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Last active October 10, 2017 02:18
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clojure meetup re-frame

Building a re-frame app


  • Greenfield Erlang project to excercise some of the basics
  • Haven't done frontend development in years
  • Didn't know a thing about React (and still don't know much)
  • Biased towards weird and cool techs

The Project

HolidayPing channels

HolidayPing calendar

  • PRs welcome!


  • (-> react.js reagent re-frame)
    • react: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • reagent: A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js.
    • re-frame: A pattern for writing SPAs in ClojureScript, using Reagent.
  • Similar architecture to Redux, Om Next and Elm.


  • Just functions that produce HTML (hiccup)
  • Should be ketp as dumb as possible: re-frame provides other components to handle reading/writing state.
(defn footer-view
     [:p [:strong "HolidayPing"] " by "
      [:a {:href "" :target "_blank"} "LambdaClass"] "."]
     [:p [:a.icon {:href ""}

State: app-db

  • Reagent provides reagent/atom to manage state: like clojure.core/atom, but it keeps track of every time it is deref’ed
  • Any component that uses an atom is automagically re-rendered when its value changes.
  • re-frame puts all your application state into single reagent/atom, which is called app-db.


  • Events allow to write to the db and handle other effectful interactions (i.e. talk to a server)
  • Events are pure functions: they take effects as inputs and return new effects as data.
 (fn [_ [_ {:keys [email password]}]]
   {:http-xhrio {:method          :get
                 :uri             "/api/auth/token"
                 :timeout         8000
                 :headers         {:authorization (basic-auth-header email password)}
                 :response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
                 :on-success      [:login-success]
                 :on-failure      [:login-failure]}}))

 (fn [{:keys [db]} [_ response]]
   (let [token (:access_token response)]
     {:dispatch        [:navigate :channel-list]
      :db              (assoc db :access-token token)
      :set-local-store ["access_token" token]})))


  • Subscriptions allow to read/query the db.
  • They help to make your views dumber by encapsulating all data processing.
  • They allow to decouple the view from the app-db schema.
 (fn [db]
   (boolean (:access-token db))))

 (fn [db]
   (token/decode (:access-token db))))

 (fn [_ _] (re-frame/subscribe [:user-info]))
 (fn [{:keys [email avatar]} _]
   (if avatar
     (gravatar email))))

Views (again)

(defn user-info-view []
  (when @(re-frame/subscribe [:authenticated?])
    (let [{name :name} @(re-frame/subscribe [:user-info])
          avatar       @(re-frame/subscribe [:avatar])]
        [:img {:src avatar}]]
        [:div.navbar-item.has-text-grey name]
         {:on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:logout])} "Logout"]]])))

avatar component

Useful links

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