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Created May 24, 2023 20:38
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ChatGPT-4 prompt: Based on the styles shown in and and generate a humorous RFC on classful IPv6 routing. There should be at least 11 classes.
RFC 9999 CLASSFUL-IPV6 May 2023
Smith & Doe Experimental [Page]
Independent Submission
24 May 2023
J. Smith
J. Doe
The Classful IPv6 Routing (CLASSFUL-IPV6), a system designed to replace current classless IPv6 routing with something that not only adds unnecessary complexity but will also discourage this small, but obviously important, subset of human activity[6†source].
This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for examination, experimental implementation, and evaluation[7†source]. This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other RFC stream[8†source].
Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved[9†source].
1. Introduction
In the early days of the Internet, classful routing was the norm, where each IP address belonged to a specific class. However, with the advent of CIDR and classless routing, the concept of classes was largely abandoned, especially in IPv6. This document proposes to reintroduce the concept of classes into IPv6, not for any particular advantage in routing efficiency or address space utilization, but purely for the sake of nostalgia and confusion.
2. The Classes
The following classes are proposed:
1. Class A: For those who miss the good old days.
2. Class B: For those who believe the past is always better.
3. Class C: For those who resist change.
4. Class D: For those who think multicast should be everywhere.
5. Class E: For the future that will never come.
6. Class F: For those who think hexadecimal is too easy.
7. Class G: For those who like unnecessary complexity.
8. Class H: For those who insist on making simple things hard.
9. Class I: For the introverts.
10. Class J: For the extroverts.
11. Class K: For those who like to live on the edge.
Each class is identified by the first four bits of the IPv6 address, effectively reducing the address space by a factor of 16, a small price to pay for the increased complexity and confusion.
3. IPv6 Address Representation
In order to maximize confusion and difficulty, all IPv6 addresses in this system must be represented in binary.
4. Example
Here's an example of a Class K IPv6 address: 1011 0010:0110 1011:1101 0110:1011 0010:0110 1011:1101 0110:1011 0010:0110 1011:1101 0110.
5. IANA Considerations
None. IANA is requested to not waste time on this.
6. Security Considerations
The security implications of this proposal are not yet fully understood, but it is anticipated that the increase in complexity and confusion will likely discourage most attackers.
7. References
This document refers to no previous documents because the authors believe in not learning from the past.
Authors' Addresses
J. Smith
J. Doe
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