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Last active December 12, 2022 08:07
make full screenshot with selenium in python
from selenium import webdriver
from PIL import Image
from cStringIO import StringIO
verbose = 1
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
# from here
js = 'return Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight);'
scrollheight = browser.execute_script(js)
if verbose > 0:
print scrollheight
slices = []
offset = 0
while offset < scrollheight:
if verbose > 0:
print offset
browser.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, %s);" % offset)
img =
offset += img.size[1]
if verbose > 0:
browser.get_screenshot_as_file('%s/screen_%s.png' % ('/tmp', offset))
print scrollheight
screenshot ='RGB', (slices[0].size[0], offset))
offset = 0
for img in slices:
screenshot.paste(img, (0, offset))
offset += img.size[1]'/tmp/test.png')
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maestro27 commented Aug 21, 2019

line 35 should be:
screenshot ='RGB', (slices[0].size[0], offset))

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fabtho commented Aug 22, 2019

ok, make sense, did change it in the code (untested)

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tobytoyin commented Sep 3, 2019

Hello fabtho. I based on your code and made some modification on it.

def full_screenshot(driver, save_path):
    # initiate value
    save_path = save_path + '.png' if save_path[-4::] != '.png' else save_path
    img_li = []  # to store image fragment
    offset = 0  # where to start

    # js to get height
    height = driver.execute_script('return Math.max('
                                   'document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);')

    # js to get the maximum scroll height
    # Ref-->
    max_window_height = driver.execute_script('return Math.max('
                                              'document.body.scrollHeight, '
                                              'document.body.offsetHeight, '
                                              'document.documentElement.clientHeight, '
                                              'document.documentElement.scrollHeight, '

    # looping from top to bottom, append to img list
    # Ref-->
    while offset < max_window_height:

        # Scroll to height
        driver.execute_script(f'window.scrollTo(0, {offset});')
        img =
        offset += height

    # Stitch image into one
    # Set up the full screen frame
    img_frame_height = sum([img_frag.size[1] for img_frag in img_li])
    img_frame ='RGB', (img_li[0].size[0], img_frame_height))
    offset = 0
    for img_frag in img_li:
        img_frame.paste(img_frag, (0, offset))
        offset += img_frag.size[1]

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fabtho commented Sep 4, 2019


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`def full_screenshot(driver, save_path):
# initiate value
save_path = save_path + '.png' if save_path[-4::] != '.png' else save_path
img_li = [] # to store image fragment
offset = 0 # where to start

# js to get height
height = driver.execute_script('return Math.max('
                               'document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);')
# js to get the maximum scroll height
# Ref-->
max_window_height = driver.execute_script('return Math.max('
                                          'document.body.scrollHeight, '
                                          'document.body.offsetHeight, '
                                          'document.documentElement.clientHeight, '
                                          'document.documentElement.scrollHeight, '

# looping from top to bottom, append to img list
# Ref-->
while offset < max_window_height:
    # Scroll to height
    driver.execute_script(f'window.scrollTo(0, {offset});')
    img =
    offset += height

# Stitch image into one
# Set up the full screen frame
box = (0, height - height * (max_window_height / height - max_window_height // height), img_li[-1].size[0], img_li[-1].size[1])
img_li[-1] = img_li[-1].crop(box)
img_frame_height = sum([img_frag.size[1] for img_frag in img_li])
img_frame ='RGB', (img_li[0].size[0], img_frame_height))
offset = 0
for img_frag in img_li:
    img_frame.paste(img_frag, (0, offset))
    offset += img_frag.size[1]`

some changes,
small upgrade if scrolling duplicates information

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yassinz commented Oct 3, 2019

Ok , i find a very good way to do it ; )

height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

this work great in headless mode.

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Thanks fabtho, it worked well and I have implemented through chrome driver

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@ivanbat1 @fabtho @yassinz
Worked for me with Firefox Driver, thank you all!!!

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georgescumihai commented Oct 21, 2020

It still creates some duplicated content, mainly for mobile.

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yassinz commented Oct 22, 2020


It still creates some duplicated content, mainly for mobile.

height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

try this.
work great in headless mode.

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georgescumihai commented Oct 23, 2020

@yassinz the code you posted does not work for mobile at all. It only captures the visible area, I tried that initially.

