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Last active February 19, 2021 05:05
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Basic Tax Calculation (IN)
def cal_taxable_income(income, deductions, regime):
taxable_income = income
if regime == 'old':
taxable_income -= deductions
return taxable_income
def income_tax_calculator(income, deductions, rules, regime):
taxable_income = cal_taxable_income(income, deductions, regime)
print(f'{"*" * 5}\tIncome\t\t: {income}\t{"*" * 5}')
print(f'{"*" * 5}\tDeductions\t: {deductions}\t{"*" * 5}')
print(f'{"*" * 5}\tTaxable\t\t: {taxable_income}\t{"*" * 5}')
_tax = 0
for _key, rule in rules.items():
if taxable_income <= rule["start"]: break
if taxable_income <= rule["end"]:
rule["end"] = taxable_income
print(f'\n{"*" * 5} Rule {_key + 1} : Start = {rule["start"]} | End = {rule["end"]} | Tax = {rule["tax"] * 100}% {"*" * 5}')
_tax += ((rule["end"] - rule["start"]) * rule["tax"])
print(f'{"*" * 5}\tTax : {_tax}')
net_income = taxable_income - _tax
if regime == 'old':
net_income += deductions
print(f'\n{"*" * 8}\tNet Income : {net_income}\t{"*" * 5}')
print(f'{"*" * 8}\tTotal Tax : {_tax}\t{"*" * 5}')
income = float(input('Enter total yearly income : '))
deductions = float(input('Enter total yearly deduction : '))
## Rules ##
slab_rules_19_20 = {
0: {
'start': 0,
'end': 250000,
'tax': 0
1: {
'start': 250000,
'end': 500000,
'tax': 0.05
2: {
'start': 500000,
'end': 1000000,
'tax': 0.20
3: {
'start': 1000000,
'end': cal_taxable_income(income, deductions, 'old'),
'tax': 0.30
## Rules ##
slab_rules_20_21 = {
0: {
'start': 0,
'end': 500000,
'tax': 0
1: {
'start': 500000,
'end': 750000,
'tax': 0.10
2: {
'start': 750000,
'end': 1000000,
'tax': 0.15
3: {
'start': 1000000,
'end': 1250000,
'tax': 0.20
4: {
'start': 1250000,
'end': 1500000,
'tax': 0.25
5: {
'start': 1500000,
'end': cal_taxable_income(income, deductions, 'new'),
'tax': 0.30
print(f'\n{"*" * 10} Old Regime {"*" * 10}')
income_tax_calculator(income, deductions, slab_rules_19_20, 'old') # Old Regime
print(f'\n{"*" * 10} New Regime {"*" * 10}')
income_tax_calculator(income, deductions, slab_rules_20_21, 'new') # No deduction available in New Regime
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