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Last active September 25, 2021 17:01
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Okhsl and Okhsv
Okhsl class.
Translation to/from Oklab is licenced under MIT by the original author, all
other code also licensed under MIT: Copyright (c) 2021 Isaac Muse.
---- Oklab license ----
Copyright (c) 2021 Björn Ottosson
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from coloraide.spaces import Space, RE_DEFAULT_MATCH, Angle, Percent, GamutBound, Cylindrical
from coloraide.spaces.srgb.base import lin_srgb, gam_srgb
from coloraide.spaces.oklab import Oklab
from coloraide import util
from coloraide import Color as ColorOrig
import re
import math
import sys
import copy
FLT_MAX = sys.float_info.max
K_1 = 0.206
K_2 = 0.03
K_3 = (1.0 + K_1) / (1.0 + K_2)
def toe(x):
"""Toe function for L_r."""
return 0.5 * (K_3 * x - K_1 + math.sqrt((K_3 * x - K_1) * (K_3 * x - K_1) + 4 * K_2 * K_3 * x))
def toe_inv(x):
"""Inverse toe function for L_r."""
return (x * x + K_1 * x) / (K_3 * (x + K_2))
def to_st(cusp):
"""To ST."""
l, c = cusp
return c / l, c / (1 - l)
def get_st_mid(a, b):
Returns a smooth approximation of the location of the cusp.
This polynomial was created by an optimization process.
It has been designed so that S_mid < S_max and T_mid < T_max.
s = 0.11516993 + 1.0 / (
7.44778970 + 4.15901240 * b +
a * (
-2.19557347 + 1.75198401 * b +
a * (
-2.13704948 - 10.02301043 * b +
a * (
-4.24894561 + 5.38770819 * b + 4.69891013 * a
t = 0.11239642 + 1.0 / (
1.61320320 - 0.68124379 * b +
a * (
0.40370612 + 0.90148123 * b +
a * (
-0.27087943 + 0.61223990 * b +
a * (
0.00299215 - 0.45399568 * b - 0.14661872 * a
return s, t
def find_cusp(a, b):
Finds L_cusp and C_cusp for a given hue.
`a` and `b` must be normalized so `a^2 + b^2 == 1`.
# First, find the maximum saturation (saturation `S = C/L`)
s_cusp = compute_max_saturation(a, b)
# Convert to linear sRGB to find the first point where at least one of r, g or b >= 1:
r, g, b = oklab_to_linear_srgb([1, s_cusp * a, s_cusp * b])
l_cusp = util.nth_root(1.0 / max(max(r, g), b), 3)
c_cusp = l_cusp * s_cusp
return l_cusp , c_cusp
def find_gamut_intersection(a, b, l1, c1, l0, cusp=None):
Finds intersection of the line.
Defined by the following:
L = L0 * (1 - t) + t * L1
C = t * C1
`a` and `b` must be normalized so `a^2 + b^2 == 1`.
if cusp is None:
cusp = get_cs([l1, a, b])
# Find the intersection for upper and lower half seprately
if ((l1 - l0) * cusp[1] - (cusp[0] - l0) * c1) <= 0.0:
#Lower half
t = cusp[1] * l0 / (c1 * cusp[0] + cusp[1] * (l0 - l1))
# Upper half
# First intersect with triangle
t = cusp[1] * (l0 - 1.0) / (c1 * (cusp[0] - 1.0) + cusp[1] * (l0 - l1))
# Then one step Halley's method
dl = l1 - l0
dc = c1
k_l = +0.3963377774 * a + 0.2158037573 * b
k_m = -0.1055613458 * a - 0.0638541728 * b
k_s = -0.0894841775 * a - 1.2914855480 * b
l_dt = dl + dc * k_l
m_dt = dl + dc * k_m
s_dt = dl + dc * k_s
# If higher accuracy is required, 2 or 3 iterations of the following block can be used:
L = l0 * (1.0 - t) + t * l1
C = t * c1
l_ = L + C * k_l
m_ = L + C * k_m
s_ = L + C * k_s
