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Script for use with Obsidian to pull in a snapshot of a day from Todoist

Obsidian Todoist Script


This takes a day in YYYY-MM-DD format and can be called using the CustomJS plugin with either the Dataview plugin or the Templater plugin.


In order to get nicer styling, copy the todoist.css file to .obsidian/snippets and enable it under Settings → Appearance.

Callouts are generated as todoist-<todoist-color>-<project-name>, all lowercase, and hyphenated. You can customize the colors and icons by adding a .callout[data-callout$="project-name"] section to the CSS.


Here is an example using dataviewjs in a Daily Note with the default file name pattern of

const { Todoist } = customJS;
await Todoist.Callout(dv);


Here is the same thing using Templater:

const { Todoist } = customJS;
tR += await Todoist.getTaskMarkdown(tp.file.title)

Advanced Usage

Using CustomJS, Templater, Dataview, and the Buttons plugins together, put this snippet at the bottom of a Daily Note:

const { Todoist } = customJS;
await Todoist.Callout(dv);

name Save Tasks as Markdown
type append template
action Burn-in Todoist Tasks
replace [-12, -8]
remove true

Put the Templater snippet in the template file Burn-in Todoist

Combined, this will create a dynamic Todoist view with a button that, when pushed, will vanish and replace the dynamic view with the hardcoded tasks.

