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Created December 22, 2022 14:12
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Matching the STFT of paderbox and torch
import torch
import paderbox
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hamming, blackman, get_window, hann
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = 1500.0 # exactly periodic
fs = 48000.0
nfft = 512
hop = 128
demo = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f / fs * np.arange(fs))
# To make the comparison easier, we pad the input signal to
# make it a multiple of the FFT size
pad_size = nfft - hop
padding = np.zeros(pad_size)
demo = np.concatenate([demo, np.zeros(pad_size)])
# torch
# - use `center=False`
# - zero-pad the front of the signal
demo_lr = np.concatenate([padding, demo])
demo_lr = torch.from_numpy(demo_lr)
win_pt = torch.hamming_window(nfft, dtype=demo_lr.dtype)
PT = torch.stft(
recon_pt = torch.istft(PT, n_fft=nfft, hop_length=hop, window=win_pt, center=False)
recon_pt = recon_pt[pad_size:]
recon_pt = recon_pt.numpy()
PT = PT.numpy()
print("torch: reconstruction exact ?", np.allclose(recon_pt, demo))
# paderbox
AR = paderbox.transform.stft(
# window=hamming_win,
# symmetric_window=True,
recon_ar = paderbox.transform.istft(
AR, size=nfft, shift=hop, fading=False, window=hamming
recon_ar = recon_ar[pad_size:]
"pader: reconstruction exact ?",
np.allclose(recon_ar, demo),
print("difference between librosa's and pra's STFT", abs(PT - AR).max())
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If I change "hamming" to "blackman" (which is used in GSS), I get the following error:

RuntimeError: istft(CPUComplexDoubleType[257, 378], n_fft=512, hop_length=128, win_length=512, window=torch.DoubleTensor{[512]}, center=0, normalized=0, onesided=None, length=None, return_complex=0) window overlap add min: 0

Perhaps related to the following issue: pytorch/pytorch#62323?

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If I change "hamming" to "blackman" (which is used in GSS), I get the following error:

RuntimeError: istft(CPUComplexDoubleType[257, 378], n_fft=512, hop_length=128, win_length=512, window=torch.DoubleTensor{[512]}, center=0, normalized=0, onesided=None, length=None, return_complex=0) window overlap add min: 0

Perhaps related to the following issue: pytorch/pytorch#62323?

I tried to get around the issue by using the idea from this comment, i.e., win_pt = torch.blackman_window(nfft + 2, dtype=demo_lr.dtype)[1:-1], but then the difference between STFTs are large (0.42016923270740847).

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I also reported the same issue! pytorch/pytorch#91309
Does it have to be Blackman ? You can also use center=True, which has slightly different padding, but should not change quality.

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I also reported the same issue! pytorch/pytorch#91309 Does it have to be Blackman ? You can also use center=True, which has slightly different padding, but should not change quality.

I will try out other options and see how they compare in terms of downstream WER.

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fakufaku commented Dec 24, 2022 via email

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