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Created March 25, 2020 14:00
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Testing batch process with ZIO. Concurrency is hard.
import zio._
import zio.clock._
import zio.duration._
import zio.test.environment._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
object Batch {
* A batch is a forever looping running process (`forever`) forked in background
* and properly detached from its parent fiber (`forkDaemon`) that execute an
* effect each time a trigger is yielded.
def createBatch(effect: ZIO[Clock, Nothing, Unit]): URIO[Clock, Fiber[Nothing, Nothing]] = {
// let's say that in our case, the trigger is just a "some time passed"
val trigger = UIO.unit.delay(5.minutes)
// the whole batch
(trigger *> effect).forever.forkDaemon
object MainTest1 {
* Create a batch whose effect it to store current time in a `Ref` and write something out
def demoBatch(r: Ref[List[Long]]) = Batch.createBatch(
// access what is needed from environment
ZIO.accessM[Clock]{ c => c.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MINUTES).flatMap(t =>
// actual effect
UIO.effectTotal(println(s"done at $t")) *> r.update(t :: _)
) }
val prog1 = ZIO.accessM[Clock with TestClock] { testClock =>
def adjust(d: Duration) = testClock.get[TestClock.Service].adjust(d)
for {
r <- Ref.make(List.empty[Long])
_ <- demoBatch(r)
_ <- adjust(12.minutes)
l <- r.get
} yield l
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val l = Runtime.default.unsafeRun(prog1)
assert(l == 10 :: 5 :: Nil, s"Got unexpected execution list: ${l}")
object MainTest2 {
* Create a batch whose effect it to store current time in a `Ref` and write something out
def demoBatch(r: Ref[List[Long]]) = Batch.createBatch(
// access what is needed from environment
ZIO.accessM[Clock]{ c => c.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MINUTES).flatMap(t =>
// actual effect
UIO.effectTotal(println(s"done at $t")) *> r.update(t :: _)
) }
val prog2 = ZIO.accessM[Clock with TestClock] { testClock =>
def adjust(d: Duration) = testClock.get[TestClock.Service].adjust(d)
for {
r <- Ref.make(List.empty[Long])
_ <- demoBatch(r)
_ <- adjust(12.minutes)
_ <- UIO.effectTotal(Thread.sleep(2000))
l <- r.get
} yield l
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val l = Runtime.default.unsafeRun(prog2)
assert(l == 10 :: 5 :: Nil, s"Got unexpected execution list: ${l}")
object MainTest3 {
* Use a `Queue` to force synchronization between front and back fiber.
def demoBatch(q: Queue[Long]) = Batch.createBatch(
// access what is needed from environment
ZIO.accessM[Clock]{ c => c.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MINUTES).flatMap(t =>
// actual effect
UIO.effectTotal(println(s"done at $t")) *> q.offer(t).unit
) }
val prog3 = ZIO.accessM[Clock with TestClock] { testClock =>
def adjust(d: Duration) = testClock.get[TestClock.Service].adjust(d)
for {
q <- Queue.unbounded[Long]
_ <- demoBatch(q)
_ <- adjust(12.minutes)
l <- // NOT `takeAll`, else you don't force synchronisation two times!
} yield l.productIterator.toList
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val l = Runtime.default.unsafeRun(prog3)
assert(l == 5 :: 10 :: Nil, s"Got unexpected execution list: ${l}")
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