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Last active November 7, 2020 10:29
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Symfony Form Collection & Twig / Macros
- id
- user_id
- client_id
- date
- total
- id
- facture_id
- name
- quantity
- unit_price
- amount
============== FORM ==============
- Create FactureType & FactureItemType
- FactureType wil have factureItems (check in Facture entity) of type CollectionType. Update Facture entity attribute factureItems : cascade={"persist"}
- FactureItemType will be generated from entity FactureItems
============== CONTROLLER ==============
- $facture = new Facture();
- $form = $this->createForm(FactureType::class, $facture);
- return [ 'form' => $form->createView(),]
============== TWIG ==============
- 'macros/prototype.html.twig'
- {% macro factureItemsMacros(theForm) %}
- form_widget(
- .....
- {% endmacro factureItemsMacros) %}
- 'any_twig_path/any_twig_file.html.twig'
- import 'macros/prototype.html.twig' as prototype
- <div id = "form-wrapper"
- data-index = "{{ form.factureItems|lenght }}"
- ---> EITHER
- data-prototype="{{ prototype.factureItems(form.factureItems.vars.prototype)|e('html_attr') }}
- ---> OR
- data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.factureItems.vars.prototype)|e('html_attr') }}
- ---> EOF
- > some html stuffs here.... </div>
- Displaying in loop
- {% for items in form.factureItems %}
- {{ form_widget( }}
- {{ form_widget(items.quantity) }}
- {{ form_widget(items.unitPrice) }}
- {% endfor %}
This will be called by a JS Event (on click,...)
============== Add the form ==============
- var collection = $("#form-wrapper");
- var prototype ='prototype');
- var idx ='index');
- var form = prototype.replace(/__name__/g, idx);
-'index', idx + 1);
- collection.append(form);
============== Remove the form ==============
$(document).on('click', '.remove-facture-collection', function (e) {
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