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Before you read the HOLY BIBLE.

Before you read the HOLY BIBLE


Legend has it that the first known computer bug was literally a moth in the machine. Computers may no longer be dealing with paper feeders, but they still have with bugs. Often the simple act of turning it off and on again will rid pesky problems. Reset is good for the system. If your faith is important to you then you should turn it off and on again to prevent pesky bugs in your beliefs. Your beliefs are the most important part of who you are. Your beliefs shape who you are. Your beliefs must be based on truth.

I communicate in metaphors and stories because the Truth is not clear to see in plain English. If I try to use plain English then I will be accused of saying shocking or cliche statements. For example you will find it strange for me to say that the HOLY BIBLE is telling the truth, but Christianity is lying. Depending on your current world view my claim will sound shocking or cliche. Before I continue I want you to know who I am not.

The HOLY BIBLE describes three types of false teachers. The three false teachers are:

  • Teachers who teach from ignorance
  • Teachers who teach for unjust gain and bribes
  • Teachers who deliberately disinform as agents of darkness.

All HOLY BIBLE teachers who identify themself in any flavor of Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Agnostic, or Atheist are false HOLY BIBLE teachers who fit into at least one of those three categories of false teachers. I am none of those labels. I am not a false HOLY BIBLE teacher. The HOLY BIBLE has labels for those who follow and teach the Biblical Way of Life, and I will show you what they are after a few more metaphors.

How do you explain to a fish that it's wet? You are a fish and you are wet. Above you is air, but you cannot breath it unless you change because breathing in air is different than breathing in water. I was born American and raised Christian. I no longer live in those waters. By reading and listening to the HOLY BIBLE with my own eyes and ears I discovered the Way to transform who and what I am. I now breath air and will explain what air feels like to fish who have only known water. I guess you could say I am a fisher of men.

Just as all fish are surrounded by water, all people are surrounded by the boundary of time. Peter Drucker put it this way:

"Time is totally irreplaceable. Within limits we can substitute one resource for another, copper for aluminum, for instance. We can substitute capital for human labor. We can use more knowledge or more brawn. But there is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. It is the one truly universal condition. All work takes place in time and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable, and necessary resource."

  • Effective Executive, Chapter 2 "Know Thy Time"

Time is tracked by a calendar. There are many calendars. Every nation has a national calendar. The Gregorian calendar celebrates Christian holidays, and the year is based on the birth of a figure named "Jesus". The Gregorian calendar is a Christian calendar. America follows the Gregorian calendar. The calendar is witness that America is a Christian nation. But America is not a biblical nation.

Americans are not taught the difference between the Christian World View and the Biblical World View because Christianity wants American to believe that Christianity is accurately teaching the HOLY BIBLE. However, once you read and listen to the HOLY BIBLE with your own eyes and ears you discover that Christianity is a counterfeit version of a biblical life. I no longer live life defined by christianity. I live life defined by the HOLY BIBLE.

The HOLY BIBLE teaches the truth about life. Truth is hard to find, but that is on purpose. All valuable treasure is buried to protect it. Truth is hidden because it is valuable. But truth wants to be discovered. Truth is found by people who seek it out. If you wonder why there is an attack on literacy, clear communication, specificity, it is because those are essential to have if you want to know the truth for yourself. You must know how to learn, and literacy is essential to learning. If you are illiterate then you cannot learn the truth as taught in scripture.

Your first step toward the Truth is to turn off the TV and begin to read and listen to books. You need to turn off podcasts. There is not a single podcast that says words that are more valuable than the words of Scripture. Listen to Scripture until you have it practically memorized. It's time to learn to live a 6 day work week.

Most people want to know the truth about salvation. If you are looking for salvation, peace, hope, happiness, freedom, victory, joy, wealth, health, love, direction, wisdom, truth, and reality then you need to wake up and get to work. Salvation is not free. True salvation requires digging. Beware of any church building that advertises that salvation is free. Once you're in, they will soon ask you to help support the poor with a weekly tithe. However, the money only goes to the poor after it goes to the next building project or into the preacher's jeans. Those buildings don't build themselves. Those fancy jeans are not cheap. It is time to skip church and learn the HOLY BIBLE for yourself. Begin at the beginning like you do with any other book.

Before you begin to read or listen to the bible you must be aware of The One Degree Rule.

"The One Degree Rule states that for each degree a plane veers off course, it will miss its destination by one mile for every 60 miles it flies. That means if you’re flying from San Diego, California to Hawaii, you would miss the island by 42 miles due to being off course just one degree. One degree can make a big difference."

The HOLY BIBLE was not written in English. That is why every copy says "Version". English is an interpretation and translation of Scripture. While most all English Versions are translated accurately, they give credit to the wrong author. Consider it plagiarism. I am here to help you bypass that subtle sin. The fourth word of the HOLY BIBLE will alter the direction of the way you read the rest of it. It is akin to a 1,000 mile flight that is off by one degree.

Anytime you read the word "God" you must scratch it out and replace it with the word "Elohim". Why? Because the Hebrew word for "Luck", "Happiness", and "Fortune" is "God". The real word you are looking of when you think of "God" is "Elohim". You must discover the living Elohim and begin praying to Him, and stop praying to fate, luck, or happiness. Nothing should be between you and your Elohim.

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"The money goes to the next building project or into the preacher's jeans."

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