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Last active February 25, 2021 13:48
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Example usage of the Cats Validated data type
NonEmptyList(failed1, failed2)
Invalid(NonEmptyList(name must not be none, age must not be none))
Invalid(NonEmptyList(name must not be none, age must not be none, town must not be empty))
Invalid(NonEmptyList(name must not be none, age must be adult >=18))
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import{NonEmptyList => NEL}
// Example usage of the Cats Validated data type. It does not form a Monad (no flatMap)
// unlike Either, so does not stop on first failure
object ValidatedExample extends App {
type ERRORS = NEL[String]
// mapN will add up all the ints if they are ALL valid.
// otherwise will return ALL the invalid strings in a NonEmptyList
// By definition, if we fail, the failure list cannot be empty, hence NEL
val failed: Validated[ERRORS, Int] = (100.valid[ERRORS], 123.valid[ERRORS],
NEL.of("failed1").invalid[Int], NEL.of("failed2").invalid[Int]).mapN(_ + _ + _ + _)
// we process the return value with fold.
// map only expressed for Valid, NOP otherwise + 1000).fold(
errors => println(errors),
intsum => println(intsum)
val worked: Validated[ERRORS, Int] = (100.valid[ERRORS], 123.valid[ERRORS]).mapN(_ + _) + 1000).fold(
errors => println(errors),
intsum => println(intsum)
// A more real world example
case class PersonInput(name: Option[String], age: Option[Int], town: Option[String], misc: Option[String])
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, town: Option[String], misc: Option[String])
def parsePersonInput(personInput: PersonInput): Validated[ERRORS, Person] =
Validated.fromOption(, NEL.of("name must not be none")).
ensure(NEL.of("name must not be empty"))(!_.isEmpty),
Validated.fromOption(personInput.age, NEL.of("age must not be none")).
ensure(NEL.of("age must be adult >=18"))(_ >= 18),
// town can be none, but if present must not be an empty string"town must not be empty"))(!_.exists(_.isEmpty)),
// we don't care about misc, so always seen as valid
val err0 = parsePersonInput(PersonInput(None, None, None, None))
val err1 = parsePersonInput(PersonInput(None, None, "".some, None))
val err2 = parsePersonInput(PersonInput(None, 17.some, "Epsom".some, "blah".some))
val ok = parsePersonInput(PersonInput("Dave".some, 23.some, "Epsom".some, None))
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