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Last active January 4, 2024 07:12
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Save facepainter/adfaabe25831a7c9300bafd1b886e1c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Batch extract known face from video/image sequence (CNN GPU with CUDA / HoG)


Batch extract aligned images of a known face from a video or image sequence.

Uses a combination of a (precomputed) deep learning CNN model to quickly batch detect faces in video frames then HoG face recognition with single or multiple encodings computed from known references. Then a (precomputed) set of average face landmarks to transpose and extract any recognised faces to a normalised pose.

Using the GPU with CUDA in this way means batch processing face detection in up to 128 frames at at time can be achieved (VRAM dependant). This combined with other speed/optimisation techniques (such as downsampling the process frames, early frame skipping, etc) means that very high quality, normalised, low false positive, faces can be extracted from video or image sequences many times faster than using seperate frame splitting/extraction/detection applications, or by methods that are CPU bound and only operate on individual images.

One important caveat in this process is that the input frames/images must be exactly the same dimensions. As this is primarily geared towards extraction from video this should not be an issue. However it is worth bearing in mind should you get errors processing image sequences :)


Script based


python -r ./pics/russell-crowe -i "./movies/Gladiator (2000).avi" -o ./output 

If you like you can also watch the process in action with display_output :)

python -r ./pics/russell-crowe -i "./movies/Gladiator (2000).avi" -o ./output --display_output

You can save encoding sets used...

python -r ./pics/A -i ./video/A.mp4 -o ./extract/A --save_references A.npz

And load from the saved file (so that you don't need to save reference images or reprocess for the same person)

python -r A.npz -i ./video/A2.mp4 -o ./extract/A

You can get help by passing -h or --help ... you should always ask for help or rtfm :)

Class based

FG = FaceGrab('./images/nick-cage-reference')
FG.process('./movies/The Wicker Man.mp4', './extracted/nick-cage-wicker-man')

Or use the Process/Recognition settings to tweak :) you can set/miss any or else leave them out entirely

RS = RecognitionSettings(jitter=1)
PS = ProcessSettings(batch_size=64, extract_size=512, scale=.5)
personA = FaceGrab("someone", RS, PS)
personA.process('a1.mp4', 'a')
personA.process('a2.mp4', 'a')

Or like...

personB = FaceGrab("someone-else", process=ProcessSettings(scale=.125))
personB.process('b.mp4', 'b')
personC = FaceGrab("another-person", recognition=RecognitionSettings(tolerance=.4))
personC.process('c.mp4', 'c')

Also If you want to ensure you have recognition encodings before you begin...

FG = FaceGrab('./images/nick-cage-reference')
if FG.reference_count:
    FG.process('./movies/The Wicker Man.mp4', './extracted/nick-cage-wicker-man')

Output details

tl;dr - Sort the output images by name

Any faces detected and recognised in the input will be saved in the specified output directory. The naming convention is simple and should allow you to quickly sort for any false positives in the results.

For example, imagine you have the following images in your output folder

  • 9-345.jpg - 345 matched 9 references
  • 4-343.jpg - 343 matched 4 references
  • 1-276.jpg - 276 matched 1 reference

Each extracted face has been given a two number name (separated by a hyphen) in the format X-Y.jpg Where X represents the number of reference matches for that image - i.e. a number between 1 and the total number references - and Y is a unique extract number for each image.

This way you can quickly sort the extracted frames to check for false positives in the results - as frames with a low reference match count will have corresponding lower starting numbers.


Stuff that might happen that isn't what you wanted or expected...oh cruel world!

OOM :( - Memory issues

Very roughly speaking process.batch_size * [input frame dimensions] * process.scale = VRAM As long as you have 2GB+ VRAM and you play with the settings you should be golden :)

The two key things being

  1. Reduce the process.batch_size - note the whole thing will take longer!
  2. Decrease the process.scale e.g. 0.125 (1/8) - you may well get fewer face detections

You could also try re-encoding the video to a lower resolution, but that is cheating and punishable by...nothing.