l = l_ ** 3
m = m_ ** 3
s = s_ ** 3
ldt = 3 * l_dt * l_ * l_
mdt = 3 * m_dt * m_ * m_
sdt = 3 * s_dt * s_ * s_
ldt2 = 6 * l_dt * l_dt * l_
mdt2 = 6 * m_dt * m_dt * m_
sdt2 = 6 * s_dt * s_dt * s_
r = 4.0767416621 * l - 3.3077115913 * m + 0.2309699292 * s - 1
r1 = 4.0767416621 * ldt - 3.3077115913 * mdt + 0.2309699292 * sdt
r2 = 4.0767416621 * ldt2 - 3.3077115913 * mdt2 + 0.2309699292 * sdt2
u_r = r1 / (r1 * r1 - 0.5 * r * r2)
t_r = -r * u_r
g = -1.2684380046 * l + 2.6097574011 * m - 0.3413193965 * s - 1
g1 = -1.2684380046 * ldt + 2.6097574011 * mdt - 0.3413193965 * sdt
g2 = -1.2684380046 * ldt2 + 2.6097574011 * mdt2 - 0.3413193965 * sdt2
u_g = g1 / (g1 * g1 - 0.5 * g * g2)
t_g = -g * u_g
b = -0.0041960863 * l - 0.7034186147 * m + 1.7076147010 * s - 1
b1 = -0.0041960863 * ldt - 0.7034186147 * mdt + 1.7076147010 * sdt
b2 = -0.0041960863 * ldt2 - 0.7034186147 * mdt2 + 1.7076147010 * sdt2
u_b = b1 / (b1 * b1 - 0.5 * b * b2)
t_b = -b * u_b
t_r = t_r if u_r >= 0.0 else FLT_MAX
t_g = t_g if u_g >= 0.0 else FLT_MAX
t_b = t_b if u_b >= 0.0 else FLT_MAX
t += min(t_r, min(t_g, t_b))
return t
def get_cs(lab):
l, a, b = lab
cusp = find_cusp(a, b)
c_max = find_gamut_intersection(a, b, l, 1, l, cusp)
st_max = to_st(cusp)
# Scale factor to compensate for the curved part of gamut shape:
k = c_max / min((l * st_max[0]), (1 - l) * st_max[1])
st_mid = get_st_mid(a, b)
# Use a soft minimum function, instead of a sharp triangle shape to get a smooth value for chroma.
c_a = l * st_mid[0]
c_b = (1.0 - l) * st_mid[1]
c_mid = 0.9 * k * math.sqrt(math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 / (c_a * c_a * c_a * c_a) + 1.0 / (c_b * c_b * c_b * c_b))))
# For `C_0`, the shape is independent of hue, so `ST` are constant.
# Values picked to roughly be the average values of `ST`.
c_a = l * 0.4
c_b = (1.0 - l) * 0.8
# Use a soft minimum function, instead of a sharp triangle shape to get a smooth value for chroma.
c_0 = math.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 / (c_a * c_a) + 1.0 / (c_b * c_b)))
return c_0, c_mid, c_max
def oklab_to_linear_srgb(lab):
"""Convert from Oklab to linear sRGB."""
l_ = lab[0] + 0.3963377774 * lab[1] + 0.2158037573 * lab[2]
m_ = lab[0] - 0.1055613458 * lab[1] - 0.0638541728 * lab[2]
s_ = lab[0] - 0.0894841775 * lab[1] - 1.2914855480 * lab[2]
l = l_ ** 3
m = m_ ** 3
s = s_ ** 3
return [
+4.0767416621 * l - 3.3077115913 * m + 0.2309699292 * s,
-1.2684380046 * l + 2.6097574011 * m - 0.3413193965 * s,
-0.0041960863 * l - 0.7034186147 * m + 1.7076147010 * s
def linear_srgb_to_oklab(rgb):
r, g, b = rgb
l = 0.4122214708 * r + 0.5363325363 * g + 0.0514459929 * b
m = 0.2119034982 * r + 0.6806995451 * g + 0.1073969566 * b
s = 0.0883024619 * r + 0.2817188376 * g + 0.6299787005 * b
l_ = util.nth_root(l, 3)
m_ = util.nth_root(m, 3)
s_ = util.nth_root(s, 3)
return [
0.2104542553 * l_ + 0.7936177850 * m_ - 0.0040720468 * s_,
1.9779984951 * l_ - 2.4285922050 * m_ + 0.4505937099 * s_,
0.0259040371 * l_ + 0.7827717662 * m_ - 0.8086757660 * s_
def compute_max_saturation(a, b):
Finds the maximum saturation possible for a given hue that fits in sRGB.
