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Last active April 25, 2024 14:13
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Export Selected Folder in Source Model to New Target Model #jArchi
* Export Selected Folder in Source Model to New Target Model
* This script copies a selected subset of a source model to a target model. The folder selected
* in the source model, will become the top level folder in the Views folder in the target model. Only
* elements, relationships, diagram objects, connections and images on any of the views in the selected
* folder in the source model, will be created in the target model.
* The script has the following major steps:
* 1. Iterate through the selected folder in the source model and create this folder, sub-folders and views
* in the target model.
* 2. Collect all the elements and relationships into 2 arrays: elements and relationships. Do this to ensure
* that no duplicates are in the 2 arrays. The is used as the unique key.
* 3. Create the elements in the target model by iterating through the elements array.
* 4. Create the relationships in the target model by iterating through the relationships array.
* 5. Create the diagram objects in the target model by iterating through the diagram objects in the source
* model.
* 6. Create the diagram connections in the target model by iterating through the diagram connections in
* the source model.
* 7. Copy the custom images in the source model to a temporary directory (___DIR___/images) and upload and
* set the image property on the relevant diagram objects in the target model.
* Current known limitations:
* - The focus of the script is on Archimate and not Canvas and Sketch Views.
* - Doesn't support duplicate properties on elements.
* - Assumes that when custom images are in the source model, the source model is a zip file.
* - Assumes that views use the Manual Connection Router i.e. not the Manhattan Router. For each source view
* that has the Connection Router set to Manhattan, the Connection Router property of the generated
* target view has to be manually changed to Manhattan. The current version of jArchi (1.5) doesn't support
* changing this property programatically.
* - v1.0 - Initial version
* - v1.1 - Changed the way how source and target diagram objects are selected when creating diagram
* connections. v1.0 didn't work correctly when the same element appeared multiple times
* on a diagram.
* - v1.2 - Added code to copy custom images from the source model to the target model and some code
* refactoring
* - v1.2a - Bug fixes, added code to deal with relationships connecting to relationships because the
* original code didn't consider this. It won't handle all the cases. For now just write
* messages to the console when this occurs. The future solution is to reorder the sequence
* in which relationships and diagram connections are created to deal with dependencies.
* - v1.3 - Use topological sort to order the sequence in which relationships and diagram connections
* are created. Added view references. Bug fixes.
* - v1.3a - Added check if selection is a valid folder in Views.
* - v1.3b - Bug fix to copy images set in Diagram Notes. (Bug identified and fix proposed by
* - v1.3c - Added copying of iconColor property.
* - v1.3d - Bug fix how unordered and ordered arrays for relationships and diagram
* connections are combined.
* - v1.3e - Bug fix to use topological sort for any relationship / diagram connection where the source
* or target is any type of relationship and not just diagram-model-connection (const connectionTypes):
* Leveraged various community developed scripts as input.
