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Forked from rmflight/post-commit
Last active April 11, 2019 14:39
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useful commit hooks for R package dev
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# License: CC0 (just be nice and point others to where you got this)
# Author: Robert M Flight <>,
# This is a post-commit hook that after a successful commit subsequently increments the package version in DESCRIPTION
# and commits that. Analogous to the pre-commit at, but useful if you only have
# good reasons for not doing it on the pre-commit.
# To install it, simply copy this into the ".git/hooks/post-commit" file of your git repo, change /path/2/Rscript, and make
# it executable. Note that /path/2/Rscript is the same as your /path/2/R/bin/R, or may be in /usr/bin/Rscript depending on
# your installation. This has been tested on both Linux and Windows installations.
# In instances where you do NOT want the version incremented, add the environment variable doIncrement=FALSE to your git
# call. eg "doIncrement=FALSE git commit -m "commit message"".
# This is useful when you change the major version number for example.
doIncrement <- TRUE # default
# get the environment variable and modify if necessary
tmpEnv <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("doIncrement"))
if (!{
doIncrement <- tmpEnv
if (doIncrement){
currDCF <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION")
currVersion <- currDCF[1,"Version"]
splitVersion <- strsplit(currVersion, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
nVer <- length(splitVersion)
currEndVersion <- as.integer(splitVersion[nVer])
newEndVersion <- as.character(currEndVersion + 1)
splitVersion[nVer] <- newEndVersion
newVersion <- paste(splitVersion, collapse=".")
currDCF[1,"Version"] <- newVersion
if ("Date" %in% colnames(currDCF)) currDCF[1, "Date"] <- strftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()), "%Y-%m-%d")
write.dcf(currDCF, "DESCRIPTION")
system("git add DESCRIPTION")
system('doIncrement=FALSE git commit -m "increment package version"') # doIncrement=FALSE is required, otherwise we end up in an infinite loop
cat("Incremented package version and committed!\n")
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# License: CC0 (just be nice and point others to where you got this)
# Author: Robert M Flight <>,
# This is a pre-commit hook that checks that there are files to be committed, and if there are, increments the package version
# in the DESCRIPTION file.
# To install it, simply copy this into the ".git/hooks/pre-commit" file of your git repo, change /path/2/Rscript, and make it
# executable. Note that /path/2/Rscript is the same as your /path/2/R/bin/R, or may be in /usr/bin/Rscript depending on your
# installation. This has been tested on both Linux and Windows installations.
# In instances where you do NOT want the version incremented, add the environment variable doIncrement=FALSE to your git call.
# eg "doIncrement=FALSE git commit -m "commit message"".
# This is useful when you change the major version number for example.
doIncrement <- TRUE # default
# get the environment variable and modify if necessary
tmpEnv <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("doIncrement"))
if (!{
doIncrement <- tmpEnv
# check that there are files that will be committed, don't want to increment version if there won't be a commit
fileDiff <- system("git diff HEAD --name-only", intern=TRUE)
# doIncrement except if there is a staged DESCRIPTION with manual version update
if ("DESCRIPTION" %in% fileDiff) {
# Don't want to overwrite manual version bump
desc_diff <- system("git diff HEAD DESCRIPTION", intern = TRUE)
doIncrement <- !any(grepl("\\+Version", desc_diff))
staged_files <- system("git diff HEAD --name-only --staged", intern = TRUE)
if (!"DESCRIPTION" %in% staged_files) {
if (doIncrement) cat("DESCRIPTION had additional changes that were committed.\n")
else cat("DESCRIPTION contains manual version bump but was not staged, so it was not committed.\n")
if ((length(fileDiff) > 0) && doIncrement){
currDCF <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION")
currVersion <- currDCF[1,"Version"]
splitVersion <- strsplit(currVersion, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
nVer <- length(splitVersion)
currEndVersion <- as.integer(splitVersion[nVer])
newEndVersion <- as.character(currEndVersion + 1)
splitVersion[nVer] <- newEndVersion
newVersion <- paste(splitVersion, collapse=".")
currDCF[1,"Version"] <- newVersion
if ("Date" %in% colnames(currDCF)) currDCF[1, "Date"] <- strftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()), "%Y-%m-%d")
write.dcf(currDCF, "DESCRIPTION")
system("git add DESCRIPTION")
cat("Incremented package version and added to commit!\n")
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