Saturation here is defined as `S = C/L`.
`a` and `b` must be normalized so `a^2 + b^2 == 1`.
# Max saturation will be when one of r, g or b goes below zero.
# Select different coefficients depending on which component goes below zero first.
if (-1.88170328 * a - 0.80936493 * b) > 1:
# Red component
k0 = 1.19086277
k1 = 1.76576728
k2 = 0.59662641
k3 = 0.75515197
k4 = 0.56771245
wl = 4.0767416621
wm = -3.3077115913
ws = 0.2309699292
elif (1.81444104 * a - 1.19445276 * b) > 1:
# Green component
k0 = 0.73956515
k1 = -0.45954404
k2 = 0.08285427
k3 = 0.12541070
k4 = 0.14503204
wl = -1.2684380046
wm = 2.6097574011
ws = -0.3413193965
# Blue component
k0 = 1.35733652
k1 = -0.00915799
k2 = -1.15130210
k3 = -0.50559606
k4 = 0.00692167
wl = -0.0041960863
wm = -0.7034186147
ws = 1.7076147010
# Approximate max saturation using a polynomial:
sat = k0 + k1 * a + k2 * b + k3 * a * a + k4 * a * b
# Do one step Halley's method to get closer.
# This gives an error less than 10e6, except for some blue hues where the `dS/dh` is close to infinite.
# This should be sufficient for most applications, otherwise do two/three steps.
k_l = 0.3963377774 * a + 0.2158037573 * b
k_m = -0.1055613458 * a - 0.0638541728 * b
k_s = -0.0894841775 * a - 1.2914855480 * b
l_ = 1.0 + sat * k_l
m_ = 1.0 + sat * k_m
s_ = 1.0 + sat * k_s
l = l_ * l_ * l_
m = m_ * m_ * m_
s = s_ * s_ * s_
l_ds = 3.0 * k_l * l_ * l_
m_ds = 3.0 * k_m * m_ * m_
s_ds = 3.0 * k_s * s_ * s_
l_ds2 = 6.0 * k_l * k_l * l_
m_ds2 = 6.0 * k_m * k_m * m_
s_ds2 = 6.0 * k_s * k_s * s_
f = wl * l + wm * m + ws * s
f1 = wl * l_ds + wm * m_ds + ws * s_ds
f2 = wl * l_ds2 + wm * m_ds2 + ws * s_ds2
sat = sat - f * f1 / (f1 * f1 - 0.5 * f * f2)
return sat
def okhsl_to_oklab(hsl):
"""Convert Okhsl to sRGB."""
h, s, l = hsl
s /= 100
l /= 100
h = util.no_nan(h) / 360.0
L = toe_inv(l)
a = b = 0
if L != 0 and L != 1 and s != 0:
a_ = math.cos(2.0 * math.pi * h)
b_ = math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * h)
c_0, c_mid, c_max = get_cs([L, a_, b_])
# Interpolate the three values for C so that:
# At s=0: dC/ds = C_0, C=0
# At s=0.8: C=C_mid
# At s=1.0: C=C_max
mid = 0.8
mid_inv = 1.25
if s < mid:
t = mid_inv * s
k_0 = 0
k_1 = mid * c_0
k_2 = (1.0 - k_1 / c_mid)
t = 5 * (s - 0.8)
k_0 = c_mid
k_1 = 0.2 * (c_mid ** 2) * (1.25 ** 2) / c_0
k_2 = (1.0 - (k_1) / (c_max - c_mid))
c = k_0 + t * k_1 / (1.0 - k_2 * t)
a = c * a_
b = c * b_
return [L, a, b]
def oklab_to_okhsl(lab):
"""Oklab to Okhsl."""