* Use script from Shin Suzuki for topological sort of
* relationships and diagram connections
* Author: Fanie van Heerden, 2023-2024
let sourceModel = null;
let targetModel = null;
let folderMapping = [];
let viewMapping = [];
let elements = [];
let elementMapping = [];
let relationships = [];
let relationshipMapping = [];
let diagramObjectsMapping = [];
let customImages = [];
let objectToImage = new Map();
const ZipFile = Java.type("");
const InputStream = Java.type("");
const File = Java.type("");
const FileOutputStream = Java.type("");
const connectionTypes = new Set(["composition-relationship", "aggregation-relationship",
"assignment-relationship", "realization-relationship", "serving-relationship",
"access-relationship", "influence-relationship", "triggering-relationship",
"flow-relationship", "specialization-relationship", "association-relationship"],
// set to true for verbose console messages or false for limited console messages
const debug = false;
// Show progress in the console for longer running steps
class Progress {
constructor(numItems, percentInc) {
this.counter = 0;
this.percentInc = percentInc;
this.showEvery = Math.ceil(numItems * percentInc / 100);
showProgress() {
if (this.counter % this.showEvery === 0) {
let inc = this.counter / this.showEvery;
let str = "*".repeat(inc) + " " + inc * this.percentInc +"%";
// function checks if the selection is the Views folder or a sub-folder
// of Views
function isValidSelection(item)
if (item.type !== "folder") {
console.log("Selection has to be a folder in Views")
return false;
if ( === "Views") {
return true;
let parent = $(item).parents().filter(".Views");
if (parent.size() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
console.log("\"" + + "\" is not a valid selection");
return false;
function CleanFileName(theString) {
let regex = /[\[\]\(\)\#\\\/\"]/gi;
return theString.replace(regex,"")
.replaceAll(" ","-");
* general topological sort
* @author SHIN Suzuki (
* @param Array<Array> edges : list of edges. each edge forms Array<ID,ID> e.g. [12 , 3]
* @returns Array : topological sorted list of IDs
function tsort(edges) {
var nodes = {}, // hash: stringified id of the node => { id: id, afters: lisf of ids }
sorted = [], // sorted list of IDs ( returned value )
visited = {}; // hash: id of already visited node => true
var Node = function(id) { = id;
this.afters = [];
// 1. build data structures
edges.forEach(function(v) {
var from = v[0], to = v[1];
if (!nodes[from]) nodes[from] = new Node(from);
if (!nodes[to]) nodes[to] = new Node(to);
// 2. topological sort
Object.keys(nodes).forEach(function visit(idstr, ancestors) {
var node = nodes[idstr],
id =;
// if already exists, do nothing
if (visited[idstr]) return;
if (!Array.isArray(ancestors)) ancestors = [];
visited[idstr] = true;
node.afters.forEach(function(afterID) {
if (ancestors.indexOf(afterID) >= 0) // if already in ancestors, a closed chain exists.
throw new Error('closed chain : ' + afterID + ' is in ' + id);
visit(afterID.toString(), { return v })); // recursive call
return sorted;
// copy the properties from an object in the source model to an object in the target model
function copyProperties(sourceObject, targetObject) {
let properties = sourceObject.prop();
for (let j = 0; j < properties.length; j++){
if (debug) {console.log("Set property = " + properties[j]);}
targetObject.prop(properties[j], sourceObject.prop(properties[j], false), false);
// create and copy a specialization from an object in the source model to an object in the target model
function copySpecialization(sourceObject, targetObject) {
let specializationName = sourceObject.specialization;
if (specializationName && specializationName.length > 0) {
let sourceSpecialization = sourceModel.findSpecialization(specializationName, sourceObject.type);
let image = sourceSpecialization.image;
if (image) {
let imagePath = image.get("path");
customImages[imagePath] = null;
let targetSpecialization = targetModel.findSpecialization(, sourceSpecialization.type);
if (targetSpecialization) {
if (debug) {console.log("Set object specialization to: " +;}
targetObject.specialization =;
} else {
if (debug) {console.log("Create Specialization Name = " + + " ; Type = " + sourceSpecialization.type);}
targetSpecialization = targetModel.createSpecialization(, sourceSpecialization.type);
if (debug) {console.log("Set object specialization to: " +;}
targetObject.specialization =;
// recursively iterates through all the child objects of a view in the source model and add the elements to
