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Created November 26, 2022 15:11
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a minimaler example_cth.erl
%%% See discussion in:
%%% Common Test Example Common Test Hook module.
%% Mandatory Callbacks
%% Optional Callbacks
-record(state, { file_handle, total, suite_total, ts, tcs, data }).
%% Return a unique id for this CTH.
%% See Installing a CTH for more information.
id(Opts) ->
proplists:get_value(filename, Opts, "/tmp/file.log").
%% Always called before any other callback function. Use this to initiate
%% any common state.
init(Id, _) ->
{ok,D} = file:open(Id,[write]),
{ok, #state{ file_handle = D, total = 0, data = [] }}.
%% Called before init_per_suite is called.
pre_init_per_suite(_,Config,State) ->
{Config, State#state{ suite_total = 0, tcs = [] }}.
%% Called after end_per_suite.
post_end_per_suite(Suite,_,Return,State) ->
Data = {suites, Suite, State#state.suite_total, lists:reverse(State#state.tcs)},
{Return, State#state{ data = [Data |] ,
total = + State#state.suite_total } }.
%% Called before each init_per_testcase.
pre_init_per_testcase(_,_,Config,State) ->
Now = erlang:monotonic_time(microsecond),
{Config, State#state{ ts = Now, total = State#state.suite_total + 1 } }.
%% Called after each end_per_testcase.
post_end_per_testcase(Suite,TC,_,Return,State) ->
Now = erlang:monotonic_time(microsecond),
TCInfo = {testcase, Suite, TC, Return, Now - State#state.ts},
{Return, State#state{ ts = undefined, tcs = [TCInfo | State#state.tcs] } }.
%% Called when the scope of the CTH is done
terminate(State) ->
io:format(State#state.file_handle, "~p.~n",
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u3s commented Dec 1, 2022

Same comment as for other file:
I think bare '' is not good in example code. I think Suite is more informative for someone who tries to understand how to write a hook module.

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