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Created April 30, 2021 03:03
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function rampingkan_teks(string, type) {
if (type == "NEW_LINE") {
ipes = '\r\n';
} else if (type == "SPACE") {
ipes = " ";
} else if (type == "KOMA") {
ipes = ",";
} else if (type == "TITIK") {
ipes = ".";
} else if (type == "NEW_LINE_SPACE") { ipes = '\r\n' + " "; }
inp = string;
exp = inp.split(ipes);
index = 0;
res = [];
exp.forEach((expp) => {
if (expp == exp[index + 1]) {
expp = null;
index = index + 1;
masak = res.join(" ")
regex = masak.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
return regex.trim();
console.log(rampingkan_teks("Kucing Kucing mumu bulat meong meong nyan cat makan makan makan sosis", "SPACE"))
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