// an array "elements" and the relationships to an array "relationships". These 2 arrays are then used in later
// functions to create the corresponding elements and relationshps respectively in the target model
function nestedObjects(object) {
$(object).children().not("relationship").each(function(obj) {
// get the concept from the visual object
let concept = obj.concept;
// add the concept to the elements array if it hasn't yet been added
if (concept && !elements[]) {
elements[] = concept;
if ($(obj).children().length>0) {
$(object).children("relationship").each(function(obj) {
// get the relationship from the object
let relationship = obj.concept;
if (relationship && !relationships[]) {
relationships[] = relationship;
// this is the first top level function that iterates through the selected folder and sub-folders and views in
// the source model and creates the corresponding folder, sub-folders and views in the target model
function processFolder(item, targetParentFolder)
let newFolder = null;
if (item.type == "folder") {
if (debug) {console.log("Parent Folder: " +;}
// Create new child folder in target model
console.log("Create Folder: " +;
newFolder = targetParentFolder.createFolder(;
newFolder.documentation = item.documentation;
if (item.labelExpression) {
newFolder.labelExpression = item.labelExpression;
copyProperties(item, newFolder);
folderMapping[] = newFolder;
// if the child is a folder, call the function recursively until a view is found
if(child.type == "folder")
processFolder(child, newFolder);
// found a view
if(child.type == "archimate-diagram-model")
console.log("Create View: " +;
// Create new view in target model
let newView = targetModel.createArchimateView(, newFolder);
viewMapping[] = newView;
newView.documentation = child.documentation;
newView.viewpoint =;
copyProperties(child, newView);
// this function iterates through the previously collected elements in the source model and
// creates the corresponding elements in the target model
function createElements() {
let numItems = Object.keys(elements).length;
console.log("Create " + numItems + " Elements in the Target Model");
let progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
Object.entries(elements).forEach(elementObj => {
// get the concept
let e = elementObj[1];
let name =;
let type = e.type;
let documentation =e.documentation;
let specializationName = e.specialization;
let junctionType = e.junctionType;
// "diagram-model-group" and "diagram-model-note" are visual objects and only created in a later step
// in the target model
if (type !== "diagram-model-group" && type !== "diagram-model-note") {
if (debug) {console.log("Create Element: " + name + " ; Type: " + type);}
// create the element in the target model
let newElement = targetModel.createElement(type, name);
newElement.documentation = documentation;
// if element is a junction
if (junctionType) {
newElement.junctionType = junctionType;
// check if a specialization should be set for the element and create/set it
copySpecialization(e, newElement);
// set properties
copyProperties(e, newElement);
// create a map between the concept id in the source model and the new element object in the target model to use for further processing
elementMapping[] = newElement;
// this function takes a relationship object in source model as input and
// creates the corresponding relationship in the target model
function createRelationship(rel) {
let relID =;
let name =;
let type = rel.type;
let source = elementMapping[];
if (source === undefined) {
source = relationshipMapping[];
if (source === undefined) {
console.log("*** Relationship source for relationship " + rel + " not found");
let target = elementMapping[];
if (target === undefined) {
target = relationshipMapping[];
if (target === undefined) {
console.log("*** Relationship target for relationship " + rel + " not found");
let documentation = rel.documentation;
let specializationName = rel.specialization;
if (debug) {console.log("Create Relationship: " + name + " ; Type: " + type + " ; Source: " + + " ; Target: " +;}
// create the relationship in the target model
try {
let newRelationship = targetModel.createRelationship(type, name, source, target);
// create a map between the concept id in the source model and the new relationship object in the target
// model to use for further processing
relationshipMapping[relID] = newRelationship;
newRelationship.documentation = documentation;
// set specialization
copySpecialization(rel, newRelationship);
// set properties
copyProperties(rel, newRelationship);
if (rel.accessType) {
