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Last active November 14, 2018 11:42
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  • Save fael/123c2b77fe3933eb82da3b9fa7c17a1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Awesome NPX

My Awesome npx list

npx speed-test

npx whois

create QR CODE

npx qrip

npx glob-cli 'my-project/*.{js,jsx}'

deploy to now

npx now

npx git-profile-manager list

npx kill-port 9983

npx cli-highlight package.json

npx gh

npx combine-files . queries.sql

npx diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX

npx media-query-extractor
--breakpoint "screen and (max-width: 767px)|mobile.css"
--breakpoint "screen and (max-width: 1024px)|tablet.css"
--breakpoint "screen and (min-width: 1025px)|desktop.css"
project/style.css remaining.css

snapshot of a code

npx carbon-now-cli snippet.js

quickly create a CLI

npx maid

npx --up 750 --down 1600 --rtt 150 npx npx --stop

npx browsertime -b chrome

npx lighthouse --verbose npx lighthouse-batch, --verbose

npx html-minifier index.html -o index.min.html --minify-css=true --minify-js=true --preserveLineBreaks=false --keepClosingSlash=true --collapseWhitespace=true --removeComments=true

npx gifify ROFL_Ball.mp4 -o ROFL_Ball.gif

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