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Created May 15, 2009 16:59
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Raw input data: snapshot-07.csv
- Contains one line header in the first line
Convert to tulip format:
$ sed '1d' snapshot-07.csv | ./ | ./to-tulip output.tlp
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage:
# $ chmod +x
# $ sed '1d' snapshot-07.csv | ./ > data.txt
import sys
group = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
(author, reviewer, weight, g) = line.strip().split(",")
g = int(g)
weight = int(weight)
key = "%s,%s" % (author, reviewer)
gg = group.get(g, {})
total = gg.get(key, 0)
total += weight
gg[key] = total
group[g] = gg
for g in group:
for key in group[g]:
(author, reviewer) = map(lambda x: x[1:-1], key.split(","));
print "%s %s %d %d" % (author, reviewer, group[g][key], g)
LIBS=-L$(TLP_HOME)/lib -ldl -ltulip
all : to-tulip
to-tulip :
g++ -o $@ $? $(CXXFLAGS) $(LIBS)
#include <tulip/Graph.h>
#include <tulip/StringProperty.h>
#include <tulip/IntegerProperty.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#define _E(s) std::cerr << s << std::endl;
#define _D(s) std::cout << s << std::endl;
#define EXISTS(c, v) (c).find(v) != (c).end()
#define FOREACH(c, i) for (i = (c).begin(); i != (c).end(); i++)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2) {
_E("Usage: cat data.txt | ./to-tulip output.tlp");
return 1;
std::string author, reviewer;
std::string sweight, ssnapshot;
int weight, snapshot;
tlp::Graph* graph = tlp::newGraph();
typedef std::map<std::string, tlp::node> tPersonMap;
typedef std::set<std::string> tPersonList;
typedef std::pair<tlp::node, tlp::node> tCouple;
typedef std::pair<int, int> tData;
typedef std::pair<tCouple, tData> tRecord;
typedef std::list<tRecord> tRecords;
tPersonList person;
tPersonMap map;
tRecords records;
tlp::StringProperty* gName = graph->getProperty<tlp::StringProperty>("personName");
tlp::IntegerProperty* gWeight = graph->getProperty<tlp::IntegerProperty>("weight");
tlp::IntegerProperty* gSnapshot = graph->getProperty<tlp::IntegerProperty>("snapshot");
while (std::cin) {
std::cin >> author;
std::cin >> reviewer;
std::cin >> weight;
std::cin >> snapshot;
tlp::node nAuthor, nReviewer;
if (EXISTS(person, author)) {
nAuthor = map[author];
else {
nAuthor = graph->addNode();
map[author] = nAuthor;
gName->setNodeValue(nAuthor, author);
if (EXISTS(person, reviewer)) {
nReviewer = map[reviewer];
else {
nReviewer = graph->addNode();
map[reviewer] = nReviewer;
gName->setNodeValue(nReviewer, reviewer);
tCouple couple(nAuthor, nReviewer);
tData data(weight, snapshot);
tRecord record(couple, data);
tRecords::iterator iter;
FOREACH(records, iter) {
tRecord record = *iter;
tCouple couple = record.first;
tData data = record.second;
tlp::node nAuthor = couple.first;
tlp::node nReviewer = couple.second;
int weight = data.first;
int snapshot = data.second;
tlp::edge edge = graph->addEdge(nAuthor, nReviewer);
gWeight->setEdgeValue(edge, weight);
gSnapshot->setEdgeValue(edge, snapshot);
tlp::saveGraph(graph, argv[1]);
_E("Total nodes: " << graph->numberOfNodes());
_E("Total edges: " << graph->numberOfEdges());
return 0;
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