Too many blurry results (extracted images are out of focus, etc)

  1. Increase the process.blur_threshold so that the test for variance in extracted face edges is stricter.
  2. Also decrease the process.skip_frames so that more of the input is processed (so that you have a higher chance of good input frames)

Too many false positives (extracted images of the wrong face/not faces)

  1. Use a more varied, higher quality, more representative, range of reference images (ideally ones that look like the person in the input)
  2. Increase the recognition.jitter so that each encoding/check is done using a higher number of resamples - note this will increase the processing time.
  3. Decrease the recognition.tolerance so that each recognition is stricter e.g. 0.55

Too few matches (missing lots of good images from input)

  1. Use a more varied, higher quality, more representative, range of reference images (ideally ones that look like the person in the input)
  2. Increase the recognition.tolerance so that each recognition is less strict e.g. 0.65
  3. Decrease the recognition.jitter so that each recognition is done fewer resamples (less accurate)
  4. Decrease the process.skip_frames so that more of the input is processed (this might result in very similar extracted images)
  5. Increase the process.scale e.g. 0.5 (1/2) - bearing in mind you may need to reduce the batch_size accordingly

Built using

YMMV - pretty sure it would work just as well with CUDA 9 / cuDNN 7 / etc - but personally I could not get dlib to build with CUDA support against v9/9.1 on WindBlows...In linux not a problem - in short - go for the latest verions you can build against :)

