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Created June 22, 2022 08:57
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Ruby Debugger Commands


Control flow

  • s[tep]
    • Step in. Resume the program until next breakable point.
  • s[tep] <n>
    • Step in, resume the program at <n>th breakable point.
  • n[ext]
    • Step over. Resume the program until next line.
  • n[ext] <n>
    • Step over, same as step <n>.
  • fin[ish]
    • Finish this frame. Resume the program until the current frame is finished.
  • fin[ish] <n>
    • Finish <n>th frames.
  • c[ontinue]
    • Resume the program.
  • q[uit] or Ctrl-D
    • Finish debugger (with the debuggee process on non-remote debugging).
  • q[uit]!
    • Same as q[uit] but without the confirmation prompt.
  • kill
    • Stop the debuggee process with Kernel#exit!.
  • kill!
    • Same as kill but without the confirmation prompt.
  • sigint
    • Execute SIGINT handler registered by the debuggee.
    • Note that this command should be used just after stop by SIGINT.


  • b[reak]
    • Show all breakpoints.
  • b[reak] <line>
    • Set breakpoint on <line> at the current frame's file.
  • b[reak] <file>:<line> or <file> <line>
    • Set breakpoint on <file>:<line>.
  • b[reak] <class>#<name>
    • Set breakpoint on the method <class>#<name>.
  • b[reak] <expr>.<name>
    • Set breakpoint on the method <expr>.<name>.
  • b[reak] ... if: <expr>
    • break if <expr> is true at specified location.
  • b[reak] ... pre: <command>
    • break and run <command> before stopping.
  • b[reak] ... do: <command>
    • break and run <command>, and continue.
  • b[reak] ... path: <path>
    • break if the path matches to <path>. <path> can be a regexp with /regexp/.
  • b[reak] if: <expr>
    • break if: <expr> is true at any lines.
    • Note that this feature is super slow.
  • catch <Error>
    • Set breakpoint on raising <Error>.
  • catch ... if: <expr>
    • stops only if <expr> is true as well.
  • catch ... pre: <command>
    • runs <command> before stopping.
  • catch ... do: <command>
    • stops and run <command>, and continue.
  • catch ... path: <path>
    • stops if the exception is raised from a <path>. <path> can be a regexp with /regexp/.
  • watch @ivar
    • Stop the execution when the result of current scope's @ivar is changed.
    • Note that this feature is super slow.
  • watch ... if: <expr>
    • stops only if <expr> is true as well.
  • watch ... pre: <command>
    • runs <command> before stopping.
  • watch ... do: <command>
    • stops and run <command>, and continue.
  • watch ... path: <path>
    • stops if the path matches <path>. <path> can be a regexp with /regexp/.
  • del[ete]
    • delete all breakpoints.
  • del[ete] <bpnum>
    • delete specified breakpoint.


  • bt or backtrace
    • Show backtrace (frame) information.
  • bt <num> or backtrace <num>
    • Only shows first <num> frames.
  • bt /regexp/ or backtrace /regexp/
    • Only shows frames with method name or location info that matches /regexp/.
  • bt <num> /regexp/ or backtrace <num> /regexp/
    • Only shows first <num> frames with method name or location info that matches /regexp/.
  • l[ist]
    • Show current frame's source code.
    • Next list command shows the successor lines.
  • l[ist] -
    • Show predecessor lines as opposed to the list command.
  • l[ist] <start> or l[ist] <start>-<end>
    • Show current frame's source code from the line to if given.
  • edit
    • Open the current file on the editor (use EDITOR environment variable).
    • Note that edited file will not be reloaded.
  • edit <file>
    • Open on the editor.
  • i[nfo]
    • Show information about current frame (local/instance variables and defined constants).
  • i[nfo] l[ocal[s]]
    • Show information about the current frame (local variables)
    • It includes self as %self and a return value as %return.
  • i[nfo] i[var[s]] or i[nfo] instance
    • Show information about instance variables about self.
  • i[nfo] c[onst[s]] or i[nfo] constant[s]
    • Show information about accessible constants except toplevel constants.
  • i[nfo] g[lobal[s]]
    • Show information about global variables
  • i[nfo] ... /regexp/
    • Filter the output with /regexp/.
  • i[nfo] th[read[s]]
    • Show all threads (same as th[read]).
  • o[utline] or ls
    • Show you available methods, constants, local variables, and instance variables in the current scope.
  • o[utline] <expr> or ls <expr>
    • Show you available methods and instance variables of the given object.
    • If the object is a class/module, it also lists its constants.
  • display
    • Show display setting.
  • display <expr>
    • Show the result of <expr> at every suspended timing.
  • undisplay
    • Remove all display settings.
  • undisplay <displaynum>
    • Remove a specified display setting.

Frame control

  • f[rame]
    • Show the current frame.
  • f[rame] <framenum>
    • Specify a current frame. Evaluation are run on specified frame.
  • up
    • Specify the upper frame.
  • down
    • Specify the lower frame.


  • p <expr>
    • Evaluate like p <expr> on the current frame.
  • pp <expr>
    • Evaluate like pp <expr> on the current frame.
  • eval <expr>
    • Evaluate <expr> on the current frame.
  • irb
    • Invoke irb on the current frame.


  • trace
    • Show available tracers list.
  • trace line
    • Add a line tracer. It indicates line events.
  • trace call
    • Add a call tracer. It indicate call/return events.
  • trace exception
    • Add an exception tracer. It indicates raising exceptions.
  • trace object <expr>
    • Add an object tracer. It indicates that an object by <expr> is passed as a parameter or a receiver on method call.
  • trace ... /regexp/
    • Indicates only matched events to /regexp/.
  • trace ... into: <file>
    • Save trace information into: <file>.
  • trace off <num>
    • Disable tracer specified by <num> (use trace command to check the numbers).
  • trace off [line|call|pass]
    • Disable all tracers. If <type> is provided, disable specified type tracers.
  • record
    • Show recording status.
  • record [on|off]
    • Start/Stop recording.
  • step back
    • Start replay. Step back with the last execution log.
    • s[tep] does stepping forward with the last log.
  • step reset
    • Stop replay .

Thread control

  • th[read]
    • Show all threads.
  • th[read] <thnum>
    • Switch thread specified by <thnum>.


  • config
    • Show all configuration with description.
  • config <name>
    • Show current configuration of .
  • config set <name> <val> or config <name> = <val>
    • Set to .
  • config append <name> <val> or config <name> << <val>
    • Append <val> to <name> if it is an array.
  • config unset <name>
    • Set to default.
  • source <file>
    • Evaluate lines in <file> as debug commands.
  • open
    • open debuggee port on UNIX domain socket and wait for attaching.
    • Note that open command is EXPERIMENTAL.
  • open [<host>:]<port>
    • open debuggee port on TCP/IP with given [<host>:]<port> and wait for attaching.
  • open vscode
    • open debuggee port for VSCode and launch VSCode if available.
  • open chrome
    • open debuggee port for Chrome and wait for attaching.


  • h[elp]
    • Show help for all commands.
  • h[elp] <command>
    • Show help for the given command.
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