c = math.sqrt(lab[1] ** 2 + lab[2] ** 2)
h = util.NaN
L = lab[0]
s = 0
if c != 0 and L != 0:
a_ = lab[1] / c
b_ = lab[2] / c
h = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.atan2(-lab[2], -lab[1]) / math.pi
c_0, c_mid, c_max = get_cs([L, a_, b_])
# Inverse of the interpolation in okhsl_to_srgb:
mid = 0.8
mid_inv = 1.25
if (c < c_mid):
k_1 = mid * c_0
k_2 = (1.0 - k_1 / c_mid)
t = c / (k_1 + k_2 * c)
s = t * mid
k_0 = c_mid
k_1 = (1.0 - mid) * c_mid * c_mid * mid_inv * mid_inv / c_0
k_2 = (1.0 - (k_1) / (c_max - c_mid))
t = (c - k_0) / (k_1 + k_2 * (c - k_0))
s = mid + (1.0 - mid) * t
l = toe(L)
if s == 0:
h = util.NaN
return util.constrain_hue(h * 360), s * 100, l * 100
def okhsv_to_oklab(hsv):
"""Convert from Okhsv to Oklab."""
h, s, v = hsv
s /= 100
v /= 100
h = util.no_nan(h) / 360.0
l = toe_inv(v)
a = b = 0
if l != 0 and s != 0:
a_ = math.cos(2.0 * math.pi * h)
b_ = math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * h)
cusp = find_cusp(a_, b_)
s_max, t_max = to_st(cusp)
s_0 = 0.5
k = 1 - s_0 / s_max
# first we compute L and V as if the gamut is a perfect triangle:
# L, C when v==1:
l_v = 1 - s * s_0 / (s_0 + t_max - t_max * k * s)
c_v = s * t_max * s_0 / (s_0 + t_max - t_max * k * s)
l = v * l_v
c = v * c_v
# then we compensate for both toe and the curved top part of the triangle:
l_vt = toe_inv(l_v)
c_vt = c_v * l_vt / l_v
l_new = toe_inv(l)
c = c * l_new / l
l = l_new
# RGB scale
rs, gs, bs = oklab_to_linear_srgb([l_vt, a_ * c_vt, b_ * c_vt])
scale_l = util.nth_root(1.0 / max(max(rs, gs), max(bs, 0.0)), 3)
l = l * scale_l
c = c * scale_l
a = c * a_
b = c * b_
return [l, a, b]
def oklab_to_okhsv(lab):
"""Oklab to Okhsv."""
c = math.sqrt(lab[1] ** 2 + lab[2] ** 2)
l = lab[0]
h = util.NaN
s = 0
v = toe(l)
if c != 0 and l != 0 and l != 1:
a_ = lab[1] / c
b_ = lab[2] / c
h = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.atan2(-lab[2], -lab[1]) / math.pi
cusp = find_cusp(a_, b_)
s_max, t_max = to_st(cusp)
s_0 = 0.5
k = 1 - s_0 / s_max
# first we find L_v, C_v, L_vt and C_vt
t = t_max / (c + l * t_max)
l_v = t * l
c_v = t * c
l_vt = toe_inv(l_v)
c_vt = c_v * l_vt / l_v
# we can then use these to invert the step that compensates for the toe and the curved top part of the triangle:
rs, gs, bs = oklab_to_linear_srgb([l_vt, a_ * c_vt, b_ * c_vt])
scale_l = util.nth_root(1.0 / max(max(rs, gs), max(bs, 0.0)), 3)
l = l / scale_l
c = c / scale_l
c = c * toe(l) / l
l = toe(l)
# we can now compute v and s:
v = l / l_v
s = (s_0 + t_max) * c_v / ((t_max * s_0) + t_max * k * c_v)
if s == 0:
h = util.NaN
return [util.constrain_hue(h * 360), s * 100, v * 100]
def srgb_to_okhsv(srgb):
"""SRGB to Okhsv."""
return oklab_to_okhsv(linear_srgb_to_oklab(lin_srgb(srgb)))
def okhsv_to_srgb(hsv):
"""Okhsv to sRGB."""
return gam_srgb(oklab_to_linear_srgb(okhsv_to_oklab(hsv)))
def srgb_to_okhsl(srgb):
"""SRGB to Okhsl."""
return oklab_to_okhsl(linear_srgb_to_oklab(lin_srgb(srgb)))
def okhsl_to_srgb(hsl):
"""Okhsl to sRGB."""
return gam_srgb(oklab_to_linear_srgb(okhsl_to_oklab(hsl)))
class Okhsl(Cylindrical, Space):
"""HSL class."""