set COMPILER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64"
git clone
cd dlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -T host=x64 -DUSE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS=1 -DDLIB_USE_CUDA=1 -DCUDA_HOST_COMPILER=%COMPILER% ..
cmake --build .
cd ..
python install --yes USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS --yes DLIB_USE_CUDA
Extract a known face from a video.
Uses a combination of a deep learning CNN model to batch detect faces
in video frames, or a sequence of images, in GPU with CUDA and HoG to compare
the detected faces with a computed reference set of face encodings.
from os import path, listdir
from typing import NamedTuple
import cv2
import numpy as np
import face_recognition as fr
from tqdm import tqdm
class RecognitionSettings(NamedTuple):
Face recognition settings
:param float tolerance: How much "distance" between faces to consider it a match.
:param int jitter: How many times to re-sample images when calculating encodings.
tolerance: float = .6
jitter: int = 5
class ProcessSettings(NamedTuple):
Video process settings
:param int batch_size: How many frames to include in each GPU processing batch.
:param int skip_frames: How many frames to skip e.g. 5 means look at every 6th
:param int extract_size: Size in pixels of extracted face images (n*n).
:param float scale: Amount to down-sample input by for detection processing.
:param bool display_output: Show the detection and extraction images in process.
:param float blur_threshold: Minimum edge variance to consider extract blurry.
batch_size: int = 128
skip_frames: int = 6
extract_size: int = 256
scale: float = .25
display_output: bool = False
blur_threshold: float = 10.0
class FaceGrab(object):
It sure grabs faces! (tm)
:param str reference: Path to a input data (video/image sequence)
:param RecognitionSettings recognition: Face recognition settings
:param ProcessSettings process: Video process settings
def __init__(self, reference, recognition=None, process=None):
if recognition is None:
recognition = RecognitionSettings()
if process is None:
process = ProcessSettings()
skip_sanity = 1 if process.skip_frames <= 0 else process.skip_frames + 1
self.__ps = process._replace(batch_size=np.clip(process.batch_size, 2, 128),
scale=np.clip(process.scale, 0, 1.0))
self.__rs = recognition._replace(tolerance=np.clip(recognition.tolerance, 0.1, 1))
self.__process_frames = []
self.__original_frames = []
self.__reference_encodings = []
self.__total_extracted = 0
self.__extract_dim = (self.__ps.extract_size, self.__ps.extract_size)
self.__extract_pad = int(self.__ps.extract_size / 100 * 18)
_MEAN_FACE_TRANSPOSED = np.asarray([
[-0.4899134, -0.41486446, -0.30899666, -0.19935666, -0.09672966,
0.09672934, 0.19935634, 0.30899734, 0.41486434, 0.48991334,
0.00000034, 0.00000034, 0.00000034, 0.00000034, -0.12324666,
-0.06409066, 0.00000034, 0.06409034, 0.12324634, -0.36838966,
-0.30300466, -0.22430166, -0.15552066, -0.22920866, -0.30738366,
0.15552034, 0.22430134, 0.30300534, 0.36838934, 0.30738334,
0.22920834, -0.23597766, -0.14914166, -0.06126866, 0.00000034,
0.06126834, 0.14914134, 0.23597734, 0.15203234, 0.06659434,
0.00000034, -0.06659466, -0.15203266, -0.19974766, -0.06203066,
0.00000034, 0.06203034, 0.19974734, 0.06323734, 0.00000034,
[-0.35796968, -0.42550868, -0.44567548, -0.42993458, -0.38703308,
-0.38703308, -0.42993458, -0.44567548, -0.42550868, -0.35796968,
-0.26107168, -0.15741468, -0.05461868, 0.05120132, 0.12290232,
0.14492132, 0.16368232, 0.14492132, 0.12290232, -0.24800068,
-0.28566568, -0.28457168, -0.23269068, -0.21932468, -0.22034668,
-0.23269068, -0.28457168, -0.28566568, -0.24800068, -0.22034668,
-0.21932468, 0.31580932, 0.28098132, 0.26296432, 0.27815432,
0.26296432, 0.28098132, 0.31580932, 0.40038132, 0.43776832,
0.44485732, 0.43776832, 0.40038132, 0.32036832, 0.31432232,
0.32091932, 0.31432232, 0.32036832, 0.35975832, 0.36737932,
def __get_matrix(cls, face):
2D face similarity transform with scaling
adapted from _umeyama
mean_face = np.average(face, axis=0)
mean_reference = np.asarray([0.49012666, 0.46442368])
mean_delta = face - mean_face
d = np.ones((2,))
mat = np.eye(2, 3)
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(cls._MEAN_FACE_TRANSPOSED @ mean_delta / 51)
mat[:2, :2] = U @ np.diag(d) @ V
scale = 1.0 / mean_delta.var(0).sum() * s @ d
mat[:2, 2] = mean_reference - scale * mat[:2, :2] @ mean_face.T
mat[:2, :2] *= scale
return mat
def __is_blurred(image, threshold):
'''Fast Laplacian edge variance check.
Returns True if image edge variance is below threshold'''
grayed = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
return cv2.Laplacian(grayed, cv2.CV_64F).var() < threshold
def reference_count(self):
'''Total currently loaded reference encodings for recognition'''
return len(self.__reference_encodings)
def __downsample(image, scale):
'''Downscale and convert image for faster detection processing'''
sampled = cv2.resize(image,
(0, 0),
interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) if scale > 0 else image
return sampled[:, :, ::-1] #RGB->BGR
def __file_count(directory):
'''Returns the number of files in a directory'''
return len([item for item in listdir(directory) if path.isfile(path.join(directory, item))])
def __draw_detection(frame, locations):
'''draws the process frames with face detection locations'''