newRelationship.accessType = rel.accessType;
if (rel.associationDirected) {
newRelationship.associationDirected = rel.associationDirected;
if (rel.influenceStrength) {
newRelationship.influenceStrength = rel.influenceStrength;
} catch (err) {
let message = "!!! Couldn't create relationship " + name + " of type " + type;
if (source) message += " with source " + source;
if (target) message += " with target " + target;
// this function iterates through the previously collected relationships in the source model and
// creates the corresponding relationships in the target model
function createRelationships() {
let edges = [];
let unorderedRelationships = [];
// create 2 arrays, one with relationships that don't have a source or target pointing to a
// relationship i.e. elements only and the other array of edges for relationhips that do have a source
// or target pointing to a relationship. The latter is used to sort these relationships
// topologically to ensure relationships are created in the right order ito dependencies
Object.entries(relationships).forEach(relObj => {
let obj = relObj[1];
let relSource = obj.source;
let relTarget =;
if (relSource.type.includes("relationship")) {
if (debug) console.log("*** Relationship with source that is a relationship");
} else if (relTarget.type.includes("relationship")) {
if (debug) console.log("*** Relationship with target that is a relationship:");
} else {
// topological sort
let ts = tsort(edges);
let orderedRelationships = new Set(unorderedRelationships);
// add the 2 arrays above together in a single ordered Set
for (j = 0; j < ts.length; j++) {
let numItems = orderedRelationships.size;
console.log("Create " + numItems + " Relationships in the Target Model");
let progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
// iterate through the ordered relationhips and create them
for (let id of orderedRelationships) {
let rel = relationships[id];
if (rel) createRelationship(rel);
// this function copies various visual properties from a diagram object in the source model
// to a diagram object in the target model
function copyVisualObjectProperties(sourceObject, targetObject) { =;
targetObject.figureType = sourceObject.figureType;
targetObject.showIcon = sourceObject.showIcon;
targetObject.fontName = sourceObject.fontName;
targetObject.fontSize = sourceObject.fontSize;
targetObject.fontStyle = sourceObject.fontStyle;
targetObject.fontColor = sourceObject.fontColor;
targetObject.textAlignment = sourceObject.textAlignment;
targetObject.textPosition = sourceObject.textPosition;
targetObject.fillColor = sourceObject.fillColor;
targetObject.opacity = sourceObject.opacity;
targetObject.outlineOpacity = sourceObject.outlineOpacity;
targetObject.gradient = sourceObject.gradient;
targetObject.lineColor = sourceObject.lineColor;
targetObject.imagePosition = sourceObject.imagePosition;
targetObject.imageSource = sourceObject.imageSource;
try {
// only supported from jArchi 1.5
targetObject.iconColor = sourceObject.iconColor;
} catch (err) {
if (sourceObject.labelExpression) {
targetObject.labelExpression = sourceObject.labelExpression;
let image = sourceObject.image;
// save the image path of the custom image into the customImages map
if (image) {
if (debug) {console.log("Source Object Image: " + image);}
let imagePath = image.get("path");
customImages[imagePath] = null;
objectToImage.set(targetObject, imagePath);
// this function copies various visual properties from a diagram connection in the source model
// to a diagram connection in the target model
function copyVisualConnectionProperties(sourceConnection, targetConnection) {
targetConnection.labelVisible = sourceConnection.labelVisible;
targetConnection.lineWidth = sourceConnection.lineWidth;
targetConnection.textAlignment = sourceConnection.textAlignment;
targetConnection.textPosition = sourceConnection.textPosition;
// this function creates a corresponding diagram object in the target model from a diagram
// object in the source model
function createDiagramObjectNested(sourceObject, targetObject) {
try {
let type = sourceObject.type;
let x = sourceObject.bounds.x;
let y = sourceObject.bounds.y;
let width = sourceObject.bounds.width;
let height = sourceObject.bounds.height;
let newVisualObject = null;
if (debug) {console.log("Diagram Object: " + + " ; Type: " + type);}
switch (type) {
case "diagram-model-group":
case "group":
newVisualObject = targetObject.createObject(type, x, y, width, height); =;
diagramObjectsMapping[] = newVisualObject;
copyVisualObjectProperties(sourceObject, newVisualObject);
