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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Theme Name: fangcat v1
Theme URI:
Description: only
Version: 1.0
Author: fangcat
Author URI:
* Table of Contents:
* 1.0 - Reset
* 2.0 - WordPress Core
* 3.0 - General
* 4.0 - Basic Structure
* 5.0 - Header
* 6.0 - Navigation
* 7.0 - fgads
* 8.0 - Content
* 9.0 - Sidebar
* 10.0 - Footer
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1.0 Reset
* Eric Meyer v2.0 | 20110126
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* 2.0 WordPress Core
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* 3.0 General
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* 4.0 Basic Structure
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 5.0 Header
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 6.0 Navigation
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 7.0 Content
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 8.0 Sidebar
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 9.0 Footer
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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