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Last active March 13, 2021 17:02
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from selenium import webdriver
from datetime import datetime
import pyperclip
import requests
import time
import sys
import os
def parse_string(text):
"""Replace the following characters in the text"""
special_characters = (
("%", "%25"),
(" ", "%20"),
(",", "%2C"),
("?", "%3F"),
("\n", "%0A"),
('\"', "%22"),
("<", "%3C"),
(">", "%3E"),
("#", "%23"),
("|", "%7C"),
("&", "%26"),
("=", "%3D"),
("@", "%40"),
("#", "%23"),
("$", "%24"),
("^", "%5E"),
("`", "%60"),
("+", "%2B"),
("\'", "%27"),
("{", "%7B"),
("}", "%7D"),
("[", "%5B"),
("]", "%5D"),
("/", "%2F"),
("\\", "%5C"),
(":", "%3A"),
(";", "%3B")
for pair in special_characters:
text = text.replace(*pair)
return text
def search_google_trans(source_language="en", target_language="pt", text_to_translate=None):
Translate the parameter text_to_translate from the source_language to the
target_language, by getting this info from the Google Translate site.
Parameters are all strings.
Return is None.
# exit the function if no text is submitted
if not text_to_translate:
print("No text submitted.\nPlease insert a text.\n")
return None
if text_to_translate.startswith("http"):
text_to_translate = requests.get(text_to_translate).text
elif text_to_translate.endswith(".txt"):
with open(text_to_translate, encoding="UTF-8") as file:
text_to_translate =
# variables to be used in the url:
# source language
sl = source_language
# target language
tl = target_language
# operation
operation = "translate"
text_to_translate = parse_string(text_to_translate)
# f-string with variables:
link = f"{sl}&tl={tl}&text={text_to_translate}&op={operation}"
# create an instance of the Chrome browser
# (remember to adapt the executable_path to your machine environment)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"C:\Users\Fabricio\Desktop\chromedriver.exe")
# open the link in the browser
# wait for 15 seconds to page to load
# find the copy translation button and click on it
# paste the translation saved in the clipboard to a variable
translation = pyperclip.paste()
# create subdirectory "./translations", if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs('translations', exist_ok=True)
# get the local iso 8601 datetime without microseconds
current_datetime =
current_datetime = current_datetime.isoformat().replace(":", "-")
# create filename
filename = os.path.join(
current_datetime + "_" + target_language + ".txt")
# create .txt file to save the translation
with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as file:
# close the browser
if __name__ == "__main__":
languages = ["pt", "es", "eo", "la", "tr", "ko", "ja"]
url = ""
text_to_translate = url
for language in languages:
open_google_trans("en", language, text_to_translate)
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