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Created September 30, 2020 01:36
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Mmachine learnng crawling Robot using Simple Reinforcement Learning
by: jim demello
// Servo setup: the servos must be oriented so that if the arm is rotating counter-clockwise to the left of the servo, then up is 0 degrees
// and down is 180 degrees, for both servos. Then when the arm is in it's highest postion, servo 1 (the servo closest to the
// body of the robot, will be at 0 degrees and servo 2 will be at 40 degrees.)
// Sonar: the ultrasonic module should be placed facing the rear of the robot as it measures movement of the robot away from some
// solid structure like a wall.
// TODO: 1. smooth servo arm movements (simultaneous moves) - done
// 2. lower servo starting positions - done
// 3. try using wheel encoder rather than ultrasonic module for greater precision and so that robot does not have to
// measure distance from another object.
// goal: move between two arm positions that produce the greatest distance, without using arrays to store results.
// algorithm: this is a positive reinforcement unsupervised learning algorithm
// It chooses random servo positions for two arm positions -
// and then moves the arm from the first to the second position, gets distance moved and then if it is greater than
// 2cms, it keeps the arm positions that produce the greatest distance.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo1,servo2;
#ifdef _arm_
// should use uinstd.h to define sbrk but Due causes a conflict
extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);
#else // _ARM_
extern char *__brkval;
#endif // _arm_
int freeMemory() { // this routine reports on free ram space
char top;
#ifdef _arm_
return &top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(sbrk(0));
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY) || (ARDUINO > 103 && ARDUINO != 151)
return &top - __brkval;
#else // _arm_
return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - __malloc_heap_start;
#endif // _arm_
float distance;
float sonarTime;
int TRIGGER=7,ECHO=8; // sonar pins
//int state=0;
//int numberSuccesses = 0;
int episodes = 0;
int spos1 = 0; // servo1 position
int spos2 = 0; // servo2 position
int spos3 = 0; // servo1 position
int spos4 =0; // servo2 position
int spos1High =0; // servo1 highest position
int spos2High =0;
int spos3High =0;
int spos4High =0;
int distanceHigh=0;
float distDifference=0,distPrevious=0,distCurrent=0;
void setup (){
servo1.attach( 9, 600, 2400 );
servo2.attach( 6, 600, 2400 );
myServo(servo1,0,1,8,1); // set servos to zero position
pinMode(TRIGGER, OUTPUT); // setup sonar
pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);
randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // get real random number seed
distPrevious = getDistance(); //get initial distance
// exit(0); // exit here to just test sonar
} // end setup
float getDistance() { // routine to measure distance = call and average it 5 times
int numberTriggers = 5;
int average = 0;
for(int i=0;i<numberTriggers;i++) {
digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);
digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);
sonarTime = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);
distance = sonarTime / 58.00;
average = average + distance;
// Serial.print(sonarTime);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(distance);Serial.println("cm");
} // end for i
average = average / numberTriggers;
return average;
}// end get ultrasonic distance routine
void doTraining() {
Serial.println("Do doTraining...");
episodes = 40;
for (int episode=0;episode<episodes;episode++) // for 10 episodes (even 5 episodes usually works)
spos1 = random(160);
spos2 = random(160);
spos3 = random(160);
spos4 = random(160);
distCurrent = getDistance(); // get distance - note this is not always accurate so sometimes robot will just claw the air
distDifference = distCurrent - distPrevious;
distPrevious = distCurrent;
Serial.print(" episode = ");Serial.print(episode);
// Serial.print(" state = ");Serial.print(state);
Serial.print(" spos1 = ");Serial.print(spos1);
Serial.print(" spos2 = ");Serial.print(spos2);
Serial.print(" spos3 = ");Serial.print(spos3);
Serial.print(" spos4 = ");Serial.print(spos4);
Serial.print(" distance = ");Serial.println(distDifference);
if ( distCurrent > distanceHigh) { // if current distancee is greater than highest then replace postions
spos1High = spos1; // servo position 1
spos2High = spos2; // servo position 2
spos3High = spos3; // servo position 3
spos4High = spos4; // servo position 4
distanceHigh = distCurrent;
// distPrevious = distCurrent;
} // end each episode
Serial.print("spos1High = ");Serial.println(spos1High);
Serial.println(" ");
} // end doTraining
void doLearnedBehavior() {
Serial.println("Do Learned behavior... ");
for (int i=0;i<30;i++) {
Serial.print(" spos1High= "); Serial.print(spos1High);
Serial.print(" spos2High = ");Serial.print(spos2High);
Serial.print(" spos3High = ");Serial.print(spos3High);
Serial.print(" spos4High = ");Serial.println(spos4High);
} // doLearned
} // end loop
void loop(){ // main loop reads success table and performs actions
int freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace);
doTraining(); // trial and error training with distance reinforcement
freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace);
doLearnedBehavior(); // do longest step 10 times to make robot crawl
Serial.print("end program ");
exit(0); // quit program
} // end main loop
void myServo(Servo servo,int newAngle,int angleInc,int incDelay,int servoNum) {
int curAngle = 0;
curAngle =;
if (curAngle < newAngle) {
for(int angle=curAngle;angle < newAngle;angle += angleInc) {
delay(incDelay); }
else if (curAngle > newAngle) {
for(int angle=curAngle;angle > newAngle;angle -= angleInc) {
delay(incDelay); }
} // end of myServo function
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