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James Gillmore faceyspacey

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faceyspacey /
Created June 29, 2024 01:38
How Valtio Works

Valtio - How it Works!

So the way Valtio works is the proxy() function is passed an object, which it wraps in a proxy via proxyFunction(). This proxy has a trap for "set" and "deleteProperty" which notifies interested listeners whenever a value is set on any of the keys of the object.

If the proxy finds that you assign another object, it recursively calls proxyFunction again with this object, wrapping it in another similar proxy, in case it too has values assigned to its keys. And so on. On first call to proxy() the entire object is traversed, applying proxy traps to nested objects.

Thereafter, whenever a value is assigned to a key, subscribed listeners to those keys are called recursively up to the top of the object, finalizing with a call to the callback supplied to useSyncExternalStore in useSnapshot hooks, resulting in a re-render of its containing component, if that component accessed changed keys.

The way the subscription mechanism works is that when useSnapshot subscribes to the proxy, it recurs

faceyspacey /
Last active May 5, 2024 15:10
how Respond Framework solves the same stuff as Concurrent React, but better without an API
  home: '/',
  login: '/login',
  dashboard: {
    path: '/dashboard',
    module: createModule({
      settings: '/settings',
      myAccount: '/my-account',
    }, {
faceyspacey / camtwist_crash_report.txt
Created August 3, 2019 01:26
Camtwist Crash Report (OSX El Capitan 10.11.6, Camtwist 3.4.3)
Process: CamTwist [1578]
Path: /Applications/CamTwist/
Identifier: com.allocinit.CamTwist
Version: 3.4.3 (3.4.3)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: CamTwist [1578]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2019-08-02 18:24:51.316 -0700
faceyspacey / simple-functional-hypothetical-react-example.js
Last active April 24, 2019 08:28
Simple Functional Hypothetical React Example
import { Box } from 'respond'
export function Items(props) {
return Box({
style: { margin: 20, padding: 10 },
children: [
Item({ name: 'svelte' }),
Item({ name: 'react' }),
Item({ name: 'vue' }),
faceyspacey / respond-plus-hooks-modal.js
Last active April 8, 2019 14:03
Respond Plus Hooks Modal
const MyRespondModal = (props, state, actions) => (
const Modal = ({ visible, text, onClose, onSubmit }) => {
faceyspacey / respond-modular-components.js
Last active April 8, 2019 10:46
Respond Modular Components
export default createApp({
components: {
App: (props, { location }) => {
const Component = location.components.list.ComponentWithHoistedDataDeps
return Component ? <Component /> : <Spinner />
routes: {
path: '/list/:category',
faceyspacey / respond-framework-statecharts.js
Last active March 28, 2019 10:38
Respond Framework support for Statecharts
import { testGenerator } from 'respond-framework/test'
const routes = {
LOGIN: '/login',
SIGNUP: '/signup',
POST: '/post/:slug',
path: '/',
next: {
LOGIN: request => !!request.getState().cookies.existingUser,
faceyspacey /
Last active April 25, 2019 13:03
Respond Framework Walkthrough

Respond Framework Walkthrough

Respond Framework is what happens if you build Redux & first-class concerns for routing into React, plus take a page from the traditional server-side MVC playbook when it comes to side-effects.

Here's a quick overview of the features and usage in Respond Framework.


faceyspacey /
Last active March 23, 2019 04:41
Example of our automatically code-split manifest

Our Manifest

Below is our manifest which has the information of every route the app has. It's statically generated by our babel-plugin at compile time.

It has the absolute minimal amount of information necessary so that it's possible for any route to dispatch actions to any other route.

Since createScene() generates action creators from simply our routesMap types/keys, that's all we need to generate ALL ACTIONS. Well, there is a few small edge cases, but you got the idea.

faceyspacey /
Last active March 15, 2019 10:14
BRAINSTORM: Remixx Modules is also all about automatic splitting across routes + modules -- our own special manifest is the key

How we assign components to modules

This insures each component only can access the state from the module its part of.

  1. here's the intermediary data structure we generate in a single babel pass: