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Last active November 21, 2016 22:30
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Make a Clojure project also run in ClojureScript

Full story here.

Getting started

  1. Differences from Clojure
  2. :require-macros
  3. ClojureScript Quick Start
  4. Using ClojureScript on a Web Page
  5. Running ClojureScript on Node.js
  6. Reader Conditionals
  7. .clj files for Clojure-only logic (and macros!).
  8. .cljs files for ClojureScript-only logic.
  9. .cljc files for shared logic (and macros!).
  10. #? reader conditionals syntax.
(defn str->int [s]
  #?(:clj  (java.lang.Integer/parseInt s)
     :cljs (js/parseInt s)))
(ns example.dialogs
  #?(:clj (:require [advenjure.dialogs :refer [dialog]])
     :cljs (:require-macros [advenjure.dialogs :refer [dialog]])))

Basic JavaScript interop

  1. Dot notation same as in Clojure.
  2. js-obj to create plain key/value objects.
  3. clj->js convert clj structures to js structures.
  4. aget/aset to access object properties.
(def plain-object (js-obj "a" 1 "b" true "c" nil))

(def nested-object (clj->js :a 1 :b [1 2 3] :c #{"d" true :e nil}))

(aset js/localStorage "key" "value"))
(println (aget js/localStorage "key")))

Translates (more or less) to:

namespace.plain_object = {a: 1, b: true, c: null};

namespace.nested_object = {a: 1, b: [1, 2, 3], c: ["d", true, "e", null]};

window.localStorage.key = "value";

Trickier interop: core.async


(loop [state game-state]
  (let [input (get-input state)
        new-state (process-input state input)]
    (if-not (finished? new-state)
      (recur new-state)
(ns advenjure.ui.input)
(def input-chan (chan))
(defn process-command
  "Callback passed to jQuery terminal upon initialization"
  (go (>! input-chan command)))
(defn get-input
  "Wait for input to be written in the input channel"
  (go (<! input-chan)))

(go-loop [state game-state]
  (let [input (<! (get-input state))
        new-state (process-input state input)]
    (if-not (finished? new-state)
      (recur new-state)
(ns advenjure.async)

(defmacro <!?
  "If value is a channel (implements ReadPort protocol), take the value from it
  (<!), otherwise return as is. Works with nested channels, I wish there wasn't any.
    (loop [result# ~value]
      (if (satisfies? cljs.core.async.impl.protocols/ReadPort result#)
        (recur (cljs.core.async/<! result#))


:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.4"]]
   {:main {:source-paths ["src"]
           :compiler {:output-to "main.js"
                      :main example.core
                      :optimizations :simple
                      :pretty-print false
                      :optimize-constants true
                      :static-fns true}}
    :dev {:source-paths ["src"]
          :compiler {:output-to "dev.js"
                     :main example.core
                     :optimizations :none
                     :source-map true
                     :pretty-print true}}}}

Compiles with lein cljsbuild once main

lein-figwheel (thanks to @nicoberger!)

:dev {:source-paths ["src"]
      :figwheel {:before-jsload "advenjure.ui.input/figwheel-cleanup"}

      :compiler {:output-to "resources/public/js/main.js"
                 :output-dir "resources/public/js/out"
                 :main example.core
                 :parallel-build true
                 :asset-path "js/out"
                 :optimizations :none
                 :source-map true
                 :pretty-print true}}}}

Runs with lein figwheel

Bundling foreign libs

How to use third-party js without having the user manually include it in the HTML?

  1. ClojureScript dependencies
  2. Need externs so Google Closure doesn't rename external symbols (e.g. "JQuery").
  3. CLJSJS Project
  4. :foreign-libs and src/deps.cljs
 [{:file "jquery/jquery-3.1.1.js"
 :file-min "jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"
 :provides ["jquery"]}
 {:file "jquery.terminal/jquery.terminal-0.11.10.js"
 :file-min "jquery.terminal/jquery.terminal-0.11.10.min.js"
 :requires ["jquery"]
 :provides ["jquery.terminal"]}
 {:file "jquery.terminal/jquery.mousewheel.js"
 :file-min "jquery.terminal/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"
 :requires ["jquery"]
 :provides ["jquery.mousewheel"]}
 {:file "xregexp/xregexp-all.js"
 :file-min "xregexp/xregexp-all.min.js"
 :provides ["xregexp"]}]
 :externs ["jquery/externs.js" "jquery.terminal/externs.js" "xregexp/externs.js"]}
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