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Created January 21, 2023 20:40
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pridecat, ported to fishscript
# Defined via `source`
function pridecat
set -l lgbt ff0018 ffa52c ffff41 008018 0000f9 86007d
set -l lgbt_1978 ff69b4 ff0000 ff8e00 ffff00 008e00 00c0c0 400098 8e008e
set -l lgbtpoc 000000 784F17 E40303 FF8C00 FFED00 008026 004DFF 750787
set -l trans 5BCEFA F5A9B8 FFFFFF F5A9B8 5BCEFA
set -l bi D60270 D60270 9B4F96 0038A8 0038A8
set -l ace 000000 A3A3A3 FFFFFF 800080
set -l aro 3DA642 A8D379 FFFFFF A9A9A9 000000
set -l pan FF218C FF218C FFD800 FFD800 21B1FF 21B1FF
set -l nb FFF430 FFFFFF 9C59D1 000000
set -l lipstick A40061 B75592 D063A6 EDEDEB E4ACCF C54E54 8A1E04
set -l new_lesbian D52D00 EF7627 FF9A56 FFFFFF D162A4 B55590 A30262
set -l community_lesbian D52D00 FF9A56 FFFFFF D362A4 A30262
set -l genderqueer B57EDC B57EDC FFFFFF FFFFFF 4A8123 4A8123
set -l poly 0000ff 0000ff ff0000 ff0000 000000 000000
set -l vars lgbt{,_1978,poc} trans bi ace aro pan nb lipstick {new,community}_lesbian genderqueer poly
set -l var (set -q argv[1]; and echo $argv[1]; or random choice $vars)
if not set -q $var
echo Wrong color $var
set -l cols $$var
while read -l line
if not string trim -- $line | string length -q
set -l col 0x(string match -ra '..' -- $cols[1])
set -l bg ffffff
if test (math 0.2126 x $col[1] + 0.7152 x $col[2] + 0.0722 x $col[3]) -gt 150
set bg 000000
echo (set_color $bg -b $cols[1])$line(set_color reset)
set -e cols[1]
if not set -q cols[1]
set cols $$var
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