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Created May 15, 2015 06:45
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib2
import urllib
import json
import xmlrpclib
class PcsLib(object):
def __init__(self, access_token, timeout = 10, basepath= "/apps/bypy"):
self.access_token = access_token
self.timeout = timeout
self.basepath = basepath
def get_filelist(self, d):
if isinstance(d, unicode): # utf-8 encode for uri
d = d.encode("utf-8")
params = {
"method": "list",
"access_token": self.access_token,
"path": d,
"by": "time",
"order": "asc"
# call pcs api
u = "%s?%s" % (req_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
f = urllib2.urlopen(u, timeout=self.timeout)
d =
code = f.getcode()
if code != 200: # http error
raise OSError("pcs api call failed")
rs = json.loads(d)
return rs["list"] # file list
def get_download_uri(self, f):
if isinstance(f, unicode): # encode to utf-8
f = f.encode("utf-8")
req_url = ""
params = {
"access_token": self.access_token,
"path": f
u = "%s?%s" % (req_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
return u
def walk_pcs(self, d):
for f in self.get_filelist(d):
if f["isdir"]: # directory
for f1 in self.walk_pcs(f["path"]):
yield f1
else: # file
yield f["path"], f["md5"], self.get_download_uri(f["path"])
def addto_aria2(self, f):
s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(rpc_url)
uris = "%s" % f[2]
opts = dict (
out="%s" % (f[0].replace(self.basepath, "", 1)), # filename to save
checksum="md5=%s" % (f[1],), # checksum
header=["User-Agent: netdisk;5.2.6;PC;PC-Windows;6.2.9200;WindowsBaiduYunGuanJia"] # header
return s.aria2.addUri([uris], opts) # rpc call
if __name__ == "__main__":
# xml rpc path
# replace this to your access_token, normally in /home/$USER/.bypy.json
access_token= "21.73345bccecb2654af644519b00c.2592000.147859276-1572671"
# base path for download
base_dir = "/apps/bypy"
p = PcsLib(access_token, basepath=base_dir)
for a in p.walk_pcs(base_dir):
print "file path:", a[0], "\n\tmd5:", a[1], "\n\tdownload_url:", a[2]
print "\n\tgid:", p.addto_aria2(a)
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taocwang commented May 28, 2016

终于知道怎么使用了,aria2.addUri("token:$$secret$$", [""])

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