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Created December 8, 2011 09:40
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// division-by-zero-test.js
var vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
tobi = require('tobi'),
auth = require('basic-auth')
var suite = vows.describe('Server NowJS')
, now = new Date().getTime()
, newUser = { name: now + '_test_user', email: now + '' }
, message = 'title:fabrizio'
, browser = tobi.createBrowser(8000, 'localhost')
, username = 'admin'
, password = 'secret'
, auth = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(username + ':' + password).toString('base64')
, defaultHeaders = { 'Authorization': auth,'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
// support functions
function assertStatus(code) {
return function (res, $) {
var client = {
get: function(path) {
return function() {
browser.get(path, { headers: defaultHeaders }, this.callback)
post: function(path, data, headers) {
return function() {, { body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: headers }, this.callback)
// Create a Test Suite
exports.suite1 = suite.addBatch({
'POST /resize': {
'with valid credentials': {
topic:'/resize', message, defaultHeaders),
'should respond with a 200 ok': assertStatus(200)
'with invalid credentials': {
topic:'/resize', message, {}),
'should respond with a 401-Unauthorized': assertStatus(401)
'POST /message': {
'with valid credentials': {
topic:'/message', message, defaultHeaders),
'should respond with a 200 ok': assertStatus(200)
'with invalid credentials': {
topic:'/message', message),
'should respond with a 401-Unauthorized': assertStatus(401)
}); // Run it
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