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
mobile_emulation = { "deviceName": "iPhone X" }
options.add_experimental_option("mobileEmulation", mobile_emulation)

driver = webdriver.Remote(

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This fixes the duplication for the last image.

def full_screenshot_with_scroll(driver, save_path):
    # initiate value

    save_path = save_path.with_suffix("png") if not save_path.match("*.png") else save_path
    img_li = []  # to store image fragment
    offset = 0  # where to start

    # js to get height
    height = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(" "document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);")

    # js to get the maximum scroll height
    # Ref-->
    max_window_height = driver.execute_script(
        "return Math.max("
        "document.body.scrollHeight, "
        "document.body.offsetHeight, "
        "document.documentElement.clientHeight, "
        "document.documentElement.scrollHeight, "

    # looping from top to bottom, append to img list
    # Ref-->
    while offset < max_window_height:
        # Scroll to height
        driver.execute_script(f"window.scrollTo(0, {offset});")
        img =
        offset += height

    # In case it is not a perfect fit, the last image contains extra at the top.
    # Crop the screenshot at the top of last image.
    extra_height = offset - max_window_height
    if extra_height > 0 and len(img_li) > 1:
        pixel_ratio = driver.execute_script("return window.devicePixelRatio;")
        extra_height *= pixel_ratio
        last_image = img_li[-1]
        width, height = last_image.size
        box = (0, extra_height, width, height)
        img_li[-1] = last_image.crop(box)

    # Stitch image into one
    # Set up the full screen frame
    img_frame_height = sum([img_frag.size[1] for img_frag in img_li])
    img_frame ="RGB", (img_li[0].size[0], img_frame_height))
    offset = 0
    for img_frag in img_li:
        img_frame.paste(img_frag, (0, offset))
        offset += img_frag.size[1]

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ghost commented Jan 20, 2021

I'm getting SystemError: tile cannot extend outside image in specific websites. Someone know how to fix it?

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trojblue commented Sep 27, 2021

fixed imports & added a line to remove persistent element such as navbar when scrolling:

from selenium import webdriver
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path

def full_screenshot_with_scroll(driver, save_path:Path): 
    # initiate value

    save_path = save_path.with_suffix(".png") if not save_path.match("*.png") else save_path
    img_li = []  # to store image fragment
    offset = 0  # where to start

    # js to get height
    height = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(" "document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);")

    # js to get the maximum scroll height
    # Ref-->
    max_window_height = driver.execute_script(
        "return Math.max("
        "document.body.scrollHeight, "
        "document.body.offsetHeight, "
        "document.documentElement.clientHeight, "
        "document.documentElement.scrollHeight, "

    # looping from top to bottom, append to img list
    # Ref-->
    while offset < max_window_height:
        # Scroll to height
        driver.execute_script(f"window.scrollTo(0, {offset});")

        # === uncomment the line and edit id to hide persistent elements when scrolling ===
        # driver.execute_script("document.getElementById('navbar').innerHTML = '';")

        img =
        offset += height

    # In case it is not a perfect fit, the last image contains extra at the top.
    # Crop the screenshot at the top of last image.
    extra_height = offset - max_window_height
    if extra_height > 0 and len(img_li) > 1:
        pixel_ratio = driver.execute_script("return window.devicePixelRatio;")
        extra_height *= pixel_ratio
        last_image = img_li[-1]
        width, height = last_image.size
        box = (0, extra_height, width, height)
        img_li[-1] = last_image.crop(box)

    # Stitch image into one
    # Set up the full screen frame
    img_frame_height = sum([img_frag.size[1] for img_frag in img_li])
    img_frame ="RGB", (img_li[0].size[0], img_frame_height))
    offset = 0
    for img_frag in img_li:
        img_frame.paste(img_frag, (0, offset))
        offset += img_frag.size[1]

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dlaso99 commented Jan 5, 2022

@trojblue unfortunately, the code still does not work as intended (atleast for me).

I tried to make a screenshot of this -> but the problem is that it cuts a portion of the end of a page.


I am currently trying to fix it, if I manage to fix it, I will provide the fix. (But it would be awesome if someone more competent tried to fix it)

P.S - if you take a close look, you can see on the image a few pixels comming from that black footer, which indicates there should be another text in between the footer and the page (footer is cropped as well)

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For anyone else who ends up here: in Selenium 4+ there's a save_full_page_screenshot() function for this that only works with Firefox. Give it a try, but don't expect miracles. In my case the page rendered strangely. 😢

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