for (top, right, bottom, left) in locations:
cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (255, 0, 0), 1)
cv2.imshow('process', frame[:, :, ::-1]) #BGR->RGB
def __landmark_points(image, location=None):
'''Face landmarks as coordinates (without the chin!)'''
# NB: protected-access - eek!
landmarks = fr.api._raw_face_landmarks(image, location)
if np.any(landmarks):
return [(p.x, p.y) for p in landmarks[0].parts()][17:]
return []
def __transform(self, image, coordinates, padding=0):
'''Affine transform between image landmarks and "mean face"'''
mat = self.__get_matrix(coordinates)
mat = mat * (self.__ps.extract_size - 2 * padding)
mat[:, 2] += padding
return cv2.warpAffine(image, mat, self.__extract_dim, None, flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
def __check_reference(self, reference):
'''Checks if the reference is a wild-card/directory/file and looks for encodings'''
if reference == '*':
if path.isdir(reference):
with tqdm(total=self.__file_count(reference), unit='files') as progress:
for file in listdir(reference):
full_path = path.join(reference, file)
if path.isfile(full_path):
progress.set_description(f'Checking reference: {file}')
if path.isfile(reference):
if reference.endswith('.npz'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid reference: {reference}')
def __parse_encoding(self, image_path):
'''Adds the first face encoding in an image to the reference encodings'''
image = fr.load_image_file(image_path)
encoding = fr.face_encodings(image, None, self.__rs.jitter)
if np.any(encoding):
tqdm.write(f'No encoding: {image_path}')
def __recognise(self, face):
'''Checks a given face against any known reference encodings.
Returns total number of reference encodings below or equal to tolerance.
Returns int in range [1, reference_count] if recognised.
Returns 0 if not recognised/no encoding, -1 if matching all'''
if not self.reference_count:
return -1
encoding = fr.face_encodings(face, None, self.__rs.jitter)
if not np.any(encoding):
return 0
# maybe? np.mean(distance[np.where(distance <= self.__rs.tolerance)[0]])
distance = fr.face_distance(self.__reference_encodings, encoding[0])
return len(np.where(distance <= self.__rs.tolerance)[0])
def __reset_frames(self):
def __get_location_frames(self):
'''Get the total faces detected and f.indexed locations/original/process based on hits.'''
batch = fr.batch_face_locations(self.__process_frames, 1, self.__ps.batch_size)
hits = np.nonzero(batch)[0]
locations = np.asarray(batch)[hits]
return (sum(len(x) for x in locations),
def __get_faces(self, image, face_locations):
'''Get the quick cropped faces and scaled locations from
a set of detect locations'''
for location in face_locations:
factor = int(1 / self.__ps.scale)
scaled = tuple(factor * n for n in location)
top, right, bottom, left = scaled
yield (image[top:bottom, left:right], scaled)
def __save_extract(self, image, file_path):
'''Saves the image to file_path at the extract dimensions'''
width, height, _ = np.shape(image)
if (width, height) != self.__extract_dim:
image = cv2.resize(image, self.__extract_dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
cv2.imwrite(file_path, image)
self.__total_extracted += 1
if self.__ps.display_output:
for point in self.__landmark_points(image):, point, 1, (0, 0, 255), -1)
cv2.imshow('extracted', image)
def __get_fame(self, sequence, total_frames):
'''Grabs, decodes and returns the next frame and number.'''
for frame_number in range(total_frames):
if self.__skip_frame(frame_number):
sequence.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_number)
ret, frame =
if not ret:
yield (frame, frame_number)
def __do_batch(self, batch_count, output_path):
'''Handles each batch of detected faces, performing recognition on each'''
total, results = self.__get_location_frames()
extracted = 0
with tqdm(total=total, unit='checks') as progress:
progress.set_description(f'Batch #{batch_count}')
if not total:
for locations, original, processed in results:
if self.__ps.display_output:
self.__draw_detection(processed, locations)
for face, location_scaled in self.__get_faces(original, locations):
progress.set_description(f'Batch #{batch_count} (recognised {extracted})')
recognised = self.__recognise(face)
if recognised:
points = self.__landmark_points(original, [location_scaled])
if np.any(points):
face = self.__transform(original, points, self.__extract_pad)
if self.__is_blurred(face, self.__ps.blur_threshold):
name = path.join(output_path, f'{recognised}-{self.__total_extracted}.jpg')
self.__save_extract(face, name)
extracted += 1
# v.unlikely to have target multiple times
# break if we have references
if self.reference_count:
def __skip_frame(self, number):
'''We want every nth frame if skipping'''
return self.__ps.skip_frames > 0 and number % self.__ps.skip_frames
def __batch_builder(self, output_path, sequence, total_frames):
'''Splits the fames in batches and keeps score'''
tqdm.monitor_interval = 0
with tqdm(total=total_frames, unit='frame') as progress:
batch_count = 0
for frame, frame_count in self.__get_fame(sequence, total_frames):
progress.update(frame_count - progress.n)
progress.set_description(f'Total (extracted {self.__total_extracted})')
process_frame = self.__downsample(frame, self.__ps.scale)
if self.__ps.display_output:
self.__draw_detection(process_frame, [])
