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Last active February 3, 2019 07:41
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// OpenSiv3D 0.3.1
# include <Siv3D.hpp>
namespace fal::rnd {
template<class T = void>
struct Rnd {
using value_type = T;
Rnd(const T& from, const T& to) : f(from), t(to) {}
Rnd() = delete;
T f, t;
struct Rnd<void> {};
using All = Rnd<void>;
template<class V, class W, class X>
constexpr auto num(const V& v, const W& from, const X& to) {
return Clamp(v, from, to);
template<class V, class W, class X>
auto num(const Rnd<V>& v, const W& from, const X& to) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Rnd<V>, All>)
return Random(from, to);
return Random(Max(v.f, from), Min(v.t, to));
using namespace fal::rnd;
template<class A, class B>
auto f(const A& x, const B& y) {
return Circle(num(x, 0, 320), num(y, 0, 240), 5);
void Main() {
Window::Resize(320, 240);
while (System::Update()) {
f(200, 200).draw();
f(Rnd(100, 150), Rnd(100, 150)).draw(Palette::Pink);
f(Rnd(), Rnd()).draw(Palette::Red);
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