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This script sends presenter notes from a Keynote 6.6 presentation to TextEdit.
-- Extract Keynote Presenter Notes to TextEdit
-- Refered to
tell application "Keynote"
if (front document exists) = false then
display alert "Unable to proceed." message "Please open a presentation in Keynote."
end if
set theNotes to presenter notes of every slide of front document
end tell
set theFormattedNotes to "" & return
repeat with a from 1 to length of theNotes
set theFormattedNotes to theFormattedNotes & "Slide #" & a & return
set theFormattedNotes to theFormattedNotes & item a of theNotes & return & return
end repeat
set result to theFormattedNotes
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of front document to theFormattedNotes
end tell
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