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Created November 6, 2017 04:12
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Multi-threaded HTTP downloader in Go
package main
import (
// Structure for Arguments
type Args struct {
// URL to download
url string
// Number of threads to run
threadcount int
// Progress Flag - Display Progress
pflag bool
//DownloadTask Single Download Task
type DownloadTask struct {
url string
parts int
chunkArray []*FileChunk
dlsize int64
completed bool
outputfile *os.File
totalbdl int64
starttime time.Time
//FileChunk Single Chunk of Download
type FileChunk struct {
job DownloadTask
url string
chunkdata []byte
startbyte int64
endbyte int64
resp *http.Response
err error
buflen int64
bytesdone int64
completed bool
This function handles arguments or displays helptext
if arguments are not passed properly.
func processArguments() Args {
var u = flag.String("u", "", "URL to download")
var n = flag.Int("n", 5, "Number of download threads (segments)")
var p = flag.Bool("p", false, "Show progress")
args := Args{
url: *u,
threadcount: *n,
pflag: *p,
return args
func checkMD5(chunk []byte) string {
hasher := md5.New()
return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
//Initialize the download task
func (dl *DownloadTask) setupDownloadTask(url string, parts int) { = parts
dl.url = url
f, err := os.Create("output.file")
if err != nil {
dl.outputfile = nil
dl.outputfile = f
dl.starttime = time.Now()
dl.totalbdl = 0
//Check if download task is completed
func (dl *DownloadTask) checkComplete() {
flag := true
for _, chunk := range dl.chunkArray {
if chunk.completed == false {
flag = false
dl.completed = flag
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
// Set up the download chunks
func (dl *DownloadTask) launchDLChunks() {
v := dl.dlsize
chunksize := v/int64( + 1
nextbyte := int64(0)
for i := v; i > 0; i = i - chunksize {
//Set up the chunk
newchunk := new(FileChunk)
newchunk.setupChunkDownload(dl.url, nextbyte, nextbyte+chunksize)
nextbyte = nextbyte + chunksize
dl.chunkArray = append(dl.chunkArray, newchunk)
//Initializes the downloads size so that Tasks can be initiated
func (dl *DownloadTask) getURLHead(url string) {
var netClient = &http.Client{
//Set a 10s timeout
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
resp, err := netClient.Head(url)
// Handle the error
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("The error code is:\n %s", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
fmt.Printf("The response length is: %d\n", resp.ContentLength)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("The error code is:\n %s\n", err)
dl.dlsize = resp.ContentLength
//Track global download progress
func (dl *DownloadTask) globalProgress() {
// Total downloaded btyes
lastbdl := int64(0)
for _, chunk := range dl.chunkArray {
if chunk.completed {
lastbdl = lastbdl + chunk.endbyte - chunk.startbyte
} else {
lastbdl = lastbdl + int64(len(chunk.chunkdata))
timeelapsed := time.Since(dl.starttime) / time.Second
speed := ((lastbdl - dl.totalbdl) / 1024) / int64(timeelapsed)
fmt.Printf("Download Speed: %d KB/s | Downloaded: %d / %d (Total) | Time Elapsed: %d sec \n",
dl.totalbdl = lastbdl
func (chunk *FileChunk) setupChunkDownload(url string, startbyte int64, endbyte int64) {
//initialize the values for the chunk
chunk.url = url
chunk.startbyte = startbyte
chunk.endbyte = endbyte
chunk.completed = false
chunk.buflen = 32 * 1024
chunk.bytesdone = 0
func (chunk *FileChunk) downloadChunk() {
var netClient = &http.Client{}
// Set the request parameters
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", chunk.url, nil)
req.Header.Add("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", chunk.startbyte, chunk.endbyte-1))
chunk.resp, chunk.err = netClient.Do(req)
for {
buffer := make([]byte, chunk.buflen)
nr, err := chunk.resp.Body.Read(buffer)
chunk.chunkdata = append(chunk.chunkdata, buffer[:nr]...)
chunk.bytesdone = chunk.bytesdone + int64(nr)
if err == io.EOF {
chunk.completed = true
func (chunk *FileChunk) trackChunkDL() {
for chunk.completed == false {
fmt.Printf("Chunk-%d-%d: %d / %d KB done\n",
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
func (dl *DownloadTask) downloadFile() {
fmt.Printf("Launching Threads:\n")
for _, chunk := range dl.chunkArray {
fmt.Printf("Launching Chunk-%d-%d\n", chunk.startbyte, chunk.endbyte)
go chunk.downloadChunk()
//go chunk.trackChunkDL()
for dl.completed == false {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
defer dl.outputfile.Close()
for _, chunk := range dl.chunkArray {
timetotal := time.Since(dl.starttime) / time.Second
fmt.Printf("Download Completed. Average Speed: %d KB/s, Time Eplapsed: %ds \n\n", dl.dlsize/int64(timetotal), timetotal)
/* This is the main function */
func main() {
args := processArguments()
dl := new(DownloadTask)
dl.setupDownloadTask(args.url, args.threadcount)
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