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Created June 23, 2011 12:25
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my usual git command
git init
# => initialize local repository
git add .
# => add all files/folders into the staging area
git add -A
# => add all files/folders into the staging area
# => (include the changes in the entire tree)
git commit -m <your message>
# => commit your changes with messages
git status
# => Checking the status of your repository
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
# => Reverting changes to original HEAD / commmit
git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
# => create new branch and switch to the new branch
# => (do commit first)
git branch -l
# => list all existing branches
git checkout <branch_name>
# => switch to the branch
git branch -D <branch_name>
# => remove the branch
# => (cannot delete the branch which you currently on)
# => (ignore the fully merge)
git push <repo_name> :<repo_branch_name>
# => remove branch on remote repository
# => the branch have to be inactive on the remote repository
git config --list
# => list the local configuration info
git remote add <remote_name> <repo_destination>
# => add remote repository destination address
# => (usually named origin `git remote add origin`)
git push <repo_name> <branch_name>
# => push local branch repository to the remote repository
# => (usually use `git push origin master`)
git remote show <repo_name>
# => will display list of remote branch on repository
# => and local branch that tracked with remote repository
git show-ref
# => Display the references within your current repository (local)
# => each git-pull / git-fetch / git-push are using references
# => defined on refspec (usually like this '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/remote/*')
git ls-remote <repo_name>
# => Display the references in a remote repository.
git reflog
# => Display the log references recent commit, merge, checkout, etc.
git reset --hard HEAD
# => return the entire working tree to the last committed state
git pull <repo_name> <refspec>
# => pull data / changes from remote repository
# => `git pull` will pull all the branches from remote into local repository
# => set the repo_name and refspec if you want only pulling from specific branch
git merge <branch_name>
# => merge all files and changes onto the current branch
# => you have to checkout / switch to the destination branch first
# => if conflict appears you have to modified the files using editor
git config --global checkout
# => set global configuration to create alias "co" for "checkout"
# => another example to create aliases (git config --global alias.b branch)
# => will create alias "b" for "branch"
# => you also able to change configuration on '~/.gitconfig' for global, '.git/config' for local
git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn
# => set gitconfig to ignore whitespace (Ruby is whitespace insensitive)
git tag -a <version> -m <message>
# => create annotated tag specify the version and message
git push --tags
# => push all tags to remote repositories
git rm --cached <filename>
# => untrack certain files, for folder use -r option for recursively
# => or try use this command `git update-index --assume-unchanged <filename>`
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