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Last active October 11, 2018 07:36
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Formulae for rocksdb 5.8.8
class Rocksdb < Formula
desc "Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "51adb8e265c19a22281598157b097105ea187589070baaf7ac714a649c423070"
bottle do
cellar :any
sha256 "df69fa36b2b025f62cc0d30da46e072512d424cc66c242834fcfba7a60cb913c" => :mojave
sha256 "b4dd4f1c3324876dcf7a9524d6440a0891f162db3c19b97284100aa4b13cabbe" => :high_sierra
sha256 "8d3515c91f5eecb1828af7825ddadb0169720b47b2cd76411ad7ca3792699e20" => :sierra
sha256 "e07d5748ec17ea316d7b669bf22e69db5b5c12c488030abbc164d17f004ace44" => :el_capitan
depends_on "gflags"
depends_on "lz4"
depends_on "snappy"
needs :cxx11
def install
ENV["PORTABLE"] = "1" if build.bottle?
ENV["USE_RTTI"] = "1"
ENV["DISABLE_JEMALLOC"] = "1" # prevent opportunistic linkage
# build regular rocksdb
system "make", "clean"
system "make", "static_lib"
system "make", "shared_lib"
system "make", "tools"
system "make", "install", "INSTALL_PATH=#{prefix}"
bin.install "sst_dump" => "rocksdb_sst_dump"
bin.install "db_sanity_test" => "rocksdb_sanity_test"
bin.install "db_stress" => "rocksdb_stress"
bin.install "write_stress" => "rocksdb_write_stress"
bin.install "ldb" => "rocksdb_ldb"
bin.install "db_repl_stress" => "rocksdb_repl_stress"
bin.install "rocksdb_dump"
bin.install "rocksdb_undump"
# build rocksdb_lite
ENV.append_to_cflags "-DROCKSDB_LITE=1"
ENV["LIBNAME"] = "librocksdb_lite"
system "make", "clean"
system "make", "static_lib"
system "make", "shared_lib"
system "make", "install", "INSTALL_PATH=#{prefix}"
test do
(testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS
#include <assert.h>
#include <rocksdb/options.h>
#include <rocksdb/memtablerep.h>
using namespace rocksdb;
int main() {
Options options;
return 0;
system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", "-o", "db_test", "-v",
"-std=c++11", "-stdlib=libc++", "-lstdc++",
"-lz", "-lbz2",
"-L#{lib}", "-lrocksdb_lite",
"-L#{Formula["snappy"].opt_lib}", "-lsnappy",
"-L#{Formula["lz4"].opt_lib}", "-llz4"
system "./db_test"
assert_match "sst_dump --file=", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_sst_dump --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_sanity_test <path>", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_sanity_test --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_stress [OPTIONS]...", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_stress --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_write_stress [OPTIONS]...", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_write_stress --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "ldb - RocksDB Tool", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_ldb --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_repl_stress:", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_repl_stress --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_dump:", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_dump --help 2>&1", 1)
assert_match "rocksdb_undump:", shell_output("#{bin}/rocksdb_undump --help 2>&1", 1)
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