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Last active March 29, 2021 11:26
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Await coroutines

We will use coroutines as custom hyperthreading. We want to be able to dealn with memory as if it were a remote location from where we are fetching data. When issuing a prefetch command we want to switch to a different.

int main () {
  event_loop ev(3);
  int val1 = 1;
  int val2 = 2;
  int val3 = 3;
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    ev.spawn<event_loop::base_task>([&] (int i) -> event_loop::base_task {
      int v;
      printf("[%d]Prefetching val1\n",i);
      v = co_await prefetch(val1);
      printf("[%d]in cache val1 = %d, prefetching val2\n",i, v);
      v = co_await prefetch(val2);
      printf("[%d]in cache val2 = %d, prefetching val3\n",i, v);
      v = co_await prefetch(val3);
      printf("[%d]in cache val3 = %d\n",i, v);

a call to co_await prefetch(...) will issue a pre-fetch instruction and immediately switch to another coroutine. After this is done 3 times we return to the initial coroutine and actually use the variable we prefetched and hopefully it has reached L1 by now so it’s immediately available.

The task and promise types

A coroutine is a function that returns a task object that has the lifetime of the coroutine. This object is used by the compiler to find task::promise_type which is expected to implement a particular interface. A function

([]() -> task { /* body of the coroutine */ })()

Is desugared into something similar to.

task::promise_type p;
task t = p.get_return_object();
p.initial_suspend(); // may pass control to the caller
// body of the coroutine
p.final_suspend(); // may pass control to the caller

It is clear then that the task object must be of a type similar to

struct task {
  struct promise_type {
    // suspend_always: always suspends and does not produce a value.
    suspend_always initial_suspend() {  return {}; }

    // suspend_never: never suspends and does not produce a value.
    suspend_never final_suspend() {return {};}
    void return_void() {}

    // This actually builds the task
    base_task get_return_object() {return {};}
    void unhandled_exception() {}

Awaitable object

Moving to the actual meat of the matter.

co_await expr;

Is desugared into something resembling

awaitable_type awaitable;
if (awaitable.await_ready) {
  // <pass control to caller and wait for resume>
return awaitable.await_resume();

Therefore the prefetch function must be something similar to

template<typename T>
auto prefetch(T& value) {
  return prefetch_awaitable<T,task_type::promise_type>{value};

Now we need to define the prefetch_awaitable object. As indicated it needs to be able to wait_ready, await_suspend and await_resume.

template<typename T,typename P>
struct prefetch_awaitable {
  T& value;
  prefetch_awaitable(T& value) : value(value) {}
  ~prefetch_awaitable() {}
  bool await_ready () { return false; }
  coroutine_handle<P> await_suspend (coroutine_handle<P> h) {
    _mm_prefetch(static_cast<const char*>(std::addressof(value)));
    P& promise = h.promise();
    auto& sch = promise.owner->scheduler;
    return sch.pop_front();

  T&  await_resume () { return value; }

Note here that await_suspend could optionally return void if we can’t immediately come up with a coroutine to continue with. In that case control is returned to the caller.

Yielding coroutines

In the case of a yielding coroutine we want something like

gen_t f( ) {
  printf("Yield: 1");
  co_yield 1;
  printf("Yield: 2");
  co_yield 2;
  printf("Yield: 3");
  co_yield 3;

int main() {
  for (int i : f()) {
    printf("Iter: i = %d\n", i);

Which would be similar to the python notion of what a coroutine is. A co_yield i keyworkd is equivalent to co_await promise.yield_value(expr). In practice it means that the gen_t task will be resumed not by an external source (like the awaiting coroutine) but rather by an incrementing iterator.

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