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Last active April 15, 2024 22:14
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Backup To Remote Server over SSH

Backup To Remote Server over SSH

Background Info

  • Server A: Production Server, Example IP:
  • Server B: Backup Server, Example IP:


Backup a folder in Server A and send tarred file to Server B

Step 1: Setup SSH Public Key Based Authentication

In Server A, generate key

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Press [enter] key twice to avoid creating a passphrase. It will create 2 files in ~/.ssh directory as follows:

~/.ssh/id_rsa : identification (private) key
~/.ssh/ : public key

Use scp to copy the (public key) to (Server B, Backup) as authorized_keys file, this is know as "installing the public key to server".

scp ~/.ssh/ root@

You will interact with Server B ssh authentication during this process. Proceed to answer yes and enter the correct password to complete the scp process.

Once completed, test the installed key by ssh'ing into Server B like below:


If you done it correctly, you will now be in Server B shell (No password is requested!). Exit from Server B.

Next, while you are in Server A, test the tar command that send the output to Server B through ssh:

tar zcvf - /var/www/html/projectdir | ssh "cat > /backup/projectdir-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz"

On Server B, checked whether the file is received in /backup directory. If it's there, then you have successfully backup your folder to a remote server over ssh.

Step 2: Add Cron Job for the Backup Process

In order to automate the process, add the tar command above into crontab (on Server A).

First create a backup shell script (save it as ~/

tar zcf - /var/www/html/projectdir | ssh "cat > /backup/projectdir-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz"

After saving the file, give it execution permission with chmod +x ~/

Add the script file to crontab like the example below:

0 1 * * * ~/

For this example, it will send the backup file everyday at 1:00AM.

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