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Forked from nickclaw/
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save fangel/9553390 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Example usage:
# {MessagePaneView, PlainMessageView, LineMessageView} = require 'atom-message-pane'
# messages = new MessagePaneView()
# messages.attach()
# messages.add(new PlainMessageView('a message'))
# messages.add(new LineMessageView(1, 2, 'a line message', 'with a preview'))
# Having each message-type as a view that is simply attached allows for more people to add
# their own kind of messages easily.
# And while I personally prefer JavaScript over CoffeeScript I have chosen to comply with
# the Atom default of using CoffeeScript because it should be natural to other people that
# also follows the style-guide...
# Notice: This is also my first time writing CoffeeScript - so feel free to point out places
# where I use non-CoffeeScript idioms / places where things could be written in a more
# CoffeeScript'y way.
{View, $} = require 'atom'
class MessagePaneView extends View
initialize: (title, speed = 'fast') ->
@title = title
@speed = speed
@content: =>
@div class: 'am-panel tool-panel panel-bottom', =>
@div class: 'panel-heading', =>
@span class: 'heading-title', outlet: 'heading'
@span class: 'heading-close icon-remove-close pull-right', style: 'cursor: pointer', outlet: 'btnClose', click: 'detach'
@span class: 'heading-fold icon-fold pull-right', style: 'cursor: pointer', outlet: 'btnFold', click: 'toggle'
@div outlet:'body', style:'max-height:170px;overflow-y:scroll;',class: 'panel-body padded'
attach: ->
atom.workspaceView.prependToBottom @
@heading.text @title
toggle: =>
@btnFold.toggleClass 'icon-fold, icon-unfold'
@body.toggle @speed
detach: ->
clear: ->
add: (view) ->
@body.append view
class PlainMessageView extends View
initialize: (msg, className) ->
@msg = msg
@className = className
@content: =>
@div class: 'plain-message'
afterAttach: ->
if @className
@.addClass @className
class LineMessageView extends View
initialize: (line, character, message, preview, className) ->
@line = line
@character = character
@message = message
@preview = preview
@className = className
@content: =>
@div class: 'line-message', =>
@div class: 'text-subtle inline-block', outlet: 'position', click: 'goToLine', style: 'cursor: pointer'
@div class: 'message inline-block', outlet: 'content'
if @preview
@pre class: 'preview', outlet: 'code', click: 'goToLine', style: 'cursor: pointer'
goToLine: ->
atom.workspace.getActiveEditor().cursors[0].setBufferPosition [@line - 1, @character - 1]
afterAttach: ->
@position.text 'at line ' + @line + ', character ' + @character
@content.text @message
if @className
@content.addClass @className
if @preview
@code.text (@preview
.replace /&/g, '&'
.replace /</g, '&lt;'
.replace />/g, '&gt;')
module.exports = {MessagePaneView, PlainMessageView, LineMessageView}
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