewState}.
%% Called after post_init_per_suite, post_end_per_suite, post_init_per_group,
%% post_end_per_group and post_end_per_testcase if the suite, group or test case failed.
on_tc_fail(Suite, TC, Reason, State) ->
State#state{fails = State#state.fails + 1}.
%% Called when a test case is skipped by either user action
%% or due to an init function failing.
on_tc_skip(Suite, TC, Reason, State) ->
State#state{skips = State#state.skips + 1}.
%% Called when the scope of the CTH is done
terminate(State) ->
FileName = State#state.filename,
File = file:open(FileName, [write, append]),
%% print CSV
io:format(File, "Suites,Groups,Cases,Fails,Skips,Init,End,Group,Test,Total~n"),
io:format(File, "~b,~b,~b,~b,~b,~b,~b,~b,~b,~b~n",
State#state.group_init_timer#timer.duration + State#state.group_end_timer#timer.duration,
State#state.testcase_init_timer#timer.duration + State#state.testcase_end_timer#timer.duration,
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