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Created March 8, 2022 07:59
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New file: AdaptiveSpacingItemDecoration to help solve spacing problem inside RecyclerView
import android.view.View
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ItemDecoration
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.StaggeredGridLayoutManager
* Give equal margin around each [RecyclerView] items, adaptively. Supports known direct subclasses of
* [RecyclerView.LayoutManager] such as: [LinearLayoutManager], [GridLayoutManager], and [StaggeredGridLayoutManager]
* Created by Fatah F on Fri, 14 Jan 2022
class AdaptiveSpacingItemDecoration(
private val size: Int,
private val edgeEnabled: Boolean = false
) : ItemDecoration() {
override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State) {
// Separate layout type
when (val layoutManager = parent.layoutManager) {
is GridLayoutManager -> {
is LinearLayoutManager -> {
val linearOrientation = layoutManager.orientation
// Flag whether item positioning is reversed (more like flipped) or not. So, if normally item is
// written from left to right (horizontally), then it will be right to left (whatever item index is)
// and if item is written from top to bottom (vertically), then it will be from bottom to top.
val isReversed = layoutManager.reverseLayout xor layoutManager.stackFromEnd
is StaggeredGridLayoutManager -> { // Equals to GridLayoutManager but isn't the same on function level
private fun makeLinearSpacing(
outRect: Rect,
position: Int,
itemCount: Int,
@RecyclerView.Orientation orientation: Int,
isReversed: Boolean
) {
// Basic item positioning
val isLastPosition = position == (itemCount - 1)
val isFirstPosition = position == 0
// Saved size
val sizeBasedOnEdge = if (edgeEnabled) size else NO_SPACING
val sizeBasedOnFirstPosition = if (isFirstPosition) sizeBasedOnEdge else size
val sizeBasedOnLastPosition = if (isLastPosition) sizeBasedOnEdge else NO_SPACING
when (orientation) {
RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL -> {
with(outRect) {
left = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnLastPosition else sizeBasedOnFirstPosition
top = sizeBasedOnEdge
right = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnFirstPosition else sizeBasedOnLastPosition
bottom = sizeBasedOnEdge
RecyclerView.VERTICAL -> {
with(outRect) {
left = sizeBasedOnEdge
top = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnLastPosition else sizeBasedOnFirstPosition
right = sizeBasedOnEdge
bottom = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnFirstPosition else sizeBasedOnLastPosition
private fun makeGridSpacing(
outRect: Rect,
position: Int,
itemCount: Int,
@RecyclerView.Orientation orientation: Int,
spanCount: Int,
isReversed: Boolean
) {
// Basic item positioning
val isLastPosition = position == (itemCount - 1)
val sizeBasedOnEdge = if (edgeEnabled) size else NO_SPACING
val sizeBasedOnLastPosition = if (isLastPosition) sizeBasedOnEdge else size
// Opposite of spanCount (find layout depth)
val subsideCount = if (itemCount % spanCount == 0) {
itemCount / spanCount
} else {
(itemCount / spanCount) + 1
// Grid position. Imagine all items ordered in x/y axis
val xAxis = if (orientation == RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL) position / spanCount else position % spanCount
val yAxis = if (orientation == RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL) position % spanCount else position / spanCount
// Conditions in row and column
val isFirstColumn = xAxis == 0
val isFirstRow = yAxis == 0
val isLastColumn =
if (orientation == RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL) xAxis == subsideCount - 1 else xAxis == spanCount - 1
val isLastRow =
if (orientation == RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL) yAxis == spanCount - 1 else yAxis == subsideCount - 1
// Saved size
val sizeBasedOnFirstColumn = if (isFirstColumn) sizeBasedOnEdge else NO_SPACING
val sizeBasedOnLastColumn = if (!isLastColumn) sizeBasedOnLastPosition else sizeBasedOnEdge
val sizeBasedOnFirstRow = if (isFirstRow) sizeBasedOnEdge else NO_SPACING
val sizeBasedOnLastRow = if (!isLastRow) size else sizeBasedOnEdge
when (orientation) {
RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL -> { // Row fixed. Number of rows is spanCount
with(outRect) {
left = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnLastColumn else sizeBasedOnFirstColumn
top = if (edgeEnabled) size * (spanCount - yAxis) / (spanCount) else size * yAxis / spanCount
right = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnFirstColumn else sizeBasedOnLastColumn
bottom = if (edgeEnabled) {
size * (yAxis + 1) / spanCount
} else {
size * (spanCount - (yAxis + 1)) / spanCount
RecyclerView.VERTICAL -> { // Column fixed. Number of columns is spanCount
with(outRect) {
left = if (edgeEnabled) size * (spanCount - xAxis) / (spanCount) else size * xAxis / spanCount
top = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnLastRow else sizeBasedOnFirstRow
right = if (edgeEnabled) {
size * (xAxis + 1) / spanCount
} else {
size * (spanCount - (xAxis + 1)) / spanCount
bottom = if (isReversed) sizeBasedOnFirstRow else sizeBasedOnLastRow
companion object {
private const val NO_SPACING = 0
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