SPACE = "okhsl"
SERIALIZE = ("--okhsl",)
CHANNEL_NAMES = ("hue", "saturation", "lightness", "alpha")
DEFAULT_MATCH = re.compile(RE_DEFAULT_MATCH.format(color_space='|'.join(SERIALIZE), channels=3))
WHITE = "D65"
GAMUT_CHECK = "srgb"
GamutBound([Angle(0.0), Angle(360.0)]),
GamutBound([Percent(0.0), Percent(100.0)]),
GamutBound([Percent(0.0), Percent(100.0)])
def hue(self):
"""Hue channel."""
return self._coords[0]
def hue(self, value):
"""Shift the hue."""
self._coords[0] = self._handle_input(value)
def saturation(self):
"""Saturation channel."""
return self._coords[1]
def saturation(self, value):
"""Saturate or unsaturate the color by the given factor."""
self._coords[1] = self._handle_input(value)
def lightness(self):
"""Lightness channel."""
return self._coords[2]
def lightness(self, value):
"""Set lightness channel."""
self._coords[2] = self._handle_input(value)
def null_adjust(cls, coords, alpha):
"""On color update."""
if coords[1] == 0:
coords[0] = util.NaN
return coords, alpha
def _to_srgb(cls, parent, hsl):
"""To sRGB."""
return okhsl_to_srgb(hsl)
def _from_srgb(cls, parent, srgb):
"""From sRGB."""
return srgb_to_okhsl(srgb)
def _to_xyz(cls, parent, hsl):
"""To XYZ."""
return Oklab._to_xyz(parent, okhsl_to_oklab(hsl))
def _from_xyz(cls, parent, xyz):
"""From XYZ."""
return oklab_to_okhsl(Oklab._from_xyz(parent, xyz))
class Okhsv(Cylindrical, Space):
"""Okhsv class."""
SPACE = "okhsv"
SERIALIZE = ("--okhsv",)
CHANNEL_NAMES = ("hue", "saturation", "value", "alpha")
DEFAULT_MATCH = re.compile(RE_DEFAULT_MATCH.format(color_space='|'.join(SERIALIZE), channels=3))
WHITE = "D65"
GAMUT_CHECK = "srgb"
GamutBound([Angle(0.0), Angle(360.0)]),
GamutBound([Percent(0.0), Percent(100.0)]),
GamutBound([Percent(0.0), Percent(100.0)])
def hue(self):
"""Hue channel."""
return self._coords[0]
def hue(self, value):
"""Shift the hue."""
self._coords[0] = self._handle_input(value)
def saturation(self):
"""Saturation channel."""
return self._coords[1]
def saturation(self, value):
"""Saturate or unsaturate the color by the given factor."""
self._coords[1] = self._handle_input(value)
def value(self):
"""Value channel."""
return self._coords[2]
def value(self, value):
"""Set value channel."""
self._coords[2] = self._handle_input(value)
def null_adjust(cls, coords, alpha):
"""On color update."""
if coords[1] == 0:
coords[0] = util.NaN
return coords, alpha
def _to_srgb(cls, parent, hsl):
"""To sRGB."""
return okhsv_to_srgb(hsl)
def _from_srgb(cls, parent, srgb):
"""From sRGB."""
return srgb_to_okhsv(srgb)
def _to_xyz(cls, parent, hsl):
"""To XYZ."""
return Oklab._to_xyz(parent, okhsv_to_oklab(hsl))
def _from_xyz(cls, parent, xyz):
"""From XYZ."""
return oklab_to_okhsv(Oklab._from_xyz(parent, xyz))
class Color(ColorOrig):
"""Color with Okhsl."""
CS_MAP = copy.copy(ColorOrig.CS_MAP)
CS_MAP["okhsl"] = Okhsl
CS_MAP["okhsv"] = Okhsv
Color("color(--hsl 240 100% 50%)").convert('okhsl')
Color("color(--hsl 240 100% 50%)").convert('okhsv')
Color("color(--hsl 0 0% 100%)").interpolate(
"color(--hsl 240 100% 50%)",
Color("color(--okhsl 0 0% 100%)").interpolate(
"color(--okhsl 264 100% 37%)",
Color("color(--okhsv 0 0% 100%)").interpolate(
"color(--okhsv 264 100% 100%)",
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