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Last active May 31, 2024 22:26
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Rust example of tokio::spawn and JoinHandle processing
async fn hello(name: &str) -> String {
// pretend to be doing some work
format!("Hello {}", name)
fn blocking() -> String {
// pretend to be doing some work
// sleep for 3 second, blocking
// return a string
"Blocked returning".to_string()
async fn bang() -> String {
panic!("I just went bang")
// Example of an async unit test, cargo test to run
async fn test_hello() {
let val = hello("Dino").await;
assert_eq!(val, "Hello Dino");
async fn main() {
// To stop us from getting an annoying backtrace on panic!
// We still handle the exception/JoinError later on.
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_info| {
// do nothing
// A bit like a Fibre
let join_handle = tokio::spawn(hello("Dino"));
let join_handle2 = tokio::spawn(hello("Charles"));
let join_handle3 = tokio::spawn(bang());
// We get joinHandle on blocking tasks too, so we can treat them the same
let join_handle4 = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(blocking);
println!("Waiting for JoinHandles to return");
let val = join_handle.await.unwrap();
let val2 = join_handle2.await.unwrap();
println!("Waiting for bang to return");
let val3 = join_handle3.await;
let val3 = val3.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
println!("Exception: {}", e);
"I'm fine".to_string()
println!("val={} val2={} val3={}", val, val2, val3);
let val4 = join_handle4.await.unwrap();
println!("val4={}", val4);
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fancellu commented Feb 22, 2024


Waiting for JoinHandles to return
Waiting for bang to return
Exception: task 35 panicked
val=Hello Dino val2=Hello Charles val3=I'm fine
val4=Blocked returning

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