if len(self.__process_frames) == self.__ps.batch_size:
batch_count += 1
self.__do_batch(batch_count, output_path)
def stats(self):
'''Prints out statistics on the current references'''
if not self.reference_count:
print(f'Error: No reference encodings currently loaded')
matches = []
distances = []
for encoding in self.__reference_encodings:
group = [x for x in self.__reference_encodings if not np.array_equal(x, encoding)]
if group:
matches.append(fr.compare_faces(group, encoding, self.__rs.tolerance))
distances.append(fr.face_distance(group, encoding))
print(f'Consistancy {round(np.average(matches) * 100, 2)}%')
print(f'Dist. Avg. {round(np.average(distances), 3)}')
print(f'Dist. SD. {round(np.std(distances), 3)}')
def save(self, file_path):
Saves references in compressed npz format to the given path
:param str file_path: Path to save file (.npz extension will be added if not present)
print(f'Saving {len(self.__reference_encodings)} to {file_path}.npz')
np.savez_compressed(file_path, *self.__reference_encodings)
def load(self, file_path):
Loads references in compressed npz format from the given path.
NB: Overwrites any existing encodings
:param str file_path: Path to a .npz file generated from the save method
npzfile = np.load(file_path)
print(f'Loading {len(npzfile.files)} from {file_path}')
self.__reference_encodings = [npzfile[key] for key in npzfile]
def process(self, input_path, output_path='.'):
Extracts known faces from the input source to the output.
:param str input_path: Path to video or image sequence pattern
:param str output_path: path to output directory
self.__total_extracted = 0
sequence = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path)
frame_count = int(sequence.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
work = int(frame_count / self.__ps.skip_frames)
batches = int(work / self.__ps.batch_size)
print(f'Processing {input_path} (scale:{self.__ps.scale})')
print(f'References {self.reference_count} (tolerance:{self.__rs.tolerance})')
print(f'Checking {work}/{frame_count} frames ({batches} batches of {self.__ps.batch_size})')
self.__batch_builder(output_path, sequence, frame_count)
if self.__ps.display_output:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
class Range(object):
'''Restricted range for float arguments'''
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.start <= other <= self.end
AP = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''FaceGrab''')
# Required settings
AP.add_argument('-r', '--reference', type=str, required=True,
help=r'''Path to a single image file or a directory of reference images.
Also accepts the path to an .npz file generated by save_references.
Finally to skip recognition and extract all faces an asterix '*'
can be passed.''')
AP.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, required=True,
help=r'''Path to a single file e.g. ./video/foo.mp4
Or a path/pattern of an image sequence e.g. ./frames/img_%%04d.jpg
(read like ./frames/img_0000.jpg, ./frames/img_0001.jpg, ./frames/img_0002.jpg, ...)''')
AP.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True,
help='''Path to output directory''')
# Optional settings
AP.add_argument('-ds', '--display_stats', action='store_true',
help='''Show the reference encoding statistics (model consistency).''')
AP.add_argument('-sr', '--save_references', type=str,
help='''Save the references in .npz format.
This file can be loaded as a reference avoiding the need
to re-encode a set of images each time for the same person''')
# Optional process settings
AP.add_argument('-bs', '--batch_size', type=int, default=128, choices=range(2, 128),
help='''How many frames to include in each GPU processing batch.''')
AP.add_argument('-sf', '--skip_frames', type=int, default=6, choices=range(0, 1000),
help='''How many frames to skip e.g. 5 means look at every 6th''')
AP.add_argument('-xs', '--extract_size', type=int, default=256, choices=range(32, 1024),
help='''Size in pixels of extracted face images (n*n).''')
AP.add_argument('-s', '--scale', type=float, default=0.25, choices=[Range(0.1, 1.0)],
help='''Factor to down-sample input by for detection processing.
If you get too few matches try scaling by half e.g. 0.5''')
AP.add_argument('-do', '--display_output', action='store_true',
help='''Show the detection and extraction images (slows processing).''')
AP.add_argument('-bt', '--blur_threshold', type=float, default=10, choices=[Range(0, 9999)],
help='''Extract blur threshold, higher values are stricter. Default is 10''')
# Optional recognition settings
AP.add_argument('-t', '--tolerance', type=float, default=0.6, choices=[Range(0.1, 1.0)],
help='''How much "distance" between faces to consider it a match.
Lower is stricter. 0.6 is typical best performance''')
AP.add_argument('-j', '--jitter', type=int, default=5, choices=range(1, 1000),
help='''How many times to re-sample images when
calculating recognition encodings. Higher is more accurate, but slower.
(100 is 100 times slower than 1).''')
ARGS = AP.parse_args()
RS = RecognitionSettings(tolerance=ARGS.tolerance, jitter=ARGS.jitter)
PS = ProcessSettings(batch_size=ARGS.batch_size,
FG = FaceGrab(ARGS.reference, RS, PS)
if ARGS.display_stats:
if ARGS.save_references:
FG.process(ARGS.input, ARGS.output)
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facepainter commented Feb 8, 2018



