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Last active May 23, 2021 12:16
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> (test)
; loading /opt/homebrew/Cellar/chicken/5.2.0/lib/chicken/11/ ...
; loading /opt/homebrew/Cellar/chicken/5.2.0/lib/chicken/11/ ...
A 0:pre
B 0:pre
A 0:post
A 1:pre
B 0:post
B 1:pre
A 1:post
A 2:pre
B 1:post
B 2:pre
A 2:post
A 3:pre
B 2:post
B 3:pre
A 3:post
End! A
B 3:post
End! B
(define (test)
(import format)
(import simple-loops)
(define final-cont 0)
; A continuation queue
(define cont-queue (make-vector 10))
(define cont-queue-front 0)
(define cont-queue-back 0)
(define (cont-queue-size)
(- cont-queue-front cont-queue-back))
(define (cont-push c)
(assert (< (cont-queue-size) 10))
(set! (vector-ref cont-queue (modulo cont-queue-front 10)) c)
(set! cont-queue-front (+ cont-queue-front 1)))
(define (cont-pop)
(assert (> (cont-queue-size) 0))
(set! cont-queue-back (+ cont-queue-back 1))
(let* ((index (modulo (- cont-queue-back 1) 10))
(cont (vector-ref cont-queue index)))
(set! (vector-ref cont-queue index) 0)
; Forget the last continuation
(cont #f)))
; Suspend a job. Since we are capturing the continuation make sure it is not left
; over in the stack.
(define (suspend)
(call/cc (lambda (cont)
(lambda ()
(cont-push cont)
; Spawn a job. When the spawned job finishes the leftover continuation
; will be the continuation of the first suspend. The call-with-cthulhu
; call is a chicken specific way of replacing that continuation with the
; final-cont that we have made sure to be the right way to drop off after
; finishing a job. (xxx: this might be redundant since we are calling cthulu
; in suspend)
(define (spawn f)
(cont-push (lambda is-nil (f) (##sys#call-with-cthulhu
(lambda () (final-cont #f))))))
; Pop the continuation the queue until it's empty.
(define (run)
(do-while (> (cont-queue-size) 0)
(lambda (fin)
(set! final-cont fin)
; Make a simple job tha prints stuff and suspends
(define (mk-job job-name)
(let ((ended #f))
(lambda ()
(display (format "~A:start\n" job-name))
(do-for i (0 4)
(display (format "~A ~A:pre\n" job-name i))
(display (format "~A ~A:post\n" job-name i)))
(assert (not ended))
(set! ended #t)
(display (format "End! ~A\n" job-name)))))
; Here we interleave job A and job B. When one suspends the other wakes up.
(spawn (mk-job "A"))
(spawn (mk-job "B"))
; (spawn (mk-job "C"))
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