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Created March 14, 2014 11:51
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advanced vim commands to review
da< (or) da( (or) da{ // delete the block including <,(,{ and >,),} rsply
di< (or) di( (or) di{ // simillarly, but excluing <,(,{ and >,),} rsply
yi< (or) yi( (or) yi{ // yanks simillarly. Simillarly for ciw, viw, etc
df<Space> // delete from current char including the next space
daw // delete current word including the next space
diq // delete current word excluding the next space
yiw // yank current word excluding the next space
yaw // yank current word including the next space
:v/./d // delete blank lines
de // delete to the end of the word
'' // last presented line
`` // last presented location in the line
'. // last edited line
`. // simillarly
]p // pasting in that current indent
"a]p // paste from buffer 'a' with current indent
"ap // paste from buffer 'a' w/o any indent
ctrl-xf // file
ctrl-xl // line
:ce (or) :center // centers the text lines to the textwidth
:%ce // centers the whole file
:ri // right
:le // left
gq // allign set of lines based on textwidth
gggqG // (:set tw=80).
ctrl-a // increases a number, if select pattern is choosed
// the whole number is increased accordingly
ctrl-x // same as ctrl-a, but decrease the value
ga // value at cursor location
g ctrl-g // (w/o space) location of cursor
:buffer file_name // opens file_name, if it is already opened
// it is equivalant of giving the buf no in :buffer
:%!xxd // converts the contents in to xxd output
:%xxd -r // revert back
/ma\{,5} // m, ma,.... maaaaa
/\(foo\|bar\)\+ // foobar, foofoo, barfoobar,.... foo*
/match/3 // 3 lines after the search string
/match/-2 // 2 lines before the search string
/match/e2 // 2 chars after the string end
/match/e-2 // 2 chars before the string end
/match/b2 // 2 chars after the string begining
/match/b-2 // 2 chars before the string begining
/match/s3 // same as /match/b3
diw // delete the word where the cursor is
:args *.c
:argdo %s/text/replacement_text/ge | update // change done in all .c files
:set smartcase
:set smartindent
:set ruler
:set nowrapscan
:e! // open the same file freshly discarding current changes
:help ctrl-a // help for ctrl-a
ctrl-] // jump to that tag
ctrl-t // jump back to the previous position
ctrl-o // jump to previous cursor postion
ctrl-i // jump back to those position
ytx // yanks upto x from current cursor position
yTx // same as ytx, but in reverse direction
y2fx // yanks upto the 2nd occurance of x
To get the header file (function declerations alone from a c file) using ctags
:.,.s/.*/\U&/g // change to upper case
:%s/.*/\U&/g // change to upper case the whole file
gd // search for definition in same function
gD // search for definition in same file
:set makeprg=nmake // nmake is used instead of make when :make
:set makeprg=nmake\ -f\ project.mak
:colder // to use older error list
:cnewer // to use the new erro list
:set list // displays enter, tab, etc
:set wrap // wrap the text to next line when the line length
:set nowrap // exceeds the length set by textwidth
[[ // go to the function start simillarly for ]]
[{ // go to the block start simillarly for ]}
[I // list all lines matching the text
:set path+= // used by :find command to search a file
:set path+=/usr/*/include // /usr/a/include, /usr/b/include
:set path+=/usr/**/include // /usr/a/include, /usr/a/b/include
zz // moves current cursor line to mid of screen
zt // moves current cursor line to top of screen
zb // moves current cursor line to bot of screen
:set history=100
:set history& // & sets the default value
:map <F5> i{<esc>ea}<esc> // surrounds a word with {}; \ can be added to maping
de // delete till end of word only
dw // delete word and next space also
c2w // delets 2 word and prepares for editing
X (or) dl // deletes left (= back space while editing)
x (or) dh // deletes right
D (or) d$ // delete till end of line
C (or) c$ // delete till end of line and prepares for editing
s (or) cl // delete the char and prepares for editing
S (or) cc // delete the current line and prepares for editing
5rx // replaces 5 charecters with x
:scriptnames // displays the script name files
ctrl-i, ctrl-o // in ESC mode, to trace back to the positions where the
// cursers where
ctrl-i // for tab in insert mode.
50% // in ESC mode, to go to that location of that file.
ctrl-f,ctrl-b, ctrl u, ctrl-d
ctrl-e,ctrl-y // moves the screen 1 ln w/o changing the curser loc
3* // 3rd occurance of the string under curser
:set wrapscan
:set nowrapscan
:set incsearch // incrementally searchs when typing itself
:set noincsearch
:set number
:set nonumber
:set ruler
:set noruler
:set ignorecase
:set noignorecase
:set ignorecase smartcase // after seting this, search will be case sensitive
// if search pattern has any Upper case letter
:set showmatch
:set matchtime=15 // for 1.5 secs
:find filename // search in path for filename. path set by :set path+=
:abbrivate a abc
:unabbrivate a
:abclear // clears all abbrivation
:set display=uhex // ga
$vim -b exe_file // opens in binary and sets for editing binary or exe file
$vim -x filename
:set key=
:buffers // displays files opened; % repersents current file, # reps previous file
// ctrl-6 for switching bet % and # files.
:buffer n // go to the nth file
:ls // same as buffers
:hide edit filename //opens filename without saving the current file
:sbuffer n // same as buffer but opens in split window
:set fileformat=unix, dos, mac
:set fileformat+=dos // use 'ff' for 'fileformat'
:split file_name
:split . ctrl-ww // switch between 2 splited windows
:lcd /etc
:set path+=
// special characters in vim : . * [ ] % / ? \ ~ $
ctrl-T (or) ctrl-right mouse click (or) :pop // To come out of a tagged location
// (th use mouse, :set mouse=a)
ctrl-] (or) ctrl-left mouse click (or) g-left mouse click // To go to any tag
:mksession vim.vim
:store vim.vim
:vim -S vim.vim
:set modeline=10 // for {any vim:set sw=4: any}
:edit . // open the current directory
:pwd // displays current_directory
:cd /etc
:pwd // display /etc
$pwd // display /etc
$exit // return back to vi
:cd - // return to previous directory
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