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Created September 29, 2011 23:42
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Prometheus Fusion Perfection copper coil polywell inductance model
* Prometheus Fusion Perfection copper coil polywell inductance model
.model MySwitch SW(Ron=1m Roff=1Meg Vt=3 Vh=0)
* circuit
* Raw supply
V1 N002 0 450
* charging resistor
R1 N003 N002 1K
* Storage capacitor
C1 N003 0 15mF
* wiring between caps and switch
R3 N004 N003 1m
* Temporary switch to replace thyristor
S1 N005 N004 N001 0 MySwitch
* Switch pulser
V2 N001 0 PULSE(0 5 5ms 0 0 200ms 1sec )
*Inductance of coil and wiring
L1 N006 N007 0.06mH
*Coil DC resistance
R2 N006 N005 144m
* R4 is current sense
R4 N007 0 1m
* control commands
.tran .1ms 1 0 .1ms
plot n007*1000 xlimit 0 .04 xdel .005
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