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Created January 13, 2017 03:42
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golang: get the original destination for the socket when redirect by linux iptables
// get the original destination for the socket when redirect by linux iptables
// refer to
const (
func getOriginalDst(clientConn *net.TCPConn) (rawaddr []byte, host string, newTCPConn *net.TCPConn, err error) {
if clientConn == nil {
common.Errorf("copy(): oops, dst is nil!")
err = errors.New("ERR: clientConn is nil")
// test if the underlying fd is nil
remoteAddr := clientConn.RemoteAddr()
if remoteAddr == nil {
common.Errorf("getOriginalDst(): oops, clientConn.fd is nil!")
err = errors.New("ERR: clientConn.fd is nil")
srcipport := fmt.Sprintf("%v", clientConn.RemoteAddr())
newTCPConn = nil
// net.TCPConn.File() will cause the receiver's (clientConn) socket to be placed in blocking mode.
// The workaround is to take the File returned by .File(), do getsockopt() to get the original
// destination, then create a new *net.TCPConn by calling net.Conn.FileConn(). The new TCPConn
// will be in non-blocking mode. What a pain.
clientConnFile, err := clientConn.File()
if err != nil {
common.Errorf("GETORIGINALDST|%v->?->FAILEDTOBEDETERMINED|ERR: could not get a copy of the client connection's file object", srcipport)
} else {
// Get original destination
// this is the only syscall in the Golang libs that I can find that returns 16 bytes
// Example result: &{Multiaddr:[2 0 31 144 206 190 36 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Interface:0}
// port starts at the 3rd byte and is 2 bytes long (31 144 = port 8080)
// IPv6 version, didn't find a way to detect network family
//addr, err := syscall.GetsockoptIPv6Mreq(int(clientConnFile.Fd()), syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, IP6T_SO_ORIGINAL_DST)
// IPv4 address starts at the 5th byte, 4 bytes long (206 190 36 45)
addr, err := syscall.GetsockoptIPv6Mreq(int(clientConnFile.Fd()), syscall.IPPROTO_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST)
common.Debugf("getOriginalDst(): SO_ORIGINAL_DST=%+v\n", addr)
if err != nil {
common.Errorf("GETORIGINALDST|%v->?->FAILEDTOBEDETERMINED|ERR: getsocketopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed: %v", srcipport, err)
newConn, err := net.FileConn(clientConnFile)
if err != nil {
common.Errorf("GETORIGINALDST|%v->?->%v|ERR: could not create a FileConn fron clientConnFile=%+v: %v", srcipport, addr, clientConnFile, err)
if _, ok := newConn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
newTCPConn = newConn.(*net.TCPConn)
} else {
errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("ERR: newConn is not a *net.TCPConn, instead it is: %T (%v)", newConn, newConn)
common.Errorf("GETORIGINALDST|%v->?->%v|%s", srcipport, addr, errmsg)
err = errors.New(errmsg)
// \attention: IPv4 only!!!
// address type, 1 - IPv4, 4 - IPv6, 3 - hostname, only IPv4 is supported now
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, byte(1))
// raw IP address, 4 bytes for IPv4 or 16 bytes for IPv6, only IPv4 is supported now
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[4])
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[5])
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[6])
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[7])
// port
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[2])
rawaddr = append(rawaddr, addr.Multiaddr[3])
host = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d:%d",
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Hi MeteorsLiu,

The first one is C style, the second one is golang style, there is no difference.

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