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Last active March 1, 2018 07:14
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Jira Subtask Reorder (userscripts)
// ==UserScript==
// @name JIRA Subtask Reorder
// @version 0.1
// @description Reorder JIRA subtasks with ease by just drag and drop them.
// @author faizshukri
// @match http*://**
// ==/UserScript==
(function($) {
'use strict';
const getFirstLinkInRow = rowEl =>
$(rowEl).find('.streorder a').first().attr('href');
const urlBuilder = (url, current, next) => {
const newUrl = new URL(window.location.protocol + '//' + + url);
newUrl.searchParams.set('currentSubTaskSequence', current);
newUrl.searchParams.set('subTaskSequence', next);
return newUrl.pathname + '?' + newUrl.searchParams.toString();
const updateIndex = (index, rowEl) => {
const child = $(rowEl).find(".stsequence");
const newIndex = `${index + 1}.`;
if (child.find("> div").length) {
child.find("> div").text(newIndex);
} else {
const updateLink = (index, rowEl, totalSubtasks) => {
const url = getFirstLinkInRow(rowEl);
const $subtaskReorder = $(rowEl).find('.streorder .subtask-reorder');
const arrow = (url, direction) =>
`<a href="${url}" title="Move ${direction}">
<span class="icon-default aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-${direction}">Move ${direction}</span>
const sortArrow = '<img src="/images/border/spacer.gif" class="sortArrow" alt="">';
// First subtask
if (index === 0) {
sortArrow +
arrow(urlBuilder(url, index, index + 1), 'down')
// Last subtask
} else if (index === totalSubtasks - 1) {
arrow(urlBuilder(url, index, index - 1), 'up') +
} else {
arrow(urlBuilder(url, index, index - 1), 'up') +
arrow(urlBuilder(url, index, index + 1), 'down')
const persistOrder = ($rowEl, startPosition, endPosition) => {
const url = getFirstLinkInRow($rowEl);
const spinnerWrapper = $rowEl.find('.stsummary > a').append('<span style="position: relative; left: 10px;"></span>');
AJS.$(spinnerWrapper.find('> span')).spin();
const newUrl = urlBuilder(url, startPosition, endPosition);
$.get(newUrl, function() {
AJS.$(spinnerWrapper.find('> span')).spinStop();
spinnerWrapper.find('> span').remove();
let startPosition = null;
.css("overflow", "hidden")
.find("> tbody")
cursor: "move",
start: function(event, ui) {
// find start position of the drag task
startPosition = $(this).find('> tr').index(ui.item);
stop: function(event, ui) {
const endPosition = $(this).find('> tr').index(ui.item);
if (endPosition === startPosition) return;
const $subtasks = $(this).find("> tr");
$subtasks.each(function(i) {
// Fix index
updateIndex(i, this);
// Fix link
updateLink(i, this, $subtasks.length);
// Persist it
persistOrder(ui.item, startPosition, endPosition);
startPosition = null;
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