/** Inbox Icon **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-"][data-callout$="-inbox"] {
--callout-icon: lucide-inbox;
/** Berry Red **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-berry-red-"] {
--callout-color: 184, 37, 95;
.todoist-berry-red {
color: #b8255f;
/** Red **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-red-"] {
--callout-color: 219, 64, 53;
.todoist-red {
color: #db4035;
/** Orange **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-orange-"] {
--callout-color: 255, 153, 51;
.todoist-orange {
color: #ff9933;
/** Yellow **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-yellow-"] {
--callout-color: 250, 208, 0;
.todoist-yellow {
color: #fad000;
/** Olive Green **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-olive-green-"] {
--callout-color: 175, 184, 59;
.todoist-olive-green {
color: #afb83b;
/** Lime Green **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-lime-green-"] {
--callout-color: 126, 204, 73;
.todoist-lime-green {
color: #7ecc49;
/** Green **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-green-"] {
--callout-color: 41, 148, 56;
.todoist-green {
color: #299438;
/** Mint Green **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-mint-green-"] {
--callout-color: 106, 204, 188;
.todoist-mint-green {
color: #6accbc;
/** Teal **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-teal-"] {
--callout-color: 21, 143, 173;
.todoist-teal {
color: #158fad;
/** Sky Blue **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-sky-blue-"] {
--callout-color: 20, 170, 245;
.todoist-sky-blue {
color: #14aaf5;
/** Light Blue **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-light-blue-"] {
--callout-color: 150, 195, 235;
.todoist-light-blue {
color: #96c3eb;
/** Blue **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-blue-"] {
--callout-color: 64, 115, 255;
.todoist-blue {
color: #4073ff;
/** Grape **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-grape-"] {
--callout-color: 136, 77, 255;
.todoist-grape {
color: #884dff;
/** Violet **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-violet-"] {
--callout-color: 175, 56, 235;
.todoist-violet {
color: #af38eb;
/** Lavender **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-lavender-"] {
--callout-color: 235, 150, 235;
.todoist-lavender {
color: #eb96eb;
/** Magenta **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-magenta-"] {
--callout-color: 224, 81, 148;
.todoist-magenta {
color: #e05194;
/** Salmon **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-salmon-"] {
--callout-color: 255, 141, 133;
.todoist-salmon {
color: #ff8d85;
/** Charcoal **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-charcoal-"] {
--callout-color: 128, 128, 128;
.todoist-charcoal {
color: #808080;
/** Grey **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-grey-"] {
--callout-color: 184, 184, 184;
.todoist-grey {
color: #b8b8b8;
/** Taupe **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-taupe-"] {
--callout-color: 204, 172, 147;
.todoist-taupe {
color: #ccac93;
/** Extra Info **/
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-"] li ul li {
font-size: smaller;
color: #999;
display: inline;
margin: 0 0.25em;
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-"] li ul li:first-child {
margin-left: -2em;
.callout[data-callout^="todoist-"] li ul li .list-bullet {
display: none;
.todoist-postponed {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
.todoist-postponed::before {
content: "« ";
.todoist-postponed::after {
content: " »";
/** Task Date **/
.todoist-task-date {
color: #299438;
.todoist-task-date::before {
margin-right: .2em;
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='.7em' height='.7em' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='rgb(41, 148, 56)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' class='lucide lucide-calendar'%3E%3Crect width='18' height='18' x='3' y='4' rx='2' ry='2'/%3E%3Cline x1='16' x2='16' y1='2' y2='6'/%3E%3Cline x1='8' x2='8' y1='2' y2='6'/%3E%3Cline x1='3' x2='21' y1='10' y2='10'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.todoist-task-recurring::after {
margin-left: .2em;
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='.7em' height='.7em' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' stroke='rgb(41, 148, 56)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' class='lucide lucide-repeat-2'%3E%3Cpath d='m2 9 3-3 3 3'/%3E%3Cpath d='M13 18H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6'/%3E%3Cpath d='m22 15-3 3-3-3'/%3E%3Cpath d='M11 6h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
class Todoist {
static API_TOKEN() {
kebab(string) {
return string
.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z]+)/g, (_, s1, s2) => `${s1} ${s2}`)
(_, s1, s2, s3) => `${s1} ${s2.toLowerCase()} ${s3}`,
(_, s1, s2) => `${s1.toLowerCase()} ${s2}`,
.replace(/\W+/g, ' ')
.replace(/_/g, '-')
.split(/ |\B(?=[A-Z])/)
.map((word) => word.toLowerCase())
simpleLocalDate(date) {
const parts = date.slice(0, 10).split('-');
const localDate = new Date(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2]);
localDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return localDate;
async getProjects() {
const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
return data.reduce((acc, project) => {
acc[] = project;
acc[].tasks = {};
return acc;
}, {});
async getLabels() {
const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
return data.reduce((acc, label) => {
acc[] = label;
return acc;
}, {});
async getPreviousDueDatesForTask(taskID) {
const url =
'' +
new URLSearchParams({
object_id: taskID,
object_type: 'item',
event_type: 'updated',
limit: 100,
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
return, event) => {
if (event.extra_data.last_due_date !== undefined) {
const date = new Date(event.extra_data.last_due_date);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return acc;
}, []);
async getItemInfo(taskID) {
const url =
'' +
new URLSearchParams({
item_id: taskID,
all_data: false,
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
return data.item;
async getActiveTasks(date) {
if (date === undefined) {
date = new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10);
const url =
'' +
new URLSearchParams({
filter: `(created before: ${date} | created: ${date}) & !no date`,
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
const givenDate = this.simpleLocalDate(date);
const givenDateString = givenDate.toUTCString();
return await data.reduce(async (acc, task) => {
const dueDates = await this.getPreviousDueDatesForTask(;
const dueDate = this.simpleLocalDate(;
const index = dueDates.findIndex(
(date) => date.toUTCString() === givenDateString,
if (index > -1) {
task.postponed = dueDates.length - index - 1;
(await acc).push(task);
return acc;
}, []);
async getCompletedTasks(date) {
if (date === undefined) {
date = new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10);
const givenDate = this.simpleLocalDate(date);
const until = this.simpleLocalDate(date);
until.setHours(23, 59);
const url =
'' +
new URLSearchParams({
since: givenDate.toJSON(),
until: until.toJSON(),
limit: 200,
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${Todoist.API_TOKEN()}`,
const data = await response.json();
return await Promise.all( (completedTask) => {
return await this.getItemInfo(completedTask.task_id);
async getTasksByProject(date) {
if (date === undefined) {
date = new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10);
const active_tasks = await this.getActiveTasks(date);
const completed_tasks = await this.getCompletedTasks(date);
const projects = await this.getProjects();
active_tasks.forEach((task) => {
projects[task.project_id].tasks[] = task;
completed_tasks.forEach((task) => {
projects[task.project_id].tasks[] = task;
return Object.values(projects).sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1));
async getTaskMarkdown(date) {
if (date === undefined) {
date = new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10);
const labels = await this.getLabels();
const projects = await this.getTasksByProject(date);
return projects.reduce((acc, project) => {
const tasks = Object.values(project.tasks).sort((a, b) => {
if (a.content > b.content) {
return 1;
if (a.content < b.content) {
return -1;
if (
a.due !== undefined &&
a.due !== null &&
b.due !== undefined &&
b.due !== null
) {
return > ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
if (tasks.length === 0) {
return acc;
acc += `> [!todoist-${this.kebab(project.color)}-${this.kebab(,
)}]+ ${}\n`;
tasks.forEach((task) => {
if (task.is_completed === false) {
acc += `> - [ ]`;
} else {
acc += `> - [x]`;
acc += ` ${task.content}\n`;
let extraParts = [];
if (task.due !== undefined && task.due !== null) {
let due = '';
if (task.due.datetime !== undefined) {
const dueDate = new Date(task.due.datetime);
due = dueDate.toLocaleTimeString([], {
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
} else if ( !== undefined && > 10) {
const dueDate = new Date(;
due = dueDate.toLocaleTimeString([], {
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
if (due.length > 0 || task.due.is_recurring === true) {
`<span class="todoist-task-date${
task.due.is_recurring === true ? ' todoist-task-recurring' : ''
if (task.labels !== undefined && task.labels.length > 0) {
extraParts = extraParts.concat(
(label) =>
`<span class="todoist-${this.kebab(
if (task.postponed !== undefined && task.postponed > 0) {
`<span class="todoist-postponed">${task.postponed}</span>`,
if (extraParts.length > 0) {
acc += `${extraParts
.map((part) => {
return `> - ${part}\n`;
acc += '\n';
return acc;
}, '');
async Callout(dv) {
const filename = dv.current();
const markdown = await this.getTaskMarkdown(filename);
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