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Last active August 5, 2020 21:57
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boundingBox.php code sample
interface iBoundingBox {
* Récupère les coordonnées de la BoundingBox
public function getCoords();
* Fusionne 2 BoundingBox et retourne une BoundingBox qui contient les 2 précédentes.
public function mergeWith( iBoundingBox $box );
* Retourne true si la BoundinBox est vide.
public function isEmpty();
* Compare 2 boundingBox avec une tolérance
public function equals( iBoundingBox $box, $tol = 0.01 );
interface iShape {
* Retourne la plus petite BoundingBox possible contenant toutes les Shapes
public static function computeBoundingBox( array $shapes );
* Retourne la BoundingBox d'une forme
public function getBoundingBox();
abstract class Shape implements iShape {
* Retourne la BoundingBox de la Shape en question
abstract public function getBoundingBox();
* Retourne une BoundingBox qui contient toutes les shapes
public static function computeBoundingBox( array $shapes )
$result = new Rectangle();
foreach( $shapes as $shape ){
$result->mergeWith( $shape->getBoundingBox() );
return $result;
class Rectangle extends Shape implements iBoundingBox {
* @var array Array (x1, y1, x2, y2)
protected $coords;
// Convention : x1 y1 toujours le coin inferieur gauche
public function __construct($x1 = NULL, $y1 = NULL, $x2 = NULL, $y2 = NULL) {
if( is_null($x1) ) {
else {
$this->coords = array( min($x1, $x2), min($y1, $y2), max($x1, $x2), max($y1, $y2) );
public function setToEmpty() {
$this->coords = array();
public function isEmpty() {
return empty($this->coords);
public function getCoords() {
return $this->coords;
public function mergeWith( iBoundingBox $box ) {
if( $box->isEmpty() ) {
$other = $box->getCoords();
if( $this->isEmpty() ) {
$this->coords = $other;
if( $this->coords[0] > $other[0] ) $this->coords[0] = $other[0];
if( $this->coords[1] > $other[1] ) $this->coords[1] = $other[1];
if( $this->coords[2] < $other[2] ) $this->coords[2] = $other[2];
if( $this->coords[3] < $other[3] ) $this->coords[3] = $other[3];
public function equals( iBoundingBox $box, $tol = 0.01 )
if( $this->isEmpty() ) {
return $box->isEmpty();
if( $box->isEmpty() ) {
return false;
$me = $this->coords;
$he = $box->coords;
return (abs( $me[0] - $he[0]) < $tol)
&& (abs( $me[1] - $he[1]) < $tol)
&& (abs( $me[2] - $he[2]) < $tol)
&& (abs( $me[3] - $he[3]) < $tol);
public function getBoundingBox() {
return $this;
class Circle extends Shape {
public $center, $radius;
public function __construct($x, $y, $r) {
$this->center = array($x, $y);
$this->radius = $r;
public function getBoundingBox() {
$x = $this->center[0];
$y = $this->center[1];
$r = $this->radius;
return new Rectangle($x-$r, $y-$r, $x+$r, $y+$r);
class Triangle extends Shape {
public $coords;
public function __construct($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3) {
$this->coords = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3);
public function getBoundingBox() {
$box1 = new Rectangle( $this->coords[0], $this->coords[1], $this->coords[2], $this->coords[3] );
$box2 = new Rectangle( $this->coords[4], $this->coords[5], $this->coords[2], $this->coords[3] );
$box1->mergeWith( $box2 );
return $box1;
class Point extends Shape {
public $coords;
public function __construct($x1, $y1) {
$this->coords = array($x1, $y1);
public function getBoundingBox() {
return new Rectangle( $this->coords[0], $this->coords[1], $this->coords[0], $this->coords[1] );
class Test {
protected $test = 0;
protected function check( iBoundingBox $bbox, $coords )
if( !empty($coords) ){
$check = new Rectangle($coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3]);
else {
$check = new Rectangle();
if( $bbox->equals($check) ) {
echo "Test ".$this->test." reussi\n";
else {
echo "Test ".$this->test." ECHEC\n";
public function run() {
$pt = new Point(0, 0);
$rect = new Rectangle(20, 10, 50, -20);
$tri = new Triangle(50, -20, 70, 0, 40, 30);
$circ = new Circle(80, 20, 50);
$shapes = array( $pt, $rect, $tri, $circ );
$bbox = Shape::computeBoundingBox( $shapes );
$this->check( $bbox, array(0, 70, 130, -30) );
$shapes = array();
$bbox = Shape::computeBoundingBox( $shapes );
$this->check( $bbox, array() );
$shapes = array($pt);
$bbox = Shape::computeBoundingBox( $shapes );
$this->check( $bbox, array(0, 0, 0, 0) );
$shapes = array($rect, $rect, $rect, $rect);
$bbox = Shape::computeBoundingBox( $shapes );
$this->check( $bbox, $rect->getCoords() );
$shapes = array($tri);
$bbox = Shape::computeBoundingBox( $shapes );
$this->check( $bbox, array(40, 30, 70, -20) );
$test = new Test();
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