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Created March 17, 2010 22:12
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* Description of Unix file permissions DSL
* Only user", "group" and "other" (whitout setuid,
* setgid and sticky bit) permission are managed.
* The goal of these classes is to make their
* use as near as possible as Unix chmod, but in
* Scala.
* ## First, Perm objects: simple
* immutable permission objects with a nice
* toString and an octal representation:
* % val p:Perm = wx
* % w.toString // "-wx"
* % w.octal // 3
* You can combine permission to obtain new permissions:
* % w+r // rw-
* % rwx-w // r-w
* ## Second, FilePerms objects: a group of
* three mutable permissions.
* You can create a new File permission object
* from octal values:
* % val perms = FilePerms(777)
* Or from Perm object:
* % val perms = FilePerms(rw,rw,r)
* Like Perm, they have nice string and octal
* reprsentation:
* % val perms = FilePerms(777)
* % perms.toString //rwxrwxrwx
* % perms.octal // 777
* Missing values are initialized to "no permission":
* % val perms = FilePerms(77) //rwxrwx---
* % val perms = FilePerms(rw) //rw-------
* And of course, you can change permissions:
* % val perms = FilePerms(77) //rwxrwx---
* % perms.g-wx // rwxr----
* % perms.ugo+x // rwxr-x--x
* % perms.a-wx // r--r-----
* The use of such objects with Java IO to set
* actual file permission is let as an exercise
* for the reader ;)
import scala.collection.BitSet
import Perm._
trait Perm {
def bits:BitSet
lazy val octal:Int = bitSetToInt(bits)
def +(p:Perm) : Perm = Perm(p.bits | bits)
def +(i:Byte) : Perm = Perm(i) match {
case Some(p) => this+(p)
case None => this
def -(p:Perm) : Perm = Perm(bits &~ p.bits)
def -(o:Byte) : Perm = Perm(o) match {
case Some(p) => this-(p)
case None => this
def read = bits(2)
def write = bits(1)
def exec = bits(0)
case object none extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet()
override def toString() = "---"
case object r extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(2)
override def toString() = "r--"
case object w extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(1)
override def toString() = "-w-"
case object x extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(0)
override def toString() = "--x"
case object rw extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(2,1)
override def toString() = "rw-"
case object rx extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(2,0)
override def toString() = "r-x"
case object wx extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(1,0)
override def toString() = "-wx"
case object rwx extends Perm {
val bits = BitSet(2,1,0)
override def toString() = "rwx"
object Perm {
//utility methods to see the bitset as an int
//unknown result for bs.size > 31
private def bitSetToInt(bs:BitSet) : Int = (0 /: bs){ (o,j) => o | 1 << j }
def apply(o:Byte) = o match {
case 0 => Some(none)
case 1 => Some(x)
case 2 => Some(w)
case 3 => Some(wx)
case 4 => Some(r)
case 5 => Some(rx)
case 6 => Some(rw)
case 7 => Some(rwx)
case _ => None
//match order: read / write / exec
def apply(bits:BitSet) = (bits(2),bits(1),bits(0)) match {
case (true,false,false) => r
case (false,true,false) => w
case (true,true,false) => rw
case (false,false,true) => x
case (true,false,true) => rx
case (false,true,true) => wx
case (true,true,true) => rwx
case _ => none
def unapply(s:String) : Option[Perm] = {
try {
} catch {
case e:NumberFormatException =>
s.toLowerCase match {
case "r" => Some(r)
case "w" => Some(w)
case "rw" => Some(rw)
case "x" => Some(x)
case "rx" => Some(rx)
case "wx" => Some(wx)
case "rwx" => Some(rwx)
case "none" => Some(none)
case _ => None
case e:Exception => None
def unapply(c:Char) : Option[Perm] = unapply(c.toString)
case class PermSet(file:FilePerms,perms:(Perm => Unit, () => Perm)* ) {
* Add to all perms the given rights
def +(p:Perm) : FilePerms = {
perms foreach { case(set,get) =>
set(get() + p)
def +(o:Byte) : FilePerms = Perm(o) match {
case Some(p) => this.+(p)
case None => file
* Remove to all perms the given rights
def -(p:Perm) : FilePerms = {
perms foreach { case(set,get) =>
set(get() - p)
def -(o:Byte) : FilePerms = Perm(o) match {
case Some(p) => this.-(p)
case None => file
def octal:String = ("" /: perms ) { (s,p) => s + p._2().octal.toString }
//simule erad/write/exec vars
def read = (true /: perms){ (b,p) => b & p._2().read }
def read_=(b:Boolean) { if(b) this+(r) else this-(r) }
def write = (true /: perms){ (b,p) => b & p._2().write }
def write_=(b:Boolean) { if(b) this+(w) else this-(w) }
def exec = (true /: perms){ (b,p) => b & p._2().exec }
def exec_=(b:Boolean) { if(b) this+(x) else this-(x) }
object PermSet {
val u = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._u_= _ , file._u _))
val g = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._g_= _ , file._g _))
val o = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._o_= _ , file._o _))
val ug = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._u_= _ , file._u _),(file._g_= _ , file._g _))
val uo = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._u_= _ , file._u _),(file._o_= _ , file._o _))
val go = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._g_= _ , file._g _),(file._o_= _ , file._o _))
val ugo = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._u_= _ , file._u _),(file._g_= _ , file._g _),(file._o_= _ , file._o _))
val a = (file:FilePerms) => new PermSet(file,(file._u_= _ , file._u _),(file._g_= _ , file._g _),(file._o_= _ , file._o _))
class FilePerms( //special bits have to be explicitly set
var _u:Perm=none,
var _g:Perm=none,
var _o:Perm=none
) {
val u = PermSet.u(this)
val g = PermSet.g(this)
val o = PermSet.o(this)
val ug =
val uo = PermSet.uo(this)
val go = PermSet.go(this)
val ugo = PermSet.ugo(this)
val a = PermSet.a(this)
def octal:String = "%s%s%s".format(_u.octal.toString,_g.octal.toString,_o.octal.toString)
override def toString = "%s%s%s".format(_u.toString,_g.toString,_o.toString)
def set(that:FilePerms) = {
this._u = that._u
this._g = that._g
this._o = that._o
def set(u:Perm = none, g:Perm = none, o : Perm = none) = {
this._u = u
this._g = g
this._o = o
override def equals(other:Any) = other match {
case that:FilePerms => this._u == that._u && this._g == that._g && this._o == that._o
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = this._u.hashCode + this._g.hashCode * 7 + this._o.hashCode * 31
object FilePerms {
def apply(perms:String) : Option[FilePerms] = { //only understand one to three char
perms.toList match {
case Perm(x) :: Nil => Some(FilePerms(x))
case Perm(x) :: Perm(y) :: Nil => Some(FilePerms(x,y))
case Perm(x) :: Perm(y) :: Perm(z) :: Nil => Some(FilePerms(x,y,z))
case _ => None
def apply(perms:Int) : Option[FilePerms] = apply(perms.toString)
def apply(u:Perm=none,g:Perm=none,o:Perm=none) = new FilePerms(u,g,o)
def unapply(perm:FilePerms) : Option[(Perm,Perm,Perm)] = {
def unapply(ugo:(String,String,String)) : Option[(Perm,Perm,Perm)] = {
ugo match {
case (Perm(x),Perm(y),Perm(z)) => Some(x,y,z)
case _ => None
* Used like: chmod( ugo(_)+rw, file)
* [so bad for the (_)]
def chmod( perms:FilePerms => FilePerms, file:FilePerms ) = perms(file)
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