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Created February 6, 2016 18:46
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  • Save falkolab/b09fa6784fe91214346b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Android: HTML tags and localized strings for Titanium SDK.
/* Escapes a string for use with regular expressions */
function escapeString(input) {
return input.replace(/([\,\!\\\^\$\{\}\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?\|\<\>\-\&])/g,
function(c){return "\\" + c;});
/* replaces all */
function replaceAll(search, input, replacement, ignore) {
return input.replace(
new RegExp(escapeString(search), "g"+(ignore?"i":"")),
/* Check if an index is event */
function isIndexEven(val, index, context) {
return (index % 2 === 0);
/* Sets the attributes on an HTML string given a set of attributes */
function setHtmlAttrs(htmlCode, attrs) {
return attrs.reduce(function(htmlCode, attr, index) {
var re = new RegExp('\\$' + (index + 1), 'g');
return htmlCode.replace(re, attr);
}, htmlCode);
/* Gets the html tag(s) for a bbCode tag */
function eleFragsToHtml(isClosing, elementFragments) {
return '<' + {
return (isClosing ? '/' + frag.join(' ') : frag.join(' '));
}).join('><') + '>';
/* Converts a single bbCode Tag to Html */
function bbTagToHtmlTag(rules, tag) {
var attrs = tag.replace(/\[\w+|\]/g, '').trim().split(' ');
var key = tag.replace(/\[\/?| .+|\]/g, '');
var isClosing = /\//.test(tag);
var htmlTemplate = (isClosing ? rules[key].map(function(rule) {
return rule.filter(isIndexEven);
: rules[key]);
var output = eleFragsToHtml(isClosing, htmlTemplate);
return setHtmlAttrs(output, attrs);
var defaultRules = {
'b': [ ['strong'] ],
'bg': [ ['span', 'style\"background-color:$1\"'] ],
'big': [ ['span', 'style=\"font-size: larger;\"'] ],
'c': [ ['span', 'style=\"color:$1\"'] ],
'f': [ ['span', 'style=\"font-family:$1\"'] ],
'i': [ ['em'] ],
'img': [ ['a', 'href=\"$1\"'],
['img', 'src=\"$1\" style=\"max-height: 200px; max-width: 200px;\"'] ],
'p': [ ['pre'] ],
'small': [ ['small'] ],
's': [ ['span', 'style=\"text-decoration: line-through;\"'] ]
// source:
/* Converts bbCode to HTML */
exports.toHtml = function(bbCode, rules) {
rules = _.defaults(rules || {}, defaultRules);
/* Creates the Regular Expression Search */
var regex = new RegExp( ['\\[.?[',
'].*?\\]'].join(''), 'g' );
return bbCode.match(regex)
.reduce(function(htmlCode, tag) {
return replaceAll(tag,
bbTagToHtmlTag(rules, tag));
}, bbCode);
var html2as = require('nl.fokkezb.html2as'),
bbcode2html = require('bbcode2html');
html2as(bbcode2html.toHtml(L('hello_world')), function handle(err, as) {
if (err) {
Ti.API.error('html2as:', err);
} else {
$.myLabel.attributedString = as;
<string name="hello_world">Hello [b]world[/b]</string>
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