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Last active July 13, 2016 15:09
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; int main() {
011D1680 push ebp
011D1681 mov ebp,esp
011D1683 sub esp,0F0h
011D1689 push ebx
011D168A push esi
011D168B push edi
011D168C lea edi,[ebp-0F0h]
011D1692 mov ecx,3Ch
011D1697 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
011D169C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; char buf[40];
; buf[39] = 42;
011D169E mov eax,1
011D16A3 imul ecx,eax,27h
011D16A6 mov byte ptr buf[ecx],2Ah
; return 0xb100d;
011D16AB mov eax,0B100Dh
011D16B0 push edx
011D16B1 mov ecx,ebp
011D16B3 push eax
011D16B4 lea edx,ds:[11D16C8h]
011D16BA call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (011D1244h)
011D16BF pop eax
011D16C0 pop edx
011D16C1 pop edi
011D16C2 pop esi
011D16C3 pop ebx
011D16C4 mov esp,ebp
011D16C6 pop ebp
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