newVisualObject.borderType = sourceObject.borderType;
createDiagramObjectNested(child, newVisualObject);
case "diagram-model-note":
case "note":
newVisualObject = targetObject.createObject(type, x, y, width, height); =;
diagramObjectsMapping[] = newVisualObject;
copyVisualObjectProperties(sourceObject, newVisualObject);
newVisualObject.borderType = sourceObject.borderType;
case "archimate-diagram-model":
let targetView = viewMapping[];
let viewRef = targetObject.createViewReference(targetView, x, y, width, height);
diagramObjectsMapping[] = viewRef;
let sourceConcept = sourceObject.concept;
let targetConcept = elementMapping[];
newVisualObject = targetObject.add(targetConcept, x, y, width, height);
diagramObjectsMapping[] = newVisualObject;
copyVisualObjectProperties(sourceObject, newVisualObject);
createDiagramObjectNested(child, newVisualObject);
} catch (err) {
console.log("!!! Couldn't create Diagram Object for " + sourceObject + " for concept " + sourceObject.concept);
// this function iterates through the previously collected views in the source model and creates
// the corresponding diagram objects (excluding relationships) in the target model
function createDiagramObjects()
let numItems = Object.keys(viewMapping).length;
console.log("Iterate through " + numItems + " Views in the Target Model and add Diagram Objects");
let progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
Object.entries(viewMapping).forEach(mapObj => {
let sourceView = $("#" + mapObj[0]).first();
let targetView = mapObj[1];
if (debug) {console.log("Source View: " + + " ; Target View: " +;}
createDiagramObjectNested(child, targetView);
// this function creates a corresponding diagram relationship in the target model from a diagram
// relationship in the source model
function createDiagramConnection(sourceConnection, targetView) {
try {
let relSourceDiagramObject = diagramObjectsMapping[];
let relTargetDiagramObject = diagramObjectsMapping[];
let sourceConcept = sourceConnection.concept;
let targetConcept = relationshipMapping[];
if (targetConcept === undefined) {
let message = "!!! Couldn't create Diagram Connection for " + sourceConnection;
if (relSourceDiagramObject) message += " from " + relSourceDiagramObject;
if (relTargetDiagramObject) message += " to " + relTargetDiagramObject;
if (debug) console.log("targetConcept: " + targetConcept + " ; sourceDiagramObject: " + relSourceDiagramObject + " ; targetDiagramObject: " + relTargetDiagramObject);
let newDiagramConnection = targetView.add(targetConcept, relSourceDiagramObject, relTargetDiagramObject);
// add new relationship to diagramObjectsMapping so that relationships still to be created, which might
// connect to a relationship as source or target, will find a visual object
diagramObjectsMapping[] = newDiagramConnection;
copyVisualObjectProperties(sourceConnection, newDiagramConnection);
copyVisualConnectionProperties(sourceConnection, newDiagramConnection);
for (j = 0; j < sourceConnection.relativeBendpoints.length; j++) {
let bp = sourceConnection.relativeBendpoints[j];
if (debug) console.log("bp; " + bp + " j: " + j);
newDiagramConnection.addRelativeBendpoint(bp, j);
} catch (err) {
console.log("\n" + err.message);
// this function iterates through the previously collected views in the source model and creates
// the corresponding diagram relationships in the target model
function createDiagramConnections() {
let numItems = Object.keys(viewMapping).length;
console.log("Iterate through " + numItems + " Views in the Target Model and add Diagram Connections");
let progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
Object.entries(viewMapping).forEach(mapObj => {
let sourceView = $("#" + mapObj[0]).first();
let targetView = mapObj[1];
if (debug) {console.log("\nSource View: " + + " ; Target View: " +;}
let edges = [];
let unorderedConnections = [];
let diagramConnections = [];
diagramConnections[] = child;
let connectionSource = child.source;
let connectionTarget =;
if (connectionTypes.has(connectionSource.type) || connectionTypes.has(connectionTarget.type)) {
if (connectionTypes.has(connectionSource.type)) {
if (debug) console.log("*** Diagram Connection with source that is a Diagram Connection");
if (connectionTypes.has(connectionTarget.type)) {
if (debug) console.log("*** Diagram Connection with target that is a Diagram Connection");
} else {
// topological sort
let ts = tsort(edges);
let orderedConnections = new Set(unorderedConnections);
// add the 2 arrays above together in a single ordered Set
for (j = 0; j < ts.length; j++) {