Add line 52 (Total hack but I could not seem to pass the path without error):

cmake_extra_options.append(r"-DCUDA_HOST_COMPILER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64")

As an aside I wanted to be able to pass the arg, to do something like...
python install --CUDA_HOST_COMPILER="..."
but however I tried CMake would barf on building the test dlib CUDA app :( - pretty sure somewhere an unescaped backslash is to blame...

Editing dlib\CMakeLists.txt

Change line 580:

if (NOT MSVC) # see



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k3erg commented Feb 16, 2018

Cool script!

Coming from deepfakes/faceswap#162 I added a padding option to add more room around detected face-rects:

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facepainter commented Feb 20, 2018

@k3erg - thanks :) it is really just a test for a few ideas for integration in faceswap :)
... but I will update it as I go on as I think it is nice stand alone.

Your padding option is a great idea - I think part of the issue is rounding errors in the scaling factor between the detected face locations and the full sized extractions (especially at certain ratios) - padding this out works really well :)

One thing I will defo add to is the align extract feature (rather than a navie crop) so that it spits out frames perfect for a learning model.

You might see I already optimized how frames are acquired (video is never opened as a stream, only the frames to process) and also how the batch detection results are handled thanks to fancy indexing the nonzero locations against the locations and frames (this makes the whole recognition step a lot faster) - indeed once faces are detected no more indexing is done and everything but the essentials are cleared from memory.

I have also added the ability to save/load the references - meaning you don't have to re encode images for a face everytime - you can just load a compressed .npz file to load encodings directly (this is ace if you are using a high number or references with a large jitter).


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facepainter commented Feb 21, 2018

@k3erg - just to note I added the extract align features by slightly porting the Umeyama algorithm from scikit and the DetectedFace class from faceswap. Now the recognition rate is much higher and as long as landmarks can be detected then it spits out transformed/aligned faces as needed with padding. I also used the face_recognition.api protected members directly to save having to include any of the dlib conversion/pose predictor methods from it in source.

Will still probably add the padding as you suggested to the naive crop should landmarks not be found in a detection image.

Enjoy :)

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k3erg commented Feb 21, 2018

Txs for all the work - it's working great already. The padding is less because of me needing it in scripts like faceswap, but to more to grab full heads to have the whole silhouette to calculate its geometry from it - think of it as headswap ;)

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facepainter commented Feb 22, 2018

@k3erg - ah - very cool! I like it - hadn't thought of that :)

I have added a bunch more stuff - mainly optimised the absolute crapola out of _umeyama - to the point it is silly fast.
Basically from a lovely, general, estimated N-D similarity transformation to a super-hacked-speedy-algorithmic-face-twister :)

A big change too is when to do the transform - I do it after recognition as it is still a computationally expensive step.
Hence I only do it on extracted images to be saved - reducing the number of times to a minimum.

Also added a bunch of other stuff too like the ability to dump some stats about the reference encodings (basic consistency, standard deviation Avg. Euclidean distance, etc)

It is really flying now :)

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