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Created April 24, 2016 10:39
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Name: fluentconfig
# Don't forget to set i18n->default_locale too!
default_locale: en_NZ
locales: []
# Add your locales as necessary
# - en_NZ
# - fr_FR
# - zh_CN
# - es_ES
aliases: []
# Set aliases for each locale url as necessary
# en_NZ: 'en'
# fr_FR: 'fr'
# zh_CN: 'cn'
# es_ES: 'es'
# Filter in(or out) field names to translate
field_include: []
- 'Theme'
- '/^LocaleFilter_/i'
- 'Priority'
# Filter in(or out) data types to translate
- 'Text'
- 'Varchar'
- 'HTMLText'
- 'HTMLVarchar'
# Allow has_one items to be translated
#- 'ForeignKey'
- 'Varchar(2083)'
MySQLDatabase: FluentMySQLSearch
# Determine if the locale should be remembered across multiple sessions via cookies. If this is left on then
# visitors to the home page will be redirected to the locale they last viewed. This may interefere with some
# applications and can be turned off to prevent unexpected redirects.
remember_locale: false
# ID to persist the locale in cookies / session in the front end
persist_id: 'FluentLocale'
# ID to persist the locale in cookies / session in the CMS
persist_id_cms: 'FluentLocale_CMS'
# Request parameter to store the locale in. Used for some Controllers
query_param: 'l'
# Determine if the site should detect the browser locale for new users.
# Turn this off to disable 302 redirects on the home page
detect_locale: false
# Forces the module to act in domain mode
force_domain: false
# List of locale specific domains configured for this site
domains: []
# locales:
# - en_AU
# - en_US
# default_locale: en_AU
# locales:
# - en_NZ
Name: fluenti18nconfig
default_locale: en_NZ
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