// iterate through the ordered Diagram Connections and create them in the target model
for (let id of orderedConnections) {
let sourceModelConnection = diagramConnections[id];
if (sourceModelConnection) createDiagramConnection(sourceModelConnection, targetView);
// this function iterates through the previously collected custom images in the source model, saves them to a
// a temporary folder and then adds them to the target model
function copyCustomImages() {
let sourceModelPath = sourceModel.getPath();
try {
let sourceFile = new ZipFile(sourceModelPath);
let imageDirectory = new File(__DIR__ + "/images");
let directoryCreated = false;
// create an images directory in the working directory to temporarily store the images from the
// source model
if (!imageDirectory.exists()) {
directoryCreated = true;
let numItems = Object.keys(customImages).length;
console.log("Add " + numItems + " Custom Images to the Target Model");
let progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
// extract the images from the source model zip file and save it to the images directory, upload
// it to the target model and delete the images from the images directory
Object.entries(customImages).forEach(mapObj => {
let imagePath = mapObj[0];
if (debug) console.log("Source Image Path: " + imagePath);
let zipEntry = sourceFile.getEntry(imagePath);
if (zipEntry) {
let inputStream = sourceFile.getInputStream(zipEntry);
let outputFile = new File(__DIR__ + "/" + imagePath);
if (debug) console.log("Custom Image File: " + outputFile.getPath());
let outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
customImages[imagePath] = targetModel.createImage(outputFile.getPath());
// delete the images directory if it was created in this script
if (directoryCreated) {
// Iterate through the diagram objects and set the image field of the relevant diagram objects
numItems = objectToImage.size;
console.log("Iterate through " + numItems + " Diagram Objects in the Target Model and set Custom Image property");
progress = new Progress(numItems, 20);
objectToImage.forEach((value, key) => {
let targetDiagramObject = key;
let sourceImagePath = value;
let targetImage = customImages[sourceImagePath];
if (targetImage) {
targetDiagramObject.image = targetImage;
// Iterate through the specializations in the target model and set the image to the relevant image
// in the target model
console.log("Add Custom Images to Specializations in the Target Model");
targetModel.specializations.forEach(specialization => {
if (debug) console.log("Specialization: " + + " ; " + specialization.type);
let sourceSpecialization = sourceModel.findSpecialization(, specialization.type);
let sourceImage = sourceSpecialization.image;
if (sourceImage) {
let imagePath = sourceImage.get("path");
let targetImage = customImages[imagePath];
specialization.image = targetImage;
catch (err) {
console.log("*** " + err.message);
// this is the main script;
console.log("> Export start");
if ($(selection).filter("folder").size() == 1) {
let selectedFolder = $(selection).filter("folder").first();
if (!isValidSelection(selectedFolder)) {
window.alert("Not a valid selection. Please select a Folder containing the Views before running the script. Only one folder should be selected");
} else {
console.log("Selected Folder: " +;
sourceModel = selectedFolder.model;
console.log("Source Model: " +;
var targetModelName = window.prompt("Please enter Export Model Name:",;
console.log("Target Model Name: ", targetModelName);
targetModel = $.model.create(targetModelName);
console.log("Create Target Model: " +;
let parentFolder = $("folder.Views").first();
console.log("Create Folders and Views in Target Model")
processFolder(selectedFolder, parentFolder);
//Create Elements in Target Model
//Create Relationships in Target Model
// Create Diagram Objects in Target Model
// Create Diagram Connections in Target Model
// Add custom images to target model
let targetModelFileName = CleanFileName( + ".archimate";
targetModelFileName = window.promptSaveFile({ title: "Export Archi Model Filename", filterExtensions: [ "*.archimate" ], fileName: targetModelFileName } );
console.log("Saving Target Model Filename: " + targetModelFileName);;
console.log("> Export done");
window.alert("No Folder selected. Please select a Folder containing the Views before running the script. Only one folder should be selected");
console.log("> Please select a Folder containing the Views. Only one Folder should be selected